Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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The Situational Approach to Management of Electronic Document Circulation Between Organization and State Supervising Bodies


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: In the article the analysis of arising situations in the system of electronic document circulation between the organization and the state supervising bodies is made. The problem of situational management by electronic document circulation is formulated, the conceptual model for algorithmization of situational management is defined

Cultural self-determination of students in language educational environment of high school


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: In the article substantial target components of cultural self-determination of students in the language educational environment of high school, proved in the works by the Russian and foreign scientists are considered. The potential of the language educational environment of high school is grounded in the structure of in-doors classes in a foreign language and out-of-doors activities. The special attention is paid to the cultural component of the content of language education.

The mechanism of integration of formation, science and manufacture with application of approach dissymmertry


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: In the article the mechanism of integration of formation, a science and manufacture with application of the approach dissymmertry in structure of the intellectual capital is considered. It is stated общесистемный a principle of realization of the approach dissymmertry cooperating parts of the intellectual capital at different hierarchical levels on the basis of information-communication technology in structure of National innovative system. The analysis of education systems, sciences and manufactures from the point of view of objective mechanisms of their interoperability and definition of their structure as elements of National innovative system is spent

Professional training of tutors for system of additional education of children


Release: 2013-1

Annotation: The article updates training of teachers of further education as tutors of the educational process and as educators for the system of additional education of children on the basis of theoretical justification of characteristics of additional education as educational space of childhood

Organizational Design of Knowledge Management System


Release: 2013-2

Annotation: This article examines the modern views on the problem of creating a knowledge management system in the organization as a factor of achievement of corporate performance, create and stimulate innovation. On the basis of analysis of existing approaches to forming the system of knowledge management in the organization identified the main technologies of knowledge management, which simultaneously cover several aspects of management - corporate and information.