Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Education as backbone factor of formation of the intellectual capital of the enterprises


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: Education is seen as one of the factors in the formation of backbone enterprises of intellectual capital. Summarizes the indicators for measuring the level of human capital of the enterprise. Examines the impact of market relations in the development of education, identify their strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of ways to improve the quality and development of the education system in light of experience in this country and abroad

The organization of management of the educational environment of higher education institution on the basis of system approach


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: In the article on the basis of the analysis of the concept of "learning environment", "system", "systems approach" is presented integrative characteristic common management structure of the educational environment, revealed the logic of control actions. Detailed management of the educational environment on the basis of a systematic approach

Formation of information and communicative competence of younger school students in con-textual training


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: The problems of introduction to the educational process of information and computer tech-nology while using elementary school students. It is shown that relying on the formation of GEF information and communication competence (IR competence) in primary school has its limitations. The prospects for the formation of IR competence younger students in the imple-mentation of contextual learning AA Verbitsky.

Leader potential of managers of the average link of the foreign trade organization


Release: 2012-1

Annotation: The article explains the position that the leadership potential of managers at all levels of the company is the main condition for the competitiveness of the company and its success in the global market. Attention is paid to the development of such an important administrative com-petence of middle managers of foreign organizations as "leadership." Described in more detail some of the components of leadership potential leader (charisma and emotional intelligence).

International scientific and practical conference: "1812 IN DESTINY of RUSSIA: To the 200 ANNIVERSARY of PATRIOTIC WAR"


Release: 2012-1