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"Economics and Management"

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Credit bureaus: formation, performance evaluation and ways of improvement


Release: 2018-4 (27)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-34-42

Annotation: Currently, credit bureaus in one form or another are operating almost all over the world. The majority of developed countries came to the conclusion that effective economic development is impossible without information openness and transparency, and the credit Bureau is the most important financial institution that allows to reduce the risks in the field of lending. The activities of the credit history Bureau are aimed at creating conditions that ensure the reduction of systemic risks in lending to commercial banks, as well as facilitating access of bona fide borrowers to credit resources. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that currently operating on the territory of the Russian Federation credit bureaus do not perform the above functions. Consequently, the activities of Russian credit bureaus require careful study, analysis and improvement. The purpose of this study is to consider the evolution of the formation and development of systems of accumulation and use of data on credit histories of citizens and enterprises for implementation in Russia; evaluation of the effectiveness of credit histories in terms of minimizing credit risks; formation of proposals for the development of the domestic Institute of credit histories. Methodology. In the work on the basis of synthesis of scientific knowledge formed qualitative proposals for the development and improvement of the national Institute of credit Bureau (BCI). The result of this study are formed proposals for the modernization of certain aspects – expanding the composition of traditional sources of data on potential borrowers, combining credit histories of borrowers, to provide banks with the opportunity to obtain more complete information about the debt burden of customers, the authority of the Central Bank to exclude BCI from the state register without a relevant decision of arbitration courts in identifying violations of the law, to determine their requirements for the quality of management and internal control in BCI, to suspend the reception of information in the presence of suspicions of the unreliability of the data sent, and also oblige BCI to submit financial documentation to the Bank of Russia. It is concluded that the efficiency of credit bureaus in Russia is negligible. There is an objective need to further develop the working conditions of the Institute of credit bureaus as an important aspect of the functioning of the market economy of Russia.

Policy of import substitution as a main principle of growth of international competitiveness in the economy of the region of rostov


Release: 2018-3 (26)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-36-46

Annotation: The article gives an assessment of the effectiveness of implementing investment projects for import substitution in the territory of the region in 2018 with a view to increasing the international competitiveness of the Rostov region’s economy. For a long time, the so-called “restorative model” of economic development was functioning in Russia, based on the involvement of unused capacities and labor in production, as well as on the fast-growing external demand for Russian raw materials. In the aggregate, this determined the raw material orientation of Russian exports, high import dependence, technological backwardness and other problematic aspects of the country’s socioeconomic development. As a matter of fact the situation determines high relevance of the survey dedicated to find the ways to invest into import substitution projects on the territory of the region of Rostov, and to help to identify the elements able to impact on the development of the area, rather to increase international competitiveness of its economy. External geoeconomic and geopolitical challenges have a significant effect on bisiness activities of companies. At the same time the rapid increase of geoeconomic competition and geopolitical discrepancies transform not only the business traditions of the region, but seriously reduce the volume of international participation in it. Moreover, the facts mentioned above are extremely significant also out of inmediate context of export activity on world markets, especially if the region is already a subject of economic policy aimed to increase the competitiveness of local enterprises, science inrensity and fabrication of the products. Thus, the analysis of import substitution of economic, social, spatial imperatives of the development of the region is characterised by considerable relevance mostly under the circumstances of global uncertainty, and is a reason of application of various methods for assessing of the present and future of the area.

Digital technologies in banking service. Russian and international experience


Release: 2018-2 (25)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-42-49

Annotation: Russian market of services today is vide and very competitive. The banks offer to clients the vide variety of products. At the same time, mobile banking is the most rapidly growing part of remote servicing. This article gives an anlysis of complex integration of innovation technologies in bank service. The authors specify advantages of mobile banking compared to the general services provided in the bank. In addition, described some modern trends in mobile banking functioning and provided brief application reviews of main financial players in Russia and abroad.

Possibility of implementation of social-oriented product in microfinance company


Release: 2018-1 (24)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-1-34-42

Annotation: The article considers the strategic planning in IFC to reduce the interest rate for pensioners, using the example of the company «Bystroedeni» (LLC) in the RZ Surgut, in order to raise the company’s rating, increase the credibility of the company among borrowers aged 55 to 70 years and to make it socially-oriented.

Directions of perfection of methods of monitoring the implementation of development strategies of regions in terms of digital information


Release: 2018-4 (27)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-43-50

Annotation: This article is devoted to the development of methods for monitoring the implementation of programs of socioeconomic development of the regions in the conditions of active implementation of digital technologies and changes in this regard, the information basis for the assessment of indicators of implementation of strategies for the development of territories. The authors draw attention to the widespread use of rating methods for assessing the regions, which are used for various purposes as a comprehensive analysis of the state of Affairs in the regions, and to assess the investment climate or the quality of public administration at the level of a region. The article draws attention to the shortcomings of the methods used and proposes to make greater use of expert methods of evaluation and to introduce integrated performance indicators that would take into account a set of indicators and certain levels of their ranking. The article considers in detail the method of factor approach as an opportunity to take into account the impact of external and internal factors that affect the final results of the dynamics of the region, which is quite important in modern conditions with the unfavorable state of the external economic environment and accumulated during the economic crisis of 2014–2015 problems at the level of regional development.