Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Work integrated teaching of Enlgihs for specific purposes: implementation of international project


Release: 2021-2 (35)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-7-11

Annotation: The article addresses the problem of finding new approaches to teaching English for Specific Purposes, since cross-cultural communication skills today are more in demand in the labor market than ever before. The purpose of this study is to describe an alternative model of teaching English to students of non-linguistic majors, which was implemented as part of an experimental international project with a special focus on the professional socialization of students in a competitive environment. The obtained results demonstrated that cross-border cooperation and focus on professional socialization in the process of teaching English accelerates the development of universal soft skills, immerses students in a quasi-professional environment, builds the foundation for their professional identity formation, enhances the importance of students’ personal competitiveness as a stimulating factor, and creates optimal conditions for the development of not only foreign language communicative competence, but also universal competencies that will be required from future graduates by employers.



Release: 2021-1 (34)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-1-7-12

Annotation: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the importance of pedagogical monitoring of students ‘ activities using digital technologies, namely, an electronic portfolio. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that an important issue of modern education is the development, testing and further implementation of a system for monitoring the quality of the educational process in universities. Pedagogical monitoring of students ‘ activities contributes to their academic and personal development, which is an integral component in the practice of acquiring general cultural and professional competencies. One of the tools of such monitoring is an electronic portfolio, which provides a visual representation of the competencies acquired by students and allows them to identify the individual trajectory of their creative development. Documented achievements of students are elements of a professional resume and may be of interest to potential employers. In this paper, an empirical study and a pedagogical experiment were conducted on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after K. Minin. Based on the results of the conducted research, conclusions are drawn about the importance of the electronic portfolio as a new technology for evaluating not only the educational activities of students, but also their personal, socially significant and academic achievements.

Harnessing the potential of social network in organizing learners’ autonomy in the process of online learning english


Release: 2021-2 (35)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-12-19

Annotation: The article deals the issues of organizing learners’ autonomy in the process of online learning English. There are theoretically substantiated methods and techniques for enhancing learner autonomy in the online English language teaching system. The author considered such aspects of the topic as learner autonomy, the specifics of online English language teaching at a university. The described results of a scientific literature highlighting the main scientific concepts of modern researchers’ review allowed us to reveal the peculiarities of the learner autonomy in the process of online learning of the English language organization. Particular attention in the article is paid to the activation of the students’ motivational and semantic sphere for the development of autonomy in the online learning process. It was concluded that learner autonomy as a factor of effective online learning is ensured by specifically organized independent students’ activities which contributes the development their motivational and semantic area. It was based on the analysis’ results of pedagogical impact methods integration in the practice. The organization effectiveness of such an educational environment is implemented through the use of modern teaching aids that are available and meet the interests of students studying English.



Release: 2021-3 (36)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-13-24

Annotation: The purpose of the article is to present the results of a pilot study of the issue of perceived education quality. Higher education quality is one of the most discussed matters throughout the university history. Under market competition the quality issue is not solved and grows in significance since it is not always the main university competitive factor. According to the findings the study concludes about the need of renovating the questionnaire according to the selected quality criteria and clarify the goals namely the interdependence of the perceived education quality and satisfaction with education. In general the study shows that students of both state and nonstate universities put forward similar requirements of education quality. The perceived quality is based on such criteria as the quality of teaching staff professional training, practice organization, modern teaching methods and the taught processes and technologies relevant to present-day realities.



Release: 2021-1 (34)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-1-13-20

Annotation: The article combines scientific and pedagogical ideas about the situation of success as a source and method of developing the joy of educational work. As a conceptual basis for creating a situation of success, the following are proposed: the idea of tomorrow’s joy by A.S. Makarenko; the idea of the joy of knowing by V.A. Sukhomlinsky; the idea of the joy of cooperation by S.A. Amonashvili. On this basis, the situation of success is stated as the leading condition for the development of the joy of educational work. The article reveals the pedagogical content of the situation of success as an opportunity for the development of the joy of educational work, highlights the hidden and internal mechanisms of its creation in educational activities. It is shown that the situation of success is such pedagogical conditions in which a person always has the opportunity to achieve a personally significant educational result and evaluate it as successful, which is accompanied by a sense of joy. Without a sense of joy, there is no cognitive interest and desire to learn. A success situation is an opportunity to experience joy, which contributes to increased cognitive activity and learning motivation, as well as academic performance of students. The applied interpretation and illustration reflects the stages of possible joy in educational and pedagogical interaction, which turns into personal-developing cooperation. Based on the multidimensional nature of the situation of success, we have built and supplemented the classification of its types and presented the author’s pedagogical technology of its creation in educational activities.