Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Release: 2022-1 (38)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-1-91-97

Annotation: The article reveals the features of system evolution and the transformation of the concept of emergence of complex systems. The principles of systems evolution are investigated. The characteristics of living systems are described from the standpoint of evolution. Models of evolving systems are described, their features such as recursion, aim variability, multi-purpose management, divisibility are highlighted. It is noted that structural modeling, latent analysis and the identification of implicit knowledge are important in the analysis of systems. It is shown that the evolution of