Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Ideological orientations of the teacher of the humanities in the educational process


Release: 2014-4 (7)

Annotation: A teacher of Humanities as a rule sticks to a certain philosophic position. To some extent he is an adherent of a certain conception. Needless to say his philosophic position influences his activity in a high degree. This influence spreads both on what the teacher tells the students and on the way it is done. In its turn this has an influence on forming students’ philosophic orientation. What role does teacher’s philosophic orientation play in the pedagogical process? What could and should it be like?

Education as a global object of interest in educational program «South Ukrainian Jewish University «Chabad-Odessa»


Release: 2014-3 (6)

Annotation: The article considers the peculiarities of educational program «South-Ukrainian Jewish University Chabad-Odessa». The value of the scheme and its educational aim are analyzed. With this the formation is studied as a diverse sociocultural process.

Relevance increase in creation and introduction code INSEM


Release: 2014-2 (5)

Annotation: Potentially the code InSem can be tested for ensuring interaction among s BRICS countries

Software Testing – Educational Program


Release: 2014-1 (4)

Annotation: In article necessary aspects of studying the testing strategy and technologies of automated testing in production of software are presented. Offered approaches and techniques are realized in a training course «Technology of programming» in Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Information Infrastructure supporting Scientific Investigations in Earth Science in Russian Far East: current state and prospects of development


Release: 2014-5 (8)

Annotation: In article is described information infrastructure for support supporting scientific geological investigations in the Far East of Russia. Infrastructure represents a block platform for integration of non-uniform sources of geological information and services of their processing. The system provides access to geographically-distributed scientific data on geology of the Russian Far East, such as: scientific publications, maps, satellite data, quantitative data, photo and video information, information about scientific conferences and so on