Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Education philosophy as specific knowledge branch


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: The article represents the reflexive cut of the philosophy of education and emphasizes the ex-pediency of research in several educational aspects such as onthological, logic-epistemological, social, antropological and methodological ones. The author undertakes to demonstrate the process of education as a specific activity in onthological , social and antropological aspects.

Algorithm of Definition of Economic Parameter Change Period


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: Using a technique of the of statistical decisions theory, the problem of detection of the hidden frequency of change of economic parameters is solved. The technique of assessment of the fluctuation component of the error of the period definition is offered. The results of mathemat-ical modeling are given.

Theoretical bases of the interdisciplinary integration in educational process at high school


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: Interdisciplinary integration as a process of mutual coordination of the educational disciplines from the point of view of unified, continuous and integral development of professional activity is considered. From the positions of formation of competences the interdisciplinary integration is becoming the logical basis for the self-development of the future expert. The main features of interdisciplinary interaction in educational process, conditions of successful implementation of interdisciplinary integration in educational practice of high school are dwelled on.

Potential Nondomination in Problems of Choice of Several Best Options


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: In the article the problems of decision-making about the choice of several best options when there is incomplete information on preferences of the person making the decision are investigated. The set of options for making the choice is presented, and the properties of the options from this set are studied

Humanitarian environment of high school as factor of formation and development of personality


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: Characteristics of the humanitarian environment of high school as the major factor accelerat-ing or constraining process of personality self-realization and the necessary condition of successful development of this process are shown and proved. The ratio of the humanitarian environment and humanitarian education, approaches to the creation of the effective humani-tarian environment model are considered.