Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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«Portal of Knowledge» – Complex Solution for Development of IT Infrastructure for E-Learning and Consulting in System of State Service of Ukraine


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: In this article the conception of the «Portal of Knowledge» in the field of state administration, its goal, main tasks and functions, means for creation and principles of structure are suggested

Interpretation of role of Romanovs dynasty in strengthening Russian state at history lessons at comprehensive school


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the article the idea of continuity of the history of Russia, an important role of the activity of the Romanovs representatives throughout several centuries in its complex judgment is proved. The attention of students is drawn to the main sociocultural idea that the strengthening of the Russian state is the valuable basis of the activity of the Romanovs dynasty

Criteria for Choice of Software for Formation of Modern Information and Educational Environment


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: Some criteria for choosing software to form informational and educational environment are considered in the article. These criteria are illustrated by ”1C:Education 5.School “ learning management system and its properties for organizing and supporting teaching and learning at secondary schools. Methodological recommendations for organizing modern lesson based on using e-learning tools are also discussed

Deviant behavior of personality as social and psychological phenomenon: problem anal-ysis, typology of forms and possibility of prevention


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the article the psychological aspects of deviant behavior of the personality in various social environments are analyzed, the main approaches to the analysis, tipologization and genesis of deviant behavior are presented, the ways of the organization and methods of psychological prevention of social deviations in the behavior of the staff of the organization are considered.

Training Model of Research of Work of Heart As Pulse System


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: The paper presents the results of modeling heart work by presenting potential major cardio-graphic leads as three-dimensional projections of the electrical activity of the heart. The novelty of the model is the ability by changing its parameters to describe various pathologies in the cardiogram. One dipole approximation model of variable amplitude , two dipoles with different orientations in space and time delay and three dipoles with fixed orientation in space, but with variable electrical amplitudes in time are considered.