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"Legal sciences"

Constitutional and municipal lawCivil, business and contract lawCriminal law and criminalisticsLegal aspects of classification and standardizationRostrum of the young scientistCustoms and financial lawIssues of theory and history of lawContent, problems and trends in the development of public lawRelevant issues of private lawRelevant aspects of criminal law, criminal proceedings and criminalisticsLegal proceedings. Prosecutorial and human rights activitiesAll rubrics

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Judicial protection in digitalization


Release: 2019-4 (22)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-4-74-78

Annotation: This article discusses the application of new information technologies in order to achieve transparency, access to justice related to the digitalization of judicial activity. The possibility of introducing artificial intelligence into the judicial system of the Russian Federation. Problems and tasks of the Internet distribution in each subject of the Russian Federation. The issue of the complete replacement of lawyers with pre-programmed machines is also being considered. Sentencing based solely on statistics without regard to moral standards. The relevance of the article cannot be overestimated due to the fact that the speed of introducing artificial intelligence is significantly higher than the speed of development of the legal field. All the stated conclusions in the article are based on the international experience of other countries whose success in the development and implementation of digital technologies is obvious. The main problem that is considered in the framework of this article is the large scale and territory, as well as insufficient computer literacy of citizens. From the point of view of law, the main issue is the lack of a law that should regulate legal relations within the Internet.

Features of use of video conferencing in the conditions of a pre-trial detention center


Release: 2019-3 (21)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-3-83-87

Annotation: This article is devoted to the issue of videoconferencing with persons who have chosen a preventive measure in the form of detention and are in a pre-trial detention center, based on the study of the activities of these institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region. The purpose of this study is to develop measures aimed at optimizing the criminal process in relation to persons in custody.

Shegalo D.D.


Release: 2019-2 (20)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-68-72

Annotation: Currently, the system of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia faces a global task – to improve the quality of work in all areas that are within the competence of the Ministry, to optimize the qualitative and quantitative composition of the police, to introduce modern technical and information tools into its practical activities. It is difficult to develop universal criteria for the effectiveness of the police in General, and patrol officers in particular, because their activities are very diverse. Analyzed the legal norms in the organization of the activities of combat units of the patrol service of the police and the Orders of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on the monetary allowance of the police officer, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to make additions to the normative legal acts, which should positively affect the efficiency of employees patrulno-sentry duty of police.

The principle of the inviolability of the home in criminal proceedings: the legal framework, content, guarantees


Release: 2019-1 (19)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-1-80-83

Annotation: The article analyzes the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation, regulating the right of citizens to inviolability of the home. The author reveals the basic guarantees that ensure the protection of the home from illegal penetration into it by law enforcement officers.

Qualification of crimes: concept, meaning, problems


Release: 2019-4 (22)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-4-79-84

Annotation: The article discusses the features of the qualification of crimes on the example of the qualification of crimes related to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. It is reflected that the correct legal assessment of the committed act presupposes that the law enforcer has deep knowledge in the field of the theory of qualification of crimes, its place and role in criminal law, as well as general, private and individual rules for qualifying a crime. The relevant rules are determined in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, explanations on the application of legislation formulated by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in relevant decisions, as well as the doctrine of criminal law and judicial practice. The problems of qualification of crimes in the context of the dynamic development of public relations protected by criminal law are analyzed. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to take into account all objective and subjective signs when qualifying crimes provided for in Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and to introduce the corresponding amendments to the criminal law, which acquire both theoretical and practical significance.