Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Competence-based approach in research work of undergraduates


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the article the competence-based approach to the organization of research work with un-dergraduates is proved. Conceptual approaches to the implementation of FGOS VPO re-quirements for the research work with undergraduates, including the remote educational technologies are revealed. The special attention is paid to the statement of innovative ap-proaches to the organization of scientific research seminars with the undergraduates, applied at the Moscow University after S.Y.Vitte.

Rational Model of Mentoring as Condition for Effective Personnel Management in Rus-sian Organization


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: This article presents a historical analysis of the mentoring process, problem-oriented analysis of mentoring in Russian organizations, rational model of mentoring, aimed at increasing the motivation of each employee of the organization to productivity and efficiency of the organi-zation, its corporate culture and company collective thinking

Competence-based approach and quality providing system of education at high school (on example of Moscow University after S.Y.Vitte)


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the article the characteristics of modern educational process at high school, caused by its construction on the basis of the competence-based approach and analyzed from the positions of the quality standards of education are presented. On the material of local regulations of the Moscow University after S.Y.Vitte the system of ensuring quality of educational process at the concrete higher education institution is shown.

To Question of Network Education Program Realization (On Example of Technical Programs)


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: In this article the versions of information, telecommunication and education, including remote, technologies for ensuring student mobility, their realization features and restrictions in Russian Higher education system are analyzed. The approach to the network resources formation, as well as network education program designing and implementation, which is at the approbation stage in Perm National Research Polytechnic University, is offered

Makarenko A.S.: to discussion about the creative heritage


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: for modern social teaching practice are revealed. Modern audits of the leading conceptual bases of pedagogics of A.S.Makarenko are analyzed, an attempt to integrate the heritage of the great teacher into the Russian historical and pedagogical heritage is presented. The main ideas, the provisions creating an approximate vector of valuable social perception of war by younger generation are justified.