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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2022-3 (40)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-33-40
Keywords: psychoactive substances, prevention, educational organization, underage students, environmental approach, educational environment, environmental factors
Annotation: The purpose of this study was the analysis of Russian and foreign studies to identify environmental risk factors that provoke the spread and formation of addictive behaviors in juvenile students. The subject of the study was the environmental approach in the prevention of the psychoactive substances use by minors in an educational organization. In order to obtain the stated results, a search and selection of scientific publications congruent to the problems was carried out in two scientometric databases (eLibrary – 29 publications, ScienseDirect – 7679 publications). Based on the theoretical analysis of the selected sources, 3 groups of environmental factors that have a potential impact about the educational environment were described. Thus, a permanent influence on a person’s choice of an addictive behavior model is exerted by the residence territory and the area specifics of human activity, the presence of landscaping and elements of the natural environment, the social environment and involvement in prosocial interaction. Thus, the implementation of an environmental approach in the preventive activities of an educational organization seems promising, and the development of an ecopsychological educational environment significantly enhances the effectiveness of any measures aimed at psychoactive substances use prevention among minors.
Release: 2022-4 (41)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-4-34-41
Keywords: educational communicativistics, electronic information and educational environment, information field, educational technologies
Annotation: The article develops a practical theory of communication studies within the framework of learning technology in an electronic information and educational environment. The development of e-learning forms and the widespread use of distance learning technologies are initiating new challenges in the field of education. This contributes to the formation of a new paradigm within the framework of the theory of communicativistics, called by the author “educational communicativistics”. The article describes the essence of this concept, aimed at studying theoretical and practical issues of communication of subjects of the electronic educational process. It is shown that educational communicativistics can be considered as communicativistics in the information field, which makes it possible to apply an information approach and information modeling to this technology. The role of educational communicativistics as a learning technology in solving the problem of knowledge exchange in the electronic information and educational environment is shown. It is shown that educational communication defines a new methodology of the educational process, reflects the dynamics of educational technologies.
Release: 2022-2 (39)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-2-36-42
Keywords: patriotic education, patriotism, patriot, value-oriented approach, curriculum for the discipline “Civic and Patriotic Education”
Annotation: In the system of higher education, the problems of patriotic education of students are the main issues in the field of educational activities. In the era of post-truth, fakes, informational fast food, the confrontation between values and meanings is becoming more and more intense. Young people are most exposed to destructive information impact. Due to these circumstances, the patriotic education of young people in modern conditions is of particular relevance and significance. The relevance of this work is connected with the need to improve and develop methodological support for the civil and patriotic education of students, taking into account new realities. In the article, on the basis of a questionnaire, an analysis was made of the level of formation of the qualities that a patriot should possess among students of a pedagogical university. The life values and personal qualities of students included in the concept of “patriotism” are highlighted. Based on the results of the study, the approximate content of the curriculum for the discipline “Civil and Patriotic Education” is proposed. Directions for organizing events are identified and a list of events tested in practice that contribute to the development of patriotic qualities among students is given.
Release: 2022-1 (38)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-1-40-46
Keywords: feedback, professional pedagogical reflection, professional self-education, student’s subjective position
Annotation: The article is devoted to the consideration of methodological aspects of providing effective feedback in the process of accompanying students’ independent work. Feedback is defined as a necessary tool that improves the quality of students’ independent work. The main methodological principles of the implementation of feedback and its features in the conditions of the electronic information and educational environment are revealed. The necessity of rethinking the significance and functions of feedback to optimize this type of work is reasoned. The basic concepts that define the forms of feedback are systematized. The technique of forming feedback in the context of organizing and supporting the independent work of students is analyzed. The specific actions of a higher school teacher in the formation of a conscious attitude to the possibilities of feedback in the process of acquiring the experience of professional self-education by students are revealed. The formulated methodological principles are aimed at the application in the process of independent study of disciplines of expedient methods and forms of feedback that are adequate to their conceptually oriented content.
Release: 2022-3 (40)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-41-48
Keywords: professionogenesis, university educational environment, personal potential, student activity, teacher activity, dual education system
Annotation: The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of developing the personal potential of undergraduate students in the process of mastering a number of academic disciplines at MSPU and MWU. The development of students’ personal potential consists not only in enriching theoretical academic knowledge, but also in the forming of practical skills of a teacher, in constructing a new image of a teacher, a subject teacher, a class teacher, a researcher, revealing the inner potential of each student based on the strengths and qualities of the individual, evaluating, realizing their professional tasks for implementation in further professional activity. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the development of the personal potential of undergraduate students at the stage of professionogenesis in the conditions of the educational environment of the university are revealed. The main results of the survey of students mastering academic disciplines at the university in pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical directions are presented. As an example, a specific task is given at a practical lesson in Pedagogy, aimed at acquiring students’ experience of pedagogical communication in the process of developing personal potential at the stage of professionogenesis.