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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: management, information management, promotion, control of information
Annotation: This paper presents the results of research of the propaganda mechanisms of the information management. The formal statement of the synthesis of the regressive propaganda mechanisms of the information management is made. Sufficient conditions of the regressive propaganda mecha-nisms of the information management are found.
The role of backgraund activity in changes of interspike untervals of neurons under microwaves
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: microwaves, the neocortex, neuronal activity
Annotation: In unanesthetized nonimmobilized rabbit pulse flows of populations of cortical neurons were investigated prior, during, and after 1-min microwave irradiation (wavelength 37.5 cm, power density 0.2-0.3; 0.4; 0.5; and 40 mW/cm2). Changes of interspikes intervals depended on intensity of irradiation, but not background activity.
High humanitarian technologies of socio-economic security
Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: sociology, socio-economic security, technology mechanism, humanitarian system
Annotation: On the basis of humanitarian systems theory and security theory, methodology, methods and high humanitarian technology of socio-economic security are developed. Their background consists of progressive adaptive mechanism of social security which enlarges potential of socio-economic system elements. Vertically integrated cognitive models and progressive adaptive mechanisms of federal, regional and local socio-economic security are created. The concepts of their modernization are provided and generalized into the concept of national socio-economic security modernization. The support system of decision making in socio-economic security is developed to integrate mechanisms of federal, regional and local socio-economic security
Singularities of asymptotically optimal quadrature formulas in spaces
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: formulas of approximate integration, lattice quadrature formulas with boundary layer, thicken rectangle formula, thicken trapezoid rule, Gregory’s formulas, functional of errors, norm of functional, asymptotically optimal formulas
Annotation: The author researches the quadrature formulas with boundary layer for spaces of functions . For cases of spaces ( ) the author show examples of asymptotically optimal and optimal quadrature formulas with boundary layer and write their properties.
Some consequences arising from the incommensurability of the length of the radius and circumference of a circle
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: length, commensurability, irrationality, circumference, radius, physical axiomatics, four-dimensional space-time
Annotation: The problem of incommensurability of the length of the radius and circumference of a circle considered. The basis of this consideration laid of scientific principles of physical axiomatics of mathematics. It is shown that the length of the radius and the length of circumference should be considered as dissimilar quantities relating to the display of various properties of the physical world. The existence of a fundamental property of matter, other than space and time, which is the source of wave processes and cause the formation of bodies of revolution, is predicted.