Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Experience in the development of the Course «Conceptual Design»


Release: 2015-2 (10)

Annotation: The article introduces concept of practical lessons for the course «Fundamentals of conceptual design» for senior IT students. The aim of the course is to teach them to apply methods of theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), methods of commercialization, and good UI design principles to design IT solutions. The course has been tested on two groups of students (36 people) in spring of 2015. This course will allow students to consolidate their knowledge obtained at university, and give knowledge to create and commercialize competitive software products as well as be able to prepare documents for participation in programs to support innovation.

High school and university timetabling


Release: 2015-1 (9)

Annotation: In the article basic concepts for timetabling problem are presented. The realizations are based on multi-vectorial ranking. The timetabling problems and basic criteria for choice operations are demanded. Greedy algorithms is presented

Practical discrete mathematics and mathematics of logic (practical occupations 1-3)


Release: 2015-4 (12)

Annotation: The technique of solving problems on a practical training on discipline «Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic» developed and applied in practice in the universities of the Perm region

Situational management of transport


Release: 2015-3 (11)

Annotation: The article outlines the features of additional education in the field of transport. It is shown that the division of learning normative and creative. It shows the hierarchy of the structure of educational material. The content of different types of testing with additional education. The necessity of taking into account cognitive factors in learning. Noting the importance of spatial information for situational training. It is shown that flexible training is the most effective

Situational management of transport


Release: 2015-2 (10)

Annotation: The paper deals with features of situational control in the rail sector. Revealed three areas of management: organizational, technological, and intellectual. Shown that extensive use of contingency management information modeling methods. Highlighted the importance of geoinformatics and remote sensing techniques for situational control rail. It is shown that the intellectual situation management is most effective.