Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Humanitarian education as basis of continuity of spiritual and moral values


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: The problem of the necessity of preservation of the Russian society integration and mobilization potential of spiritual traditions and searching the ways of its updating are presented in the article. It is pointed out that the reduction in humanitarian education in Russian universities results in the need to revise the conditions of implementation of the educational potentials of the humanitarian culture. The author stresses the importance of the humanitarian component of education as the basis of spiritual development of a person, preserving and increasing moral values.

About problems of realization of competence-based approach at the higher school


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: In the article under discussion nominated difficulty and complexity in the implementation of the competence approach in higher professional education, leading to a lack of educational performance. Are analyzed theoretical understanding of the competence approach, willing-ness to implement it by teachers and students, assessment tools of effective approaches, in-cluding by regulatory authorities.

Victory of Russia in patriotic war of 1812: educational potential for younger generation


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: Substantiates the basic ideas provisions creating vector indicative of the value of social per-ception of the war the young generation: the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 was a victory for all the people of the Russian state, in terms of liberation, just war aims was achieved moral superiority over the enemy, war by Russia was characterized by high morale of the army during the war, mass heroism of generals, officers and soldiers in the battle, defeat the enemy had great historical significance for the future of the enemy of our country.

Patriotic education on spiritual heritage of the battle of Stalingrad


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: In the article the problems of patriotic education open up on heroic traditions of the Stalin-grad battle. An author is ground the value of heroic traditions of defenders of Stalingrad in forming of patriotic experience of modern generations and methods them opening in patriotic education of children and young people.

Education in global man-made environments: opportunities and restrictions


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: The article covers issues of use of resources of the global man-made environments for the creation of effective educational environments. Shows the technological and didactic possibilities and limitations of existing environmental technologies. Suggest new approaches to the creation of immersive learning environments.