Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Professiogramm of the teacher of foreign languages working with linguistically exceptional children


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: In this paper the professiograme teachers of foreign languages, working with linguistically gifted students, in the form of the model, the basic personality traits, which he should have. Particular attention is paid to the diagnostic skills of teachers.

Education and socialization of student's youth in the course of higher education


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: The design approaches of education and socialization of students of modern University are expounded. The dynamics of educational situations, trends and problems of socialization of youth, its culture of self-determination are into consideration taken. The creating conditions for the spiritual and moral development of young people in higher vocational education are brought up for discussion.

Priorities of preparation of teachers to educational activity in system of additional professional education


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: The article considers intrinsic developmental factors of teacher’s educational background, experience in modernisation of extended vocational education. This paper shows the specification of teacher’s extended education design and describes the main directions in development of teacher’s educational background.

Evolution of ecological education in the conditions of the higher school


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: The article is dedicated to essential descriptions of sustainable development concept, exposed the foundations of education of sustainable development, presented analytics of correlation of notions «ecological education» and «education for sustainable development», and accented points of notion «ecological education for sustainable development».

Education of the younger school student as psihologo-pedagogicheskaya the problem at realization of the national educational initiative «our new school»


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: Article is devoted to evaluation of primary school education in the implementation of GEF for primary education as a priority for national education initiative "Our New School". Considered range of issues related to the interaction of family and school estimation of the importance of education teachers, the attitude to the introduction of the GEF educational community.