Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Personnel retraining in telecommunication business


Release: 2014-4 (7)

Annotation: This article focuses on the experience of self-financing training center, the creation and activities in the field of Infocommunications and business.

Twenty years later: conference on human factors «ERGO-2014»


Release: 2014-3 (6)

Annotation: At the first days of July 2014 in Saint-Petersburg Federal Energetics Secondary Educational Establishment took place the Labor psychology, Engineering psychology and Ergonomics - 2014” (ERGO - 2014) conference. It should be noted, it was the first international conference about the human factors problems for the last twenty years since the «Ergonomics in Russia, CIS and worldwide: the tradition and perspectives» organized by the USSR ergonomics association, took place in June of 1993

Evaluation of influence that some functioning criteria bring on lon-based networks performance


Release: 2014-2 (5)

Annotation: This paper proposes an approach to the quantitative evaluation of the functioning criteria for importance within the Lon-based network performance estimation. The main results of the pro-posed importance evaluation for the reviewed criteria, which were not investigated earlier in the proposed combination, are summed up in the recommendations that can be used within the de-velopment of adequate analytical and simulation models.

The reasons and driving forces of stage-by-stage change of approaches in an object-oriented paradigm of programming


Release: 2014-1 (4)

Annotation: In work the characteristic of the major cognitive events of history of a paradigm, the prerequisite, au-thorship and importance of its main scientific concepts are presented. The following periodization of evolution of the object-oriented paradigm (OOP) in the theory of software development is offered: academic OOP; early OOP; mature OOP; modern OOP. The progress is caused by aspiration to en-gage human potential in development of evolving program complexes.

Web-application for 3d-visualization in research and validation of energy solutions


Release: 2014-5 (8)

Annotation: Article is devoted to the development of web-application for 3D-visualization of objects, processes and values which are the result of energy research. The new approach to work with geospatial data which has been called Situational awareness or Neogeography used for 3D-visualization. The possibility of web-applications for 3D-visualization is illustrated by two specific energy problems