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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: lima bean, seeds, the growing, volume and surface area measurement and calculations
Annotation: The form of seeds is a very significant characteristic which is required for designing the equipment, for the harvest in plantations, transport, drying, storage and airing of dried seeds. In these work the calculations of the volume and surface area of Lima bean seeds in the process of their maturation were carried out from the measured dimensions - length, width and thickness. Some models from the literature were used for the calculations, a comparison with the experimentally measured values of the volume was carried out.
On testing the discrete stochastic pedestrian dynamics model SIgMA.CA in different spatial situations
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: people movement, mathematical model, fundamental diagram
Annotation: This paper deals with investigation of discrete stochastic pedestrian dynamics model SIg-MA.CA. Variety of case studies when basic people movement phenomena realize were considered. Fundamental diagrams (specific flow versus people density) for some cases are presented.
Using the cluster computing systems and space monitoring data for forest fires modeling
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: forest fires, mathematical modeling, cluster computing systems
Annotation: The problem of the forest fires mathematical models creating on basis of Navier-Stokes equations with using the cluster computing systems and space monitoring data is discussed. The efficiently of the modeling algorithms is examines. The samples of the forest fire dynamics calculation are given.
Approximation of wavelet operator by its hyperfinite analogy
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: wavelet operator , tabular approximation, hyperfinite operator
Annotation: The article deals with the problem of approximation of wavelet operator by its hyperfinite analogy. This problem is studied by the method of the non-standard analysis. It is proved that the hyperfinite wavelet operator is a bounded operator, its norm is less ore equal to 1 and this operator approximates the continuous wavelet operator.
The Markov model of the process of formation of the blood group of a child in the system AB0
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: Markov model, A and B antigens, parents’ blood groups combinations, final probability, time of formation, dispersion, average value
Annotation: The article shows the use of the mathematical model in the form of Markov chains to analyze the process of formation of the blood group of a child in the system AB0. Probabilistic dependencies of the final probabilities and time of formation of blood groups on the activity of the antigens A and B are given.