Release: 2019-4 (31)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-7-14
Keywords: Gold and foreign exchange reserves, structure of gold and foreign exchange reserves, competitiveness of the country, Russian Federation, monetary gold
Annotation: The main tool and the main financial asset realization of the unified state monetary-credit and currency policy of our country are undoubtedly the foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank as the guarantor of stability of national monetary system of the country. It is important to note that the optimal level of reserves depends on many factors: the volatility of the real sector of the economy, the foreign economic situation in the country, the degree of access to international financial markets, etc. In the article, the authors analyzed the value of reserves and determined their multidirectional dynamics, pointing to the factors that determine it. Changes in the structure of reserves in relation to the ongoing monetary policy in the country are also considered. There is an increase in monetary gold as part of reserve assets. Such actions are assessed as competent and constructive taking into account modern realities. The results of the study are aimed at accelerating the socio-economic development of the economy of the Russian Federation, increasing the level of competitiveness of the country in relation to other countries of the world
Analysis of dynamics and structure of real incomes of russian citizens in conditions of instability of financial growth
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-15-23
Keywords: Income, finance, financial system, investment, savings, analysis, citizens income, entrepreneurial income
Annotation: The article considers the problem of the formation, analysis and regulation of citizens’ cash incomes both for the purpose of expanding investment processes and for accumulating funds intended for improving human capital. Low solvency of the population and unemployment generate sharp fluctuations in macroeconomic indicators of the effectiveness of the development of the financial system. Under these conditions, it is proposed to group citizens’ incomes and highlight key segments of cash receipts in favor of the population, considering the features of the modern financial system. The article defines the tasks associated with the study of the problems of formation of real incomes of citizens, analysis of their structure and dynamics, distribution of incomes between sectors of the economy and various business entities. The current state of cash income payments to citizens was studied considering the categories of recipients of various sources of financial support: able-bodied persons, children, pensioners. This article is aimed at improving the quality of the distribution policy of monetary incomes of citizens in the context of improving the financial country.
Municipal practices of initiative budgeting in the russian federation: current state and perspective
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-24-33
Keywords: Initiative budgeting / participatory budgeting, citizens’ involvemen, local government, territorial self-government, self-taxation, co-financing, local finance, municipalities
On selection of method for assessment of financial condition of credit institutiono
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-34-39
Keywords: Credit institution, financial condition of credit institution, method of assessment of financial condition of credit institution
Annotation: The work carried out an assessment of the financial condition of the average bank «JAY AND TI BANK» JSC by the most well-known methods used in the financial analysis of the activity of the credit institution. For each of the techniques, both the positive aspects and its shortcomings have been identified. Based on the results obtained and their discussion, it is recommended that the internal audit departments of credit institutions apply the methods developed by the Bank of Russia, as well as the CAMELS methodology developed by the US Federal Reserve when assessing the financial condition. Financial analysis of the credit institution should be carried out using complex methods, taking into account a number of additional factors: the size of the client base and its dynamics; The amount of contributions to the compulsory reservation fund; The amount of resources received through the IBC; Intensity of payments through the RCC of the Bank of Russia; Credit risk caused by insufficient diversification of credit portfolios of large clients. It is proposed to use the CAMELS methodology and V. Kromonov methodology to conduct express analysis of the financial condition of credit information by external users.
Internal audit methodology in the institutions of the ministry of internal affairs
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-40-44
Keywords: internal audit, internal control, internal audit in state institutions, internal audit methodology in state institutions
Annotation: This article is devoted to the methodology of internal audit in institutions of the Ministry of internal Affairs. The article content includes the basic theory of internal audit such as: goals, objectives, statutory regulation of internal auditing, and describes the problems of the methodology of internal audit in institutions of the interior Ministry. The article reflects the shortcomings: the legal framework governing the internal audit in the institutions of the Ministry of internal Affairs, the shortcomings of the organization of internal audit and the imperfection of the methodology of internal audit. Based on the identified problems, recommendations for amendments and additions to the main normative legal acts are proposed. The main value of the article are recommendations for improving internal audit in state institutions of the Ministry of internal Affairs, which are proposed to be introduced into the methodology of internal audit for budgetary institutions.
