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"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Trends and factors of the labor market development: levels of analysis


Release: 2018-2 (25)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-56-61

Annotation: The article attempts to study the levels of analysis of labor market trends and factors in the unity of the intraindustry microlevel of hiring transactions, the meso level of inter-industry competition in the labor market and international labor movement as a mechanism for realizing its competitiveness in the global labor market. The analysis of the employed population in the territory of the Russian Federation by types of economic activity is carried out. The study of the world experience of the functioning of the labor market, with the exception of the mega-level, shows a tendency to dominate the territorial determinant of the supply of labor. The authors summarize that the objective function of the activities of public employment services should be to promote the welfare of households and the development of entrepreneurial structures at all levels. As a result, the levels of analysis of labor market elements in the unity of the intra-industry micro-level, inter-sectoral mesolevel and in-country movement of the labor force, and international labor movement are structured. And it was also determined that the demand and supply in the labor market should be studied as a multi-level system at the mega-level of the international labor organization.

Institutional design of local self-government as a socio-philosophical problem


Release: 2018-1 (24)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-1-51-62

Annotation: The article investigates local government governance, inward sphere of the reassurance of the local community. Revealed the different nature of the rights of local communities to manage the scope of its reassurance. It is shown that the institutional design of local self-government should not contradict the institutional forms of the state, and consistent with historically formed in them the mechanisms of regulation of reassurance of the local community.

Key trends in development of consumer market and service industry of rostov-on-don city


Release: 2018-4 (27)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-61-72

Annotation: Social and economic development of the city of Rostov-on-Don is the target of research in this paper, while specific features and tendencies of development of the customer market and service industry and, in particular, its key trends, threats, and opportunities are the scope of research. Regional development is one of the core factors interrelated with tendencies of national development, which can be listed among strategic national priorities. An efficiently operating consumer market and service industry inherently meets specific goals which have impact on the state of the national economy. These goals include production expansion, improvement of quality of manufactured goods due to development of competitiveness, successful addressing of the problem of monopolization and introduction of new products in order to completely meet demand of the population. On the basis of the aforesaid, the consumer market and service industry are among the key systems which optimize production and regulate the structure of domestic production and rendering of services. The consumer market and service industry are also among the fundamental structures of the national economy. The market and industry create optimal conditions for reproduction of goods, ensure efficiency of intermarket relations between economic agents, and meet consumer demand in the context of competitive environment. The consumer market is the key system of the market economy, which facilitates commodity turnover at a global, federal, and regional level. We performed our analysis using the statistical method. We provided evaluation of the current situation and dynamics of development of the basic parameters of Rostov-on-Don consumer market and service industry. On the basis of the said analysis we identified the main problems of long-term prospects of development of Rostov-on-Don consumer market and service industry. We developed and identified key trends, threats, and opportunities at a global level in order to solve the said problems. The current situation pre-conditions high relevance of our research dedicated to analysis of tendencies of the environment beyond the economy of the Rostov region, detection of factors which may have impact on development of our region, and identification of possible threats and opportunities for steady development of the Rostov region [8, p.495].

Problems of strategic innovative development of the enterprises of domestic engineering industry and potential ways of their decision


Release: 2018-3 (26)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-67-76

Annotation: The known approaches to definition of problems of development of a domestic machine-building complex are considered. The main problems of effective development of domestic engineering industry are systematized. The problem of strategic innovative development of domestic machine-building enterprises is allocated as independent. On the basis of the carried-out retrospective and current analysis the main components of a problem of strategic innovative development of the enterprises of domestic engineering industry are defined, including: insufficient attention to development of branch from the state; high level of the world competition in the sphere of mechanical engineering; toughening of permanent western economic sanctions against Russia; reduction of life cycle of the vast majority of types of products; aiming of the domestic enterprises of mechanical engineering more on service and repair moral the outdated equipment; a problem of assignment of the leading role to the advanced, innovative means of production in the development strategy of manufacturing enterprise; problem of manifestation by domestic machine-building enterprises of high business activity; problem of dynamic compliance between an innovative component of strategic development of the enterprise and the general development strategy of the enterprises of autotractor mechanical engineering; a problem of increase in number of innovative industrial technologies, complicating a problem of the choice of rational administrative decisions when forming strategy of innovative development of the enterprises of mechanical engineering. The scientific novelty of results of the conducted researches consists in development of an algorithm of the solution of problems of strategic innovative development of the enterprises of domestic engineering industry.

Analysis of food provision of the country under the sanctions


Release: 2018-2 (25)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-62-68

Annotation: This paper contains the analysis of food provision of the Russian population under the foreign sanctions. It is noted that the economic blockade has disturbed the established production and economic ties, increased the stress in the food provision of the country, and had an adverse effect on the food security of Russia. The imposition of the food embargo has led to the losses for the European business targeted at Russia. The EU has incurred losses in the agriculture, especially regarding overproduction. It is noted that the economic sanctions imposed by the West have had both positive and adverse effect of the food security of the country. On the one hand, this economic blockade has resulted in the increasing vulnerability of the Russian economy and the stress in the food provision of the country. On the other hand, according to the experts, thanks to the sanctions Russia has got a positive dynamics as well as significant results in the agroindustrial sector.