Release: 2021-4 (37)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-7-13
Keywords: universal competencies, electronic information and educational environment, digital tools, supra-professional competences of a specialist, didactic possibilities
Annotation: A study aimed at the development of scientific and methodological support of the electronic information and educational environment of the universityis presented in the paper, on the basis of which the main professional educational program (MPEP) is implemented. Attention is focused on the forming of universal competencies defined within the framework of federal state educational standards of higher education and characterizing the supra-professional competences of a specialist. The supra-professional competences of a specialist create the basis for his successful activity in the professional and social spheres. An empirical study and pedagogical experiment were conducted on the basis of the electronic information and educational environment of the Minin State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod (Minin University). Digital tools used in the project activities of students are considered in order to identify their didactic capabilities within the framework of the 09.03.02 training program «Information systems and technologies». The results obtained demonstrated that the organization of educational, project, research, extracurricular activities of students with the help of modern digital tools makes it possible to give the educational process a developing character, to form the necessary competencies and to prepare students for future professional activity. The results of the experiment can be used to assess the time of mastering the MPEP modules and to take these assessments into account in the work programs of disciplines, to improve the educational and methodological complexes and the material and technical base of the MPEP, as well as to expand the functional components of the electronic information and educational environment of the university.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-14-22
Keywords: information field, implicit knowledge, latent information, latent variable models, knowledge extraction, consistency
Annotation: The method of identifying implicit knowledge in the information field is considered in the article. The information field is presented as a reflection and carrier of implicit knowledge. The information field is defined as a system. The features of implicit knowledge and the mechanism of transferring implicit knowledge into the information field are revealed. It is noted that comparative analysis and selective analysis of the information field creates the possibility of extracting implicit knowledge. A new concept of «latent information situation» is introduced in the article. A method of constructing a latent information situation and its gradual transformation into an explicit information situation is proposed. An explicit information situation creates explicit knowledge. A topological method of obtaining explicit knowledge from implicit knowledge is described in the article. A comparison of the statistical method and the latent method is presented. The proposed method of implicit knowledge extraction in the information field is based on the application of the principles of system analysis. This makes it possible to use system-structural methods to describe the object of research and to form a system of knowledge. The proposed method of extracting implicit knowledge in the information field can be used to improve the efficiency of scalable algorithms with big data.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-23-31
Keywords: the method of comparative analysis of historical records, the Time of Troubles, the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Monastery, chronological and narrative methods
Annotation: In scientific work and teaching, historians often face with the problem of contradictory points of view contained in various historical records. The main purpose of the researcher is to work on separating genuine historical facts from fictional ones and not allowing the subjective value judgments of contemporaries to misrepresent objective historical reality. One of the most important research methods is the method of comparative analysis of historical records, which is used to perform such task. The use of this method is obligatory for the reconstruction of events related to political conflicts, when the researcher has at his disposal the facts left by representatives of the opposing sides. An example of the implementation of this method can be the records of the XVII century relating to the events of the Time of Troubles, in particular, the siege of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Monastery. The subject of the research of this paper are such documents as the Legend of Avraamy Palitsyn and the Diary of Jan Sapieha. The purpose of the work is to compare information from the mentioned records and restore the course of real events. In addition to comparative analysis of historical records, chronological and narrative methods were used as key methods of work. In conclusion, work results are drawn about the degree of reliability of the records studied and the facts contained in them. The materials of the paper are of a historical and local history nature and can be used as part of teaching the discipline «History of Russia» on the topic of the Time of Troubles in Russia in the early XVII century.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-32-38
Keywords: film directing, screenwriting, professional training, second director, creative search
