Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

All rubrics

Development of component of educational process socialization in higher education


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the context of priorities of the state policy in the field of education the author dwells on the approaches to the development of the components of upbringing and socialization in the institution of higher professional education: actual problems of scientific-methodical support of the educational activities of the teachers, approaches to the design of patterns of the student youth socialization, the issues of formation of professional competence of university professors in the field of education and socialization.

Polisubject communicative and informative environment and its role in the development of identity of children of senior preschool age


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the article the internal preconditions of development of subjectivity of the child of the ad-vanced preschool age through a prism of the concept "polysubject communicative and infor-mative environment" (O. V. Suvorova) are considered. The system and results of monitoring of innovative activity of the preschool educational institution which main content includes creation of the polysubject developing environment in DOU promoting subjectivity of the preschool child development to the greatest extent are analyzed.

Creation of mathematical model for analysis and assessment of level of threats to per-sonal information security in information systems


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: The creation of expanded mathematical model for the analysis and an assessment of the level of threats to the personal information security in information systems with application of the formalized expert knowledge is presented.

Assessment of factors influence on efficiency training of students from position of their future professional competitiveness


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the article the assessment of the major factors influencing the quality of knowledge received by students at high school and indicators of their future professional competitiveness is made. The justification of the following factors is presented: ability of graduates to put into practice the knowledge received at higher education institution; faculty skill level; ability of graduates to continuous training on the basis of fundamental knowledge; motivation of the faculty; condition of material base; quality of educational and methodical provision; introduction and use of innovations by high school; research activity; quality of students.

Information technologies in formation of future teachers professional competence


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the article the problems of modernization of the modern education, connected with the use of information technologies in educational process are analyzed. The attention is focused on the formation of professional competences of the future teacher on the basis of application of information technologies.