Automation in autoservice companies on platform «1c:enterprise»
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-45-51
Keywords: accounting automation, registers, information system, material reservation, repair record
Annotation: The article defines the importance of accounting automation for car service organizations. Every head of the automotive industry has faced the problem of choosing a program to automate his company. The market for software for auto service is quite wide, the choice of the program to account depends on various factors: the size of the company, the processes that need to be automated. Auto service companies provide their customers with a wide range of car maintenance and repair work. In modern service stations, accounting is based on well-established processes of work: search for the client and his car; Calculating the cost of repairs Pre-record for repairs; accounting for the working hours of mechanics. Also, the work of the service station is closely related to the work of the warehouse, it is necessary to organize the accounting of spare parts: order and sale of spare parts; Warehouse operations Analysis of the warehouse. All these essential functions are helped by the automation program, and makes it simple and clear, absorbing huge amounts of information and structuring it. The automation program helps to simplify the workflow significantly. The introduction of accounting automation systems helps to significantly improve the profitability of the company due to the efficient work of employees - automated operations help to avoid the participation of the human factor. The level of leaks and abuse of equipment or materials is reduced, which helps to keep a full and reliable record and develop the company. Improving service will allow the car service company to attract more customers, create a positive image of the organization. Developed addition to the configuration “1C:Enterprise” implements an information reference system designed to organize the distribution of work by department and employees, as well as keeps records of the cost of work. The app allows you to enter, edit, and view database content, as well as respond to user requests and compile a variety of reports.
Evaluation of investment attractiveness of the ryazan region
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-52-60
Keywords: Ryazan region, investment attractiveness, investment attractiveness of the region, socio-economic and investment assessment of the districts of the Ryazan region
Annotation: Attracting investment resources to the economy of the Ryazan region is a prerequisite for further increasing production potential, increasing competitiveness and improving the livelihoods of the Ryazan region. The assessment of the legal framework for the investment development of the region. Strategic development programs for the period up to 2030 are considered. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of human resources, industrial potential, agriculture and energy33. The article analyzes the investment climate and the investment attractiveness of the region according to the main components, namely: natural resources, social and labor, industrial, innovative, financial and economic. The study revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the region, revealed the uneven development of socio-economic and investment projects in the regions of the region, assessed the current investment situation and made recommendations for improving the business activity of the lagging regions of the Ryazan region.
Object structure and integrated goals of sustainable progressive development
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-61-68
Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable progressive development, system of object, civil society, legal state, decent life
Annotation: The article is devoted to the study of the object structure and characteristics of the goals of modern sustainable progressive development. The methodological basis of the work is a systematic and interdisciplinary analysis of the progressive form of sustainable development of the corresponding «system of object» as an integrity. The scientific novelty of the author’s conclusions lies in the positioning of a decent human life as an integral goal of its sustainable progress, as well as in the inclusion in the overall object structure of the study of the modern state as a producer of the required institutional capital. In addition, the scientific novelty of the article consists in the analysis of causal relations between all elements of the object structure of sustainable progressive development and the characteristic of the corresponding contradictions. The scientific and practical significance of the work is to justify a much broader and interdisciplinary approach to the problem of sustainable development.
Statistical analysis of wage indicators in the russian federation
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-69-80
Keywords: wage system, labor costs, average monthly salary, OKVED, number of employees, wages, purchasing power
Annotation: The Article is devoted to the study of statistical indicators characterizing the state and current trends in the level of wages in the Russian Federation. The data of the Federal state statistics service of Russia were used as a statistical base of the study. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that during the study period the most highly paid industries are financial activities, mining, fishing and fish farming. Based on the analysis of the level of remuneration in sectors of national economy, has developed a unique gradation of industries by the criterion of income, which is subdivided into industries with high wage level (50-80 thousand rubles), the average level of wages (30-40 thousand rubles) and with low wages (less than 30 thousand rubles). The tendency of high differentiation in the level of remuneration among employees of various spheres of economic activity is revealed. Recalculation of the level of wages by types of economic activity in us dollars showed that during the study period there is a decrease in wages by 30-55% depending on the industry. At the same time the tendency of growth of expenses of the organizations for labor is revealed. The study of the distribution of the number of employees by the size of the accrued salary showed that 43% of employees receive wages in the range from 5800 rubles to 25 thousand rubles, which stimulates the development of socio-economic instability in Russia. Summarizing the analysis of statistical indicators characterizing the state of wages in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to point out a number of identified deep problems associated with the differentiation in the level of wages of different social groups by type of economic activity, education, area of residence, gender and a number of others. The deterioration of these trends may lead to the development of socio-economic instability in the Russian Federation.
