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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2022-3 (40)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-62-81
Keywords: domain model, domain-specific projecting, database projecting, state property register, municipal property register
Annotation: The article describes the experience of building a data model for the subject area of an information system for managing state (municipal) property. It is shown that the discussed solutions are not always derived from the ready-made AIS “REGOSS” system, but are the result of looking at them from the standpoint of today’s knowledge, they represent a kind of conceptual “refactoring” of a previously created subject area. The analysis of legislative and regulatory documents that describe the entities of the subject area, their connections and relationships in the aspect of building an information system database model is consistently presented. The examples demonstrate the mechanisms for analyzing verbal documents and drawing conclusions as a method of collecting primary information in the study of the subject area. The effectiveness of applying a systematic approach in formulating the initial methodological positions in creation of data model of a complex information system is demonstrated. The examples demonstrate the methodological techniques used to increase the degree of database normalization.
Release: 2022-2 (39)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-2-63-67
Keywords: signal, recovery, separation, fiber optic system, transmission, receiver, wave
Annotation: The aim of the study is to analyze the approaches to signal separation and restoration in telecommunication systems on the example of fiber-optic information transmission systems and to justify the most optimal methods that will increase the capacity of communication lines. In the process of research the methods of separation and restoration of signals, which are used in the construction of multi-channel telecommunications systems are considered and their capabilities and features of use are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the temporal separation of signals and separation of signals by wavelength. Also features and specificity of Rake-receivers are highlighted. In order to increase the capacity of existing and projected communication lines, it is advisable to combine the principles of temporal separation of signals and wavelength separation, which can be achieved based on a passive optical network. The article reveals the features and capabilities of the passive optical network in the context of increasing the speed of information transfer and elimination of the phenomena of polarization and chromatic dispersion. The capabilities of Rake receivers in terms of minimizing the effect of inter-character interference are also formulated.
Release: 2022-4 (41)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-4-65-71
Keywords: metaheuristics, subsidiary system, situational behavior, metaheuristic algorithm, coverage algorithm
Annotation: The article explores a new direction “subsidiary metaheuristics”. The article proposes a new metaheuristic algorithm, which the authors called the coverage algorithm. The difference between heuristics and metaheuristics in relation to subsidiary systems is shown. Metaheuristic algorithms are modifiable according to the control situation. The iterative process of finding solutions is common to heuristics and metaheuristics. The significance of the situation for metaheuristic transformations is shown. A typical scheme of heuristic algorithms with a fixed sequence of actions is presented. An example of the formation of algorithms of subsidiary metaheuristics is described. The problem of covering an arbitrary-shaped area with areas is considered. The complexity of the problem lies in the fact that this area is unknown and is determined iteratively during the coating process. It is shown that subsidiary systems and algorithms are multi-purpose, a group of typical goals of a subsidiary algorithm is identified. The algorithm of covering the area of the site with areas associated with the movement of the robot is described. The feature of the metaheuristics algorithm is the use of information from sensors. It is noted that a subsidiary system with a metaheuristic control algorithm should include coordination mechanisms in space.
Release: 2022-2 (39)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-2-68-75
Keywords: geoinformatics, linguistics, onomasiology, semasiology, comparative analysis, geoinformation semasiological modeling
Annotation: The article describes a new type of geoinformation modeling – semasiological modeling. The research is based on the interdisciplinary transfer of linguistics methods to the field of geoinformatics. The article introduces and substantiates a new concept of “geoinformation semasiological modeling”, which is considered as an alternative to information onomasiological modeling. The similarity and difference between geoinformation semasiological modeling and informational onomasiological modeling is shown. The transformation of the semasiological approach in geoinformatics is shown. The importance of information units in geoinformation semasiological modeling is stated. The basic principles of geoinformation semasiological modeling are considered: system, integration, compositional, resource, situational and complementary ones. The polysemy in this type of modeling is shown, which is due to the multivariance of the results, the need for the use of qualitative comparative analysis is noted. A brief description of qualitative comparative analysis and its application to geoinformation semasiological modeling is given. The necessity of applying a logical approach to comparative analysis, which is aimed at combining qualitative and quantitative research strategies, is emphasized.
Release: 2022-1 (38)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-1-68-75
Keywords: information field, information units, information language, spatial modeling
Annotation: The article describes the category of information units in terms of their application in complex domain models. The variety of tasks solved with the use of information units generates a variety of their types and groups. In the information modeling of the subject area, it is important to build a single complementary system of information units. In this regard, the generalization and systematization of ways of forming and presenting information units in complex models is relevant. The article describes the transformation of the category of information units with the development of information sciences and technologies of their practical application. The article provides an empirical systematics of information units. It is noted that the complementary system of information units, bound by the rules of syntax, sets the information language. Semantic information units that serve as the basis for the interpretation and transfer of knowledge are described. The examples show the directions of application of semantic information units depending on the nature of the object being modeled.