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"Economics and Management"

EconomyManagementRegional economyEconomic educationDomestic and foreign tradeEnvironmental economicsKnowledge economyGlobalisticsComputer science in EconomicsDigestKnowledge managementEconomics of sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Transboundary rivers of kazakhstan and china


Release: 2018-4 (27)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-82-90

Annotation: Interstate cooperation between Kazakhstan and China on the joint use and protection of transboundary water resources is important not only for them, but also for Russia. This is due to the huge impact that the use of water resources of the transboundary rivers Irtysh and Ili, the main sources of fresh water for Kazakhstan, has on the socio-economic development of these countries. In recent decades, Kazakhstan has faced an increasing shortage of water resources. One of the reasons for the lack of water is the policy of China, which is pursuing a policy of unilateral increase in the volume of water resources taken from the transboundary rivers of the Irtysh and or ignoring the interests of the Kazakh side. For Kazakhstan, such a policy of Beijing threatens the plans of economic development, negatively affects the solution of issues of socio-political stability. As a result, Kazakhstan annually faces a growing number of problems, the solution of which depends on China. On the example of Kazakhstan and China, an attempt is made to identify the main contradictions in the issues of water use in Central Asia.

Gender features of behavior of men- and female managers in the organizational conflicts


Release: 2018-3 (26)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-86-90

Annotation: In modern society the idea of gender equality, including in the sphere of the social and labor relations is relevant. Therefore researches which subject is the behavior of men and women in various production situations are even more often conducted. Results of a research which purpose consists in identification of gender features of behavior of heads in the conflict situations taking place in labor collectives of the modern organizations are presented in this article. Questioning of men - and female heads in the organizations of the city of Penza, the Penza and Saratov regions by results of which the generalizing conclusions concerning behavior models of female heads and men in the conflicts are presented is carried out.

Specificity in directing of high potentialmanagers in modern company


Release: 2018-2 (25)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-77-82

Annotation: In this article, based on the analysis of specialized literature and experience, the specifics of managing highpotential managers in companies are revealed, the role of HPM management processes in the development of the company is shown. In many Russian companies, high-potential young employees are given special attention, they are identified through various evaluation procedures, develop individual development programs, and enlist in the personnel reserve for managerial positions. The subject of the study is the human resources management system of modern companies in the part related to the management of high-potential managers (HPM) as the most important resource that can enhance the company’s competitive position. The subject of the study is the characteristic features of HPM and HPM management problems associated with the availability of these features, as well as with the management trends of the modern organization that have developed to date in Russia. Increased attention to the effective management of HPM is due to the increased role of intangible assets in the activities of organizations. Particular emphasis is placed on describing the attributes of HPM and the questions that confront the modern manager, who relies on talented employees. The main methods used in the study are system analysis and synthesis.

Potential of enterprise development in ryazan region


Release: 2018-1 (24)

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-1-81-88

Annotation: The article gives an assessment of the main indicators of the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Factors of development of business are determined. The main directions and mechanisms of entrepreneurship development in the region are indicated.

Crises in Socio-Economic Systems


Release: 2013-4 (6)

Annotation: What is a crisis, when and why does it occur, what is its structure? According to the article a crisis is characterized by many interrelated situations of increasing complexity and risk management.