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"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Statistical analysis of wage indicators in the russian federation


Release: 2019-4 (31)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-69-80

Annotation: The Article is devoted to the study of statistical indicators characterizing the state and current trends in the level of wages in the Russian Federation. The data of the Federal state statistics service of Russia were used as a statistical base of the study. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that during the study period the most highly paid industries are financial activities, mining, fishing and fish farming. Based on the analysis of the level of remuneration in sectors of national economy, has developed a unique gradation of industries by the criterion of income, which is subdivided into industries with high wage level (50-80 thousand rubles), the average level of wages (30-40 thousand rubles) and with low wages (less than 30 thousand rubles). The tendency of high differentiation in the level of remuneration among employees of various spheres of economic activity is revealed. Recalculation of the level of wages by types of economic activity in us dollars showed that during the study period there is a decrease in wages by 30-55% depending on the industry. At the same time the tendency of growth of expenses of the organizations for labor is revealed. The study of the distribution of the number of employees by the size of the accrued salary showed that 43% of employees receive wages in the range from 5800 rubles to 25 thousand rubles, which stimulates the development of socio-economic instability in Russia. Summarizing the analysis of statistical indicators characterizing the state of wages in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to point out a number of identified deep problems associated with the differentiation in the level of wages of different social groups by type of economic activity, education, area of residence, gender and a number of others. The deterioration of these trends may lead to the development of socio-economic instability in the Russian Federation.

Brainstorming as a productive and functional form of creative capital


Release: 2019-3 (30)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-3-75-81

Annotation: The purpose of the article is to position brainstorming as a productive form of creative capital of an economic agent. To this end, the main provisions that characterize the content of the subject of management in the preparation and conduct of brainstorming as a key function of corporate creative capital in a digital and behavioral economy are specified. It is emphasized that brainstorming is an energetic form of developing exchange-communication, which becomes an important factor in the production of new ideas and knowledge in a system of large-scale and continuous innovations. The research methodology is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to this problem. The scientific novelty of the article lies in a systematic analysis of the most famous forms of brainstorming in order to create an integrated concept of its organization and implementation. In this regard, technological models of creative thinking, such as the method of volumetric thinking, the method of association with random phenomena, the method of role thinking, as well as the method of separate analysis of a specific problem, are considered. The scientific and practical significance of the article lies in the fact that in the system of corporate self-training it is proposed to purposefully train moderators, as well as to record the most successful “brainstorming” teams, turning them into active social-network and micro-corporate communities. In addition, conclusions and recommendations on the establishment of a relevant, brainstorming style of reproduction management, primarily, inexpressible implicit corporate knowledge, are offered.

Evaluation of crisis management methods based on quality indicators of enterprises


Release: 2019-2 (29)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-2-71-81

Annotation: The classification of approaches to crisis management is presented. The article proposes a classification of approaches to crisis management, analyzes the reasons that contribute to obtaining different results of the analysis using the same model within the same country, but for different periods of time. The results of a comparative intragroup analysis of approaches to crisis management based on the qualitative characteristics of the composition are presented: J. Argenti’s model, T. Scone model, V.V. Kovalev, a technique of Ernst & Whinney) according to the developed additive qualimetric model. The results of intergroup comparison of approaches to crisis management from the composition are presented: group of assessment models based on quality indicators, group of assessment based on discriminant analysis models, group of logit and probit assessment models, group of neural network assessment models, group of integrated models of enterprise bankruptcy probability estimation.

Reorganization of enterprises in the digital age


Release: 2019-2 (29)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-2-82-86

Annotation: The digital era is not just a great opportunity for companies, but also its implementation. One of the biggest problems of digital transformation of enterprises is the internal transformation of the company. The problems that enterprises usually face when switching to digitalization are outdated technological processes, the lack of managerial competencies of the new format and the management of human resources by the old methods. Digitalization, using new concepts, models and technologies, provides faster and more efficient work, and on the other hand, helps managers manage better and smarter. The main goal of this article is to present a model of the process of digitization of an enterprise/company that can be used to transform it, with the aim of increasing productivity and increasing economic attractiveness. The model is mainly based on process optimization and consists of competent personnel management, as well as the introduction of new, more flexible organizational forms. The authors of the article attempted to update the process of transformation of enterprises, taking into account the requirements of «Industry 4.0».

Investment banking as a direction of banking activity: essence, features and problems of development


Release: 2019-4 (31)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-4-81-86

Annotation: One of the key parts of the economy are banking institutions. Banking institutions are organizations engaged in the collection of funds of the population of the country with the help of special tools (established by law) and the transfer of this capital for the use of legal entities and individuals on a returnable basis. The emergence of investment banking is primarily associated with the overall development of the banking system around the world. Financial and credit institutions have reached a level of development where the products and tools they use no longer meet the needs of their customers and investors. Also, one of the main reasons for the emergence of investment banks around the world is the increase in the amount of free cash from individuals. the Banking sector plays a huge, if not a key role in the global economy. Banks are the link between individuals and services, trade, the manufacturing sector and the agricultural sector. And this is what pushes banks around the world to expand the types and nature of their own activities, including in the investment direction. The purpose of this study is to consider the essence, specificity and features of investment banking as a new direction in banking. Methodology. In the work based on the synthesis of scientific knowledge formed qualitative proposals for the development and improvement of investment banking. The result of this study is formed proposals for the modernization of certain aspects of the implementation of investment banking in order to develop it in our country. It is concluded that it is necessary to intensify the participation of banks in the investment process because this process is directly reflected in the development of the banking system and the economy in the country.