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"Legal sciences"

Constitutional and municipal lawCivil, business and contract lawCriminal law and criminalisticsLegal aspects of classification and standardizationRostrum of the young scientistCustoms and financial lawIssues of theory and history of lawContent, problems and trends in the development of public lawRelevant issues of private lawRelevant aspects of criminal law, criminal proceedings and criminalisticsLegal proceedings. Prosecutorial and human rights activitiesAll rubrics

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On the question of the emergence of the science of administrative law in russia


Release: 2019-3 (21)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-3-43-48

Annotation: Among the many issues relating to modern Russian administrative law, the question of its sources is important, because depending on how the issue is resolved, that is, what legally significant forms are recognized as the content and nature of the law industry itself depend. Administrative law has its own relatively independent system of sources of law. But the science of administrative law has not yet analyzed this phenomenon, has not developed a clear conceptual apparatus regarding this category, there is no uniformity in understanding and application of basic scientific terms. The article examines the emergence of the science of administrative law in Russia at the beginning of the nineteenth century, studying the positions of scientists involved in the dogmatic development of Russian administrative law at the turn of the nineteenth and 19th centuries. the evolution of the concept of internal governance is being explored. The article contains an analysis of the sources of administrative law at the turn of the 19th and 19th century: laws, decrees, customs, judicial and administrative practices.

Problems of improving legislation on education in modern russia


Release: 2019-2 (20)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-36-42

Annotation: Some problems of the legal adjusting of higher legal education are examined in the article. The special attention an author turns on a concept vehicle, that дан in a law in force “About education in Russian Federation”, in that higher education is not named professional, that, in opinion of author, not right. On the basis of legislation about education citizen of Russia, studying in organization of higher education, a profession does not get, and “Jurisprudence” studies to direction. The problem of in absentia legal education that a citizen could get before rises in the article, but presently education on an in absentia form maybe only, if a person gets the second higher and subsequent education, whatever an author agrees with. The constitution of Russian Federation in article 43 gives to each a right to education, and the state supports the different forms of education and self-education. Limit of right on the receipt of higher legal education on an in absentia form, to according to

Russian democracy at the crossroads. Flaws and shortcomings of democracy


Release: 2019-1 (19)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-1-38-47

Annotation: The article is carried out wide-ranging analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of democracy in its application to the modern Russian reality.

Cable power lines as objects of real estate


Release: 2019-4 (22)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-4-39-45

Annotation: The relevance of considering the legal regime of cable power lines is due to the lack of a uniform law enforcement approach in judicial and supervisory activities, due to the lack of a single regulatory regulation and theoretical justification. Cable lines are an important part of production processes, but are deprived of due legal regulation at present. The purpose of this article is to identify the legal nature of cable power lines in the context of modern legislative regulation and enforcement aspects. The analysis of individual regulatory acts and enforcement positions allows us to identify the existing contradictions and conflicts. The methodological basis of the study was the analysis of individual regulatory acts in the field under consideration, as well as decisions on specific issues directly or indirectly associated with the identification of the specifics of the steam regime of the analyzed object. The result of the study was the author’s conclusions about the specific legal nature of the investigated object, put in context dependence.

The questions of good faith in the dynamics of easements


Release: 2019-3 (21)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-3-49-55

Annotation: The article discusses the category of good faith in the context of the exercise of civil rights to property belonging to another person. The current legislation enshrined the principle of good faith in relation to all civil law institutions. An analysis of modern legislation allows us to conclude that today there are no clear and uniform approaches to understanding and disclosing the good faith of both a general and holistic category, and within individual civil law institutions. Based on the methods of analysis and comparison, an attempt was made to trace the implementation of this principle in the dynamics of the right of limited use of someone else’s real estate (easement). The article states the shortcomings that exist in the rules governing the relevant relations. Taking into account the analysis of theoretical and law enforcement material, the author made some conclusions on this issue. The author concludes that it is impossible to formulate a common understanding of good faith in easement law, since it is made dependent on the dynamics of the corresponding relationship. The results of the study can be applied in the law enforcement process in the regulation of relations in the field of easement relations.