Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Model representation of the mechanisms of formation of problem-oriented semantic fields


Release: 2015-2 (10)

Annotation: Describes one of possible approaches to the problem of constructing the problem-oriented semantic field in a problem-oriented areas of expertise through the provision of lexical units of unstructured or semi-structured text documents. The basis of constructing the model of the semantic field laid some of the scientific facts from cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics. The solution of the problem is carried out through the allocation of lexical units of semi-text documents

Information objects in the information field


Release: 2015-1 (9)

Annotation: The article analyzes the content of the information objects in the information field. It describes the characteristics of the information field. The article analyzes the nature of information objects. Article typifies information objects. It describes the qualitative heterogeneity used concepts. The paper recommends the narrow definition of the term «information object» by adding the attribute characteristics. This will bring the concept into one category and ensure the comparability of this term in the subject areas

Hardware, technology and software innovations 2010-2015 proton radiation therapy of ocular tumors


Release: 2015-4 (12)

Annotation: Recently we investigate new methods for proton therapy treatment planning of ocular tumors: the refined anatomical model eye, algorithms, a preliminary stage of planning. It allows as increasing an accuracy of treatment planning, so decreasштп the time of a patient’s installing. These methods have not been applied in existed planning systems, so we consider development new one. It’ll be based on the irradiation technology, which was developed by specialists of ITEP in a collaboration with Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Information technology in management of banking business


Release: 2015-3 (11)

Annotation: The article analyzes the use of information technology in the management of banking activities. The article reveals the importance of information models and technologies in management. The features of information management in the banking sector. The article shows the difference between information management and information control . This article describes methods of fuzzy logic and the theory of preferences, which are used in the management of activities in the banking sector.

On the requirements for intelligent data model


Release: 2015-2 (10)

Annotation: The concept of the model in the predicate calculus [15] includes a pair: the predicate (propositional function [6]) and set as an interpretation of the predicate. From this point of view, the database is an interpretation of predicates that are not explicitly specified. At the same time, the explicit inclusion of the predicate in the description of the database models useful for solving a large range of practical tasks. This paper studies the features of the predicates that should be added to the traditional description of the database models