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"Legal sciences"
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Release: 2019-2 (20)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-73-77
Keywords: history, stages of evolution, population, migration, migration law, migration policy, migration law, regulatory legal acts, legal status, migration processes, Russian Empire, state
Annotation: In modern society, migration processes have become quite common and significant phenomenon. Migration as a phenomenon historically characteristic of people also takes on new forms and character. The Institute of Migration is comprehensive and is considered in historical, demographic, social and other aspects. Given the importance of migration legislation in the implementation of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation, the problems of regulating migration relations are always in the center of attention of the state. This circumstance puts forward, among other tasks, the need for a historical and legal analysis of the processes of formation and development of migration legislation at various historical stages. The article confirms the importance of migration studies for modern society. The study examines the main aspects of the formation and development of migration legislation in Russia of the pre-Soviet period. The factors affecting the formation of the migration legislation of Russia until October 1917 are indicated. A brief description of each of the stages in the formation of the migration legislation of Russia is illustrated by the most significant legislative acts. The interdependence of migration processes and historical and political events is determined. Using the historical method made it possible to single out the stages of the development of the migration legislation of Russia of the pre-Soviet period, to trace the trends of its development and improvement until 1917.
About constitutional “equality” of protection of all forms of property in the russian criminal legislation
Release: 2019-1 (19)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-1-84-88
Keywords: property, sanction, law, criminal liability, fraud, victim, public danger
Annotation: The article deals with the issues of non-compliance of criminal law on liability for fraud with the constitutional Declaration of equality of protection of all forms of property and the principle of equality of citizens before the law. The author examines the sanctions of criminal law norms providing for responsibility for various types of fraud, and points to the lack of their adequacy to the public danger of crimes of this type. The question is raised as to the fairness of establishing different levels of significant, large and particularly large damage to “ordinary” fraud and fraud involving deliberate non-performance of contractual obligations in the field of business. Using a systematic method of research, using the etymology of some concepts, the author draws attention to the inequality of protection of property of legal entities – banks and legal entities – credit institutions with state protection of property of other victims. Violation of the principle of equality of citizens before the law and equality of protection of all forms of property in fraud against the insured citizen by the representative of the organization-the insured is stated. It is concluded that it is necessary to further improve the criminal law and law enforcement practice in cases of fraud.
Luhansk and donetsk people’s republics, as well as transnistria, have all the international legal grounds for their diplomatic recognition
Release: 2018-4 (18)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-4-7-15
Keywords: sovereignty, international personality, diplomatic recognition DNR, LNR and PMR, forms and criteria for diplomatic recognition
Annotation: The article deals with the modern approaches to diplomatic recognition of the new States, argues the conclusion that Donetsk and Luhansk people’s Republic have the necessary international legal grounds for their diplomatic recognition: a permanent population, a defined territory, a government capacity to enter into relations with other States. Examples of difficulties with the diplomatic recognition of the history of international relations.
The phenomenon of constitutionalism in modern russian legal literature
Release: 2018-3 (17)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-3-7-10
Keywords: constitutionalism, constitution, classification, bibliography
Annotation: The article discusses various interpretations of the concept of «constitutionalism» that exist in modern Russian legal literature. Special attention is paid to philosophical and legal definition of the phenomenon of constitutionalism. The article also focuses on the issue of classification of constitutionalism from the perspective of its application in practice.
About selected problems of classical vehicles import and maintenance
Release: 2018-2.1 (16)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-2-5-27
Keywords: classical vehicles, classification, authenticity, construction, technical characteristics of the car, standardization, state registration, identification, taxation and insurance regimes, road traffic organization
Annotation: The article examines the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Eurasian Economic Commission in the purview of maintenance of vehicles manufactured for 30 years ago at least; analyzes the foreign experience in the authenticity of vehicles. The authors reveals the shortcomings of the existing system of legal regulation in this purview and of foreign approaches to the classification and evaluation of retro cars. The article presents the author’s system for classifying and identifying the original level of vehicles.