Annotation: A modern higher school trains specialists capable of working in a wide range of economics. However, this does not apply to narrowly focused creative specialties, including film and telefilm directing. In accordance with the current education system, it is assumed that the graduate will immediately begin working on a full-length film as a production director. However, changes in the labor market in this area at the present dictate other conditions. It is almost impossible for a young specialist to get into a film studio system for a managerial position. The learning route for the specialty 55.05.01, namely the course that the author reads to students – «Director of feature films and TV movies», needs to be rebuilt to meet the broader demands of the labor market in the field of video production, multimedia, mass media, advertising, events, etc. The lack of willingness on the part of teachers to show students related areas of directing leads to the inability of students to work in any field other than film. As a consequence, this leads to the appearance of self-taught people in directing positions in related industries, the birth of a depressive-marginal stratum of society from unclaimed graduates, a decrease in product quality. The paper highlights the most important aspects of directing, recommended for study by first-year students, based on the current conditions of the functioning of the media space.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-39-43
Keywords: gamification, educational technology, learning process, foreign language, computer game, motivation, achievement, game mechanics
Annotation: The paper focuses on didactic aspects of the implementation of gamification, one of the most promising directions in modern educational process. In teaching methodology, gamification is viewed as an educational game, in which the participants follow the rules previously agreed by the teacher. As a rule, these kinds of games are auxiliary tools and an addition to traditional teaching methods. As a technology for adapting playing to non-gaming processes, including teaching a foreign language, gamification has a long history of development due to the fact that game is a natural way of learning. We have analyzed the history of the development of educational computer games, identified the requirements that an effective game must meet, and also presented the games we use when teaching a foreign language to future engineers. The findings have shown that gamification has high didactic potential. The rational exploitation of the game elements in the educational process has a positive effect on the students’ motivation, provides instant feedback, records the learning progress and confirms the mastery of the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities. On the other hand, gamification has certain shortcomings, which are also listed in the paper.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-44-52
Keywords: incremental learning, learning algorithm, education, lecture-seminar method, information resource, system principles, learning system
Annotation: Incremental educational technologies and educational algorithms are discussed in the paper. The concept of «education algorithm» is introduced and its content is revealed. From the standpoint of informatics, learning is understood as information impact and interaction. It is shown that the learning algorithm differs significantly from computational algorithms. The analysis of the conceptual schemes of the lecture-seminar and incremental teaching methods was carried out. The system aspects of learning algorithms are considered, the system principles of their construction are highlighted. It is noted that the student’s intellectual abilities affect the result of incremental learning. It is shown that incremental learning can be considered as resource learning, group incremental learning can create an emergence effect. This gives reason to consider such training as synergistic. The paper reveals the content of information educational resources from the point of view of incremental learning. These resources include informational, cognitive and intellectual components. Structural models show the difference between the activities of the teacher in the lecture-seminary and incremental teaching methods, as well as the difference in learning results in terms of the resource approach.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-53-60
Keywords: visual model, image semantics, information field, cognitive field, information semantics, cognitive semantics
Annotation: The article explores the semantics of visual models. The process of representation of images in the information and cognitive field in the form of a visual model is considered. The difference between the transformation of the image and its interpretation through informational and cognitive channels is shown. New concepts, such as «semantics of visual models», «visual figurative models», «visual geometric models», are introduced. These concepts allow us to reveal the process of converting images into visual models of different types more fully and accurately. The content of «visual figurative models», «visual geometric models» is revealed. It is shown that the visual geometric model plays the role of a map for visual figurative models and can connect them. This gives reason to use a series of images of different densities in processing for a better study of the details of the investigated object. Examples show that in addition to real images, visual models can reflect something that does not exist in nature in the form of images. The proposed semantic approach to the creation of visual models expands the methods of their analysis not only in diagnostics, but also in the processing of various images.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-61-69
Keywords: informatics, infology, infological categories, infological triad, semantic gaps
Annotation: The state and development of infology, which represents the science of information as a phenomenon in all types of society activities is considered in the article. The key issue of infology is people training in working with information in the most productive way. The basic triad of infology is highlighted, on which all reasoning is built. The basic triad includes an information field, information objects, information units. The information field is a reflection of the real world and connects disparate information objects into a single model. Infological categories are highlighted within the information field, which emerge when solving scientific, engineering and educational problems. An information object is a generalized concept that includes information models, information situations, information constructions, information metamodels. Information units are represented as indivisible elements of an information object and an information field. They allow us to conduct the structuring of information objects and form an information description of the world view. The situations of a semantic gap in the information field as a result of the implementation of contradictory categories in the display of the objects under study or the emergence of new objects of the real world are considered. The conceptual foundations of infology in the elimination of semantic gaps are revealed. In general, the aim of the article is systematization of the basic concepts and categories of ontology as a science and as practice within a rapidly developing field of information activity.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-70-77