Investment banking as a direction of banking activity: essence, features and problems of development
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-81-86
Keywords: investment banking, banks, investments, financial market, risk, banking services
Annotation: One of the key parts of the economy are banking institutions. Banking institutions are organizations engaged in the collection of funds of the population of the country with the help of special tools (established by law) and the transfer of this capital for the use of legal entities and individuals on a returnable basis. The emergence of investment banking is primarily associated with the overall development of the banking system around the world. Financial and credit institutions have reached a level of development where the products and tools they use no longer meet the needs of their customers and investors. Also, one of the main reasons for the emergence of investment banks around the world is the increase in the amount of free cash from individuals. the Banking sector plays a huge, if not a key role in the global economy. Banks are the link between individuals and services, trade, the manufacturing sector and the agricultural sector. And this is what pushes banks around the world to expand the types and nature of their own activities, including in the investment direction. The purpose of this study is to consider the essence, specificity and features of investment banking as a new direction in banking. Methodology. In the work based on the synthesis of scientific knowledge formed qualitative proposals for the development and improvement of investment banking. The result of this study is formed proposals for the modernization of certain aspects of the implementation of investment banking in order to develop it in our country. It is concluded that it is necessary to intensify the participation of banks in the investment process because this process is directly reflected in the development of the banking system and the economy in the country.
Actual aspects of development of the institute of state civil service
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-87-95
Keywords: public administration, public civil service, state power, executive bodies, the provision of public servants
Annotation: The article discusses the current aspects of the development of the institution of state civil service, analyzes the problems of development, suggests directions for its improvement. It is noted that public service in the Russian Federation is a constantly evolving complex phenomenon designed to fulfill the functions of the state. The main task of public service is the unity of the federal state through the systematic use of constitutional and organizational principles. The essence of the state civil service and the procedures that are associated with its passage are always under the scrutiny of economists, lawyers and lawyers. The objective of this study is to compare Russian and world practice of developing the institution of public civil service. When conducting the research, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalization. The study revealed that in Russia now there are several problems that impede the development of the state civil service, but there are attempts to take measures to improve it. The results of the study are consideration of the general principles of development of the institution of the state civil service of Russia, considering Russian and world practice.
Public procurement: applied measures of administrative liability
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-96-102
Keywords: Government procurement, system of public procurement, monitor of a public procurement, violation of Public Procurement, administrative liability, register of unfair suppliers (suppliers blacklist)
Annotation: The article considers the development of public procurement to achieve its high openness and transparency. The study purpose is to assess the effectiveness of legal penalties in the public procurement. The study purpose was realized by analyzing data on major violations of public procurement. This ensured the attainment goal. Data analysis showed the ineffectiveness of penalties (administrative liability) in Public Procurement. The authors suppose that the further development of public procurement will be focused on toughening the measures of administrative liability of procurement participants for corruption.
Features of cottage real estate management in russia
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-103-107
Keywords: management, classification, construction, life cycle, low-rise housing, real estate market, cottage
Annotation: The main task of the housing policy of the state is the formation of a housing market accessible to the population, considering its real needs and opportunities. The residential real estate market is the Central link of the entire market economy of the country. The current stage in the development of the real estate market has a steady trend to the priority of suburban low-rise ecological zones of development. The idea of building a low-rise Russia is actively supported by the state. In addition, the use of innovative materials and construction technologies is possible in this market. Cottage real estate constantly attracts investors. Therefore, the question of governance becomes extremely relevant. The article considers the main types and types of cottage real estate, presents classes of cottage settlements. The main advantages and disadvantages of the existing classifications are revealed. At the present stage, the legislation on property management is focused only on apartment buildings. Management in the suburban real estate market is just beginning to develop. It is shown that control of cottage real estate necessary to carry out the following stages: project concept development, feasibility of location, design, and evaluation of the project, phase in Contracting and construction, marketing, management and sales of real estate, the search of methods and sources of project financing.