Release: 2015-2 (10)

Keywords: algorithm, program, programming language Pascal, array, constants, variables, operations, functions, linear Pascal-programs
Annotation: Is offered methods of the quick education to programming on base of the study of the classes of the problems, designed and using in practice in process of the education to programming student high school
Scenarios multimedia education
Keywords: education, multimedia technologies, scenarios for education, information learning model
Annotation: This article describes the educational scenarios that are created using multimedia technologies. This article describes the principles of training scenarios. This article describes the types of connections in scripts and educational information structures. Article shows particularly time-warping during training. The article claims that the emergence of the educational scenario lies in the field of cognitive student.
Identification and verification of man in the system teleeducation: biometric methods
Keywords: biometrics, teleeducation, fingerprint image, integrated biometric information technology (KBMIT), biometric information portrait
Annotation: We consider the complex biometric information technology, describes its stages. The authors propose an algorithm to increase the information content of fingerprint image and fingerprint identification algorithm for fingerprint image of a fingerprint that can be used in the process of identifying the student in distance education.
Distance learning using dynamic visual model
Keywords: education, visual model, incremental model, the time scale, the educational scenario
Annotation: This article describes the dynamic visual models as educational resources. It describes the contents of the incremental model. It shows the relationship between educational technology and e-learning m-learning. The article reveals the contents of the educational scenario using dynamic visual models. It describes the formal and heuristic approaches to the description information of the situation. This article describes the features of indeterminacy situations in visual learning. This article describes the features of time-warping space and scale, as factors increasing the effectiveness of training. This article describes the contents of the educational scenario. This article describes the features of the scheme Crowder.
Experience in the development of the Course «Conceptual Design»
Keywords: theory of inventive problem solving, TRIZ, IT, startup, conceptual design, technological entrepreneurship, business modeling, course
Annotation: The article introduces concept of practical lessons for the course «Fundamentals of conceptual design» for senior IT students. The aim of the course is to teach them to apply methods of theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), methods of commercialization, and good UI design principles to design IT solutions. The course has been tested on two groups of students (36 people) in spring of 2015. This course will allow students to consolidate their knowledge obtained at university, and give knowledge to create and commercialize competitive software products as well as be able to prepare documents for participation in programs to support innovation.
Situational management of transport
Keywords: rail transport, management, technology management, contingency management
Annotation: The paper deals with features of situational control in the rail sector. Revealed three areas of management: organizational, technological, and intellectual. Shown that extensive use of contingency management information modeling methods. Highlighted the importance of geoinformatics and remote sensing techniques for situational control rail. It is shown that the intellectual situation management is most effective.
CRM-as specialized control system
Keywords: management, system management, front office, CRM system, automated control system, process control system, customer relations, marketing
Annotation: The article analyzes the CRM specialized system of automated control. This article describes the Office system. CRM is shown belonging to the front office. The article classifies the automated control systems for technical, technological and organizational. process control system divided into total and partial functions of fullness. This article describes the features of CRM. This article describes the conditions for the application CRM. The article points out the problem of the implementation of CRM in Russia.
Unified hardware and software platform for the development of measuring devices
Keywords: Measuring means, sensor, programming, embedded system, microcontroller, unification
Annotation: This article describes a method of the development measuring devices using the unified hardware and software platform. This method allows for a fast and simple development of measuring instruments.
Model representation of the mechanisms of formation of problem-oriented semantic fields
Keywords: the semantic field, bionic approach, data mining, heuristic methods, heuristic modeling
Annotation: Describes one of possible approaches to the problem of constructing the problem-oriented semantic field in a problem-oriented areas of expertise through the provision of lexical units of unstructured or semi-structured text documents. The basis of constructing the model of the semantic field laid some of the scientific facts from cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics. The solution of the problem is carried out through the allocation of lexical units of semi-text documents
On the requirements for intelligent data model
Keywords: Predicates databases; Model databases; Conceptual data model; The semantics of the da-tabase; Ontology
Annotation: The concept of the model in the predicate calculus [15] includes a pair: the predicate (propositional function [6]) and set as an interpretation of the predicate. From this point of view, the database is an interpretation of predicates that are not explicitly specified. At the same time, the explicit inclusion of the predicate in the description of the database models useful for solving a large range of practical tasks. This paper studies the features of the predicates that should be added to the traditional description of the database models
Development of computer science
Keywords: information, information, information semantics, information theory.