Keywords: case computing, biosimilars, computing management, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems
Annotation: The problems that caused the need for the development of case computing are considered in the paper. Alternative paradigms to classical computing have emerged: situational (technical) and neuromorphic (biological), as well as their combination. An alternative paradigm of information processing has appeared, based on modeling brain activity. Biosimilars of computational procedures are considered in the article and compared with situational information processing. It is shown that all biosimilars are case algorithms. Different types of computing and computing systems are considered, the directions of development of situational computing are highlighted. A model of a situation reflecting a change in the external environment for the simulated object, and a model of a computational situation reflecting the process of computing management or case computing are described in the article. The analysis of methods of case information processing based on biosimilars is presented in the article. It is shown that state of the art computing in complex situations should include computing control functions. This is confirmed by parallel and distributed computing systems. It is noted that biosimilars as case calculations are necessary in embedded systems and in cyber-physical systems with a large number of sensors and effectors.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-78-87
Keywords: information model, fuzzy cognitive map, labour protection training, factors-concepts, management
Annotation: The study, aimed at the conduction of a system-information analysis of the management of labour protection training at the enterprise, is presented in the paper. The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the fact that training workers and managers in safe work practices, labour protection requirements, first aid for those injured at work is an effective tool for reducing occupational injuries and occupational diseases. The author used such research methods as dialectical, systemic, comparative-analytical and cognitive modeling. The main results of the study are the information model of labour protection training at the enterprise, which provides a comprehensive and multifunctional management approach; systematization of factors-concepts that influence the organization of the process of labour protection training management at the enterprise; the developed model of personnel training management in labour protection in the form of a fuzzy cognitive map. The information model of the labour protection training system is unified by taking into account relevant factors and unifying the educational process. This model can be used in labour protection training systems at various enterprises.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-88-96
Keywords: sequence interpolation, T-models, Lehmer codes, Catalan, Bell and Stirling numbers of the second kind, q-analogues
Annotation: According to the methodology developed by the author, two one-parameter classes of integer sequences are introduced and investigated in the paper. The first class provides an interpolation between a sequence of powers of two and a sequence of Catalan numbers, and the second class provides an interpolation between a sequence of powers of two and a sequence of Bell numbers. In order to obtain various interpretations of the numbers of the considered classes, T-models and permutations by Lehmer codes are used. These interpretations are based on the recursive construction of sequences of numerical tables of a special kind defining T-models and the properties of permutations by Lehmer codes. The method used leads to simple algorithms for constructing two classes of permutation sets corresponding to the introduced classes of numerical sequences. On the basis of the obtained classes of permutation sets, it is also possible to set probability distributions. The representation of elements of the second class of numerical sequences using Stirling numbers of the second kind allows us to match the class of ordered partitions of sets into a certain number of blocks to the corresponding class of permutation sets. For the numbers of the studied classes of sequences, the relations for their q-analogues are obtained.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-97-101
Keywords: Zen Buddhism, Buddhology, Tao, freedom, culture, art, tradition
Annotation: Zen tradition, which is recorded in texts, and which is presently integrated into various spheres of human activity – philosophy, literature, art, psychology, – is considered in the current paper. Special attention is paid to the brief revision and systematization of texts on the example of translations and research of Doctor of Philosophy Yevgenia Vladimirovna Zavadskaya. The main ideas of Zen Buddhism are revealed in the works of the author, which can be an important support for the competent presentation and interpretation of this teaching in modern society, which connects Western culture and Zen Buddhism. This aspect can be seen in philosophy, literature and art, through which Zen penetrates the expanses of the West, and later the Soviet Union. The purpose of the investigation is to analyze the works of Ye. V. Zavadskaya as an attempt to predict the prospects for the development of cultures. The process of integrating Zen ideas into European culture is considered in the paper, which is considered as a springboard between humanitarian knowledge and the practical application of this knowledge. The main research methods are hermeneutical and dialectical.