Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Educational technologies in career guidance conceling for creative specialties


Release: 2021-2 (35)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-26-31

Annotation: На фоне усиливающейся коммерциализации системы высшего образования необходима разработка действующих стратегий по привлечению потенциальных абитуриентов в вузы и презентации широкому кругу потребителей комплекса образовательных услуг. Если теория журналистики необходима для формирования базовых принципов журналистской деятельности, то медиаобразование помогает осознать как эта деятельность и продукт этой деятельности интегрируются коммуникативными процессами в обществе. Поэтому целью статьи является анализ медиатехнологий на этапе подготовки абитуриентов в выборе творческой специальности, к которой принадлежит профессия журналист. Кафедра журналистики ФГБОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет им. Н.П. Огарёва», отслеживая и анализируя актуальные вопросы современной концепции медиаобразования, с 2007 г. организовала и внедрила в практику своей работы «Школу молодого журналиста», служащую экспериментальной площадкой апробации медиаресурсов. Материалы статьи демонстрируют направления профориентационной работы кафедры, в частности, и вуза в целом.



Release: 2021-1 (34)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-1-27-32

Annotation: The study is devoted to topical issues of discourse. The thematic focus of pandemia orientation is given as an example. Of great importance is the choice of the methodological orientation of the problem coverage for the objectification of the results obtained. Within the framework of the research article the essence of the strategy and tactics for the application of the methodological component of the discourse texts analysis is indicated. The purpose of the study is to determine the most essential combination of methods for an integrated study of the discourse of pandemia thematic orientation. The research methodology reflects the methods of content analysis (of content and structural character), intent analysis, and discourse analysis, the combination of which is an objective basis for a comprehensive study and understanding of the discourse of pandemia thematic orientation. This makes it possible to carry out a pragmatic description of the texts of pandemia thematic orientation on the basis of linguistic representation. The results of the study consist in developing a combination of compatible methods for an adequate assessment of the texts of pandemia thematic orientation.



Release: 2021-4 (37)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-32-38

Annotation: A modern higher school trains specialists capable of working in a wide range of economics. However, this does not apply to narrowly focused creative specialties, including film and telefilm directing. In accordance with the current education system, it is assumed that the graduate will immediately begin working on a full-length film as a production director. However, changes in the labor market in this area at the present dictate other conditions. It is almost impossible for a young specialist to get into a film studio system for a managerial position. The learning route for the specialty 55.05.01, namely the course that the author reads to students – «Director of feature films and TV movies», needs to be rebuilt to meet the broader demands of the labor market in the field of video production, multimedia, mass media, advertising, events, etc. The lack of willingness on the part of teachers to show students related areas of directing leads to the inability of students to work in any field other than film. As a consequence, this leads to the appearance of self-taught people in directing positions in related industries, the birth of a depressive-marginal stratum of society from unclaimed graduates, a decrease in product quality. The paper highlights the most important aspects of directing, recommended for study by first-year students, based on the current conditions of the functioning of the media space.



Release: 2021-3 (36)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-32-36

Annotation: Learning independence is one of social requirements for university graduates. Its essence is students’ personal learning interest, mastering educational activities and striving for self-education. At the same time traditional teaching methods and means in the context of modern higher education realities are insufficient to meet this requirement. The author proposes RAFT technology as an innovative means of forming learning independence. Its main emphasis is increasing the proportion of students’ independence and their personal meanings formation. This technology is analyzed on the example of Pedagogy classes held at Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul). The author comes to conclusion about increasing students’ motivation, their involvement in educational activities and development of cognitive processes necessary for further self-improvement and self-organization by means of creation of texts supposed in this technology.

Museum pedagogy as the basis of the activity of museums of educational institutions (on the example of Kazan)


Release: 2021-2 (35)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-32-37

Annotation: The article is devoted to the analysis of the role and place of museum pedagogy as a scientific discipline in the educational system. The article reveals the content and approaches to museum pedagogy, taking into account its interdisciplinary nature, using the example of museums of educational institutions. The role of museums in the education of students is considered on the example of educational institutions of Kazan as part of the general urban cultural space. It is noted that the museums of educational institutions as part of the museum space of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan are a phenomenon of national culture and education. Attention is drawn to the specifics of school museums, their role as centers of patriotic education and personal development. The main approaches to museum pedagogy as a scientific discipline at the intersection of museology, pedagogy and psychology, which considers the museum as an educational system, are analyzed. On concrete examples of museums of educational institutions of the city of It is emphasized that museum pedagogy as an integrative and qualitatively new sphere of educational activity can be considered as an innovative pedagogical technology. As a conclusion, it is noted that museums of all profiles solve important pedagogical tasks, being the most accessible cultural institutions for students.