Economics and Management
Journal "Bulletin of Moscow Witte University. Series 1: Economics and Management” — an electronic periodical.
The journal has been published since 2012 (El № FS77-50278 dated 21.06.12). It was re-registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) on January 29, 2020 (certificate of mass media registration El № FS 77-77600).
All articles are assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Information about authors and articles is available in the CrossRef International database of scientific articles CrossRef(DOI).
Periodicity of the journal: quarterly.
The journal is indexed in the RSCI system (contract № 594-12 / 2012) and registered in the ISSN International Center (ISSN 2587 554X).
The five-year impact factor of RSCI 2020 is 1.118.
Authors are not charged for publishing articles.
The form of periodic distribution is an electronic periodical (on CD-ROMs).
Sections of the journal:
- Economy
- Management
- Regional economy
- Environmental economics
- Economic education
- Digest
- Domestic and foreign trade
- Information systems in economics and management
- Economics of sustainable development
Section of the SRSTI rubricator (for RSCI)
06.01.17 - International cooperation in the field of economic sciences
06.01.21 - Organization of research work in the field of economic sciences
06.01.29 - Information activities in the field of economic sciences
06.01.39 - Propaganda and popularization of economic knowledge
06.01.45 - Teaching of economic sciences
06.01.79 - Specialists in economics
06.35 - Accounting and Economic Sciences
06.39 - Science of Economic Management
23.00.00 - Comprehensive study of individual countries and regions
82.01 - General issues of organization and management
82.05 - Theory and methodology of management
82.13 - State and administrative management
82.15 - Organization of economic management
82.17 - Social management
82.29 - Prediction. Futurology
82.33 - Strategic management. Strategic planning
Scientific specialties (code and name for the Higher Attestation Commission)
5.2.1 Economic theory
5.2.3 Regional and sectoral economy
5.2.4 Finance
5.2.5 Global economy
5.2.6 Management
"Bulletin of Moscow Witte University. Series 1: Economics and Management – is a journal with which leading Russian and foreign scientists collaborate. At the same time, the journal provides an opportunity for postgraduates, doctoral students, applicants, young specialists and scientists to publish the results of scientific research.
The journal is included in the HAC List.
The article is published in electronic form (in pdf format) on the website of the journal and on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library.
Authors are not charged for publishing articles in journals, assigning DOIs, and posting articles in the RSCI system.