Annotation: The article analyzes the development of the two areas of computer science. One direction is called informatics 1. The second direction is called Informatics 2. Computer 1 examines the content side information. Computer 2 explores questions of transmission and processing of information. Article shows that in each subject area computer science becomes specialized. Article shows the difference between the specialized informatics and geoinformatics.
The philosophy of informatics
Keywords: philosophy, information, information science, information approach, the semantics of in-formation, information units
Annotation: The article analyzes the scientific field - the philosophy of informatics. The article describes the state of computer science in Russia. The article analyzes the concept and Luciano Floridi on the formulation of the creation of the "general theory of information." The article describes the criteria between the believable and true knowledge. The article shows the need for a review of the information and semantic units in the analysis of the information field.
The concept of the master program: strategic management of coastal resources
Keywords: the coastal zone, Arctic, master's program, strategic management, natural resources, rent, training, integrated management, ecology, Economics of enterprise
Annotation: The experience of training specialists in the field of strategic management, sectoral and municipal management, integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), business Economics and ecology of the Arctic zone. Identified non-delivery of the methodology and practice of ICZM. The necessity of professional development training in the area of strategic management of coastal resources. Based on the results of scientific researches proposed the concept of the master's program, based on scientific rental noosphere worldview. Structured systems list of disciplines, the structure of the master's thesis and identifies the nature of the practice of a student. The proposed concept has the novelty of the methodological approach and the scientific validity of the educational program.
Systemically in the dissertation research
Keywords: research, dissertation research, systematic approach, system analysis, system features, system research
Annotation: This article describes the basic principles of a systematic approach to be applied in the dissertation research. article shows the differences between the systems approach and systems analysis. Article proves the necessity of system properties object of study and methods of solving scientific problems. This article describes the criteria for assessing the systemic thesis. article shows the difference between the system and non-system properties
Socio-economical institution as an object of sociological knowledge
Keywords: value, education, social institution, higher education, university, quality of education, dynamism
Annotation: Higher education system is one of the most popular social institutions of Russian society. Current socio-economical reformations in Russia entailed considerable changes in Russian higher education. In their works Russian thinkers developed an approach to institutions from the viewpoint of determinant role of integrating function. This approach puts together such institution characteristics its multifunctionality, multifacetedness, internal contradiction and dynamism.
Information fields in space research
Keywords: space exploration, information design, information units, interpretative field, cognitive se-mantics, interpretation
Annotation: This article describes the application of information fields in space research. This article describes the difference between the information space and information field. It described as a functional field variable value which is a mandatory attribute of the field. Shown. that mandatory attribute information space are information relations. Attributes of the information field is the relationship and communication. This article describes the features of the information field.
Development of information control
Keywords: control, information, information control, information models, information technology management
Annotation: The article analyzes the development of information control. Article shows the difference between information control and information management. This article describes an information approach to information control. Article shows cyclical informational control. Article argues that the cyclical control is his property is required. Article shows the versatility of information control. The article reveals the content of the information control tasks.
Geoinformation monitoring fires
Keywords: space research, monitoring, satellite monitoring, geoinformation monitoring, fires
Annotation: This article describes methods of geoinformation monitoring. Geoinformation monitoring is used for monitoring and suppression of forest fires. This article describes the space monitoring. Space monitoring is an integral part of geoinformation monitoring. This article describes a specialized information system monitoring. Article shows the details of modeling for monitoring. Integrated monitoring is the basis for monitoring flattering fires
Data and geodata mining
Keywords: earth science, geoinformatics, intelligent technology, geoznanie, spatial knowledge
Annotation: This article describes a new smart technology - GeoData Mining. The technology is the development of technologies known Data Mining. Describes the evolution of the concept of geodata. Article shows the difference between Data Mining technology and GeoData Mining. The article reveals the concept of GIS knowledge, spatial knowledge and geoknowledge. Paper describes the problem of intellectualization analysis of geodata.
Geoinformation space monitoring
Keywords: space research, geoinformatics, monitoring, geodata, spatial analysis
Annotation: This article describes a new integrated technology - Geoinformation space monitoring. This technology is the result of the integration of geo-information and space monitoring. We describe its features and specific applications.
Interpretation of space information in the study of the earth
Keywords: space research, information construction, information units, interpretative field, cognitive semantics, interpretation
Annotation: This article describes the interpretation of space-based information in the study of the Earth. We introduce the notion of information design as a generic term for different objects in space information. It is proposed to interpret the objects using the concepts of interpretive field and semantic environment. It describes the structural analysis of the information design as a stage of interpretation. It describes the different interpretive field peculiar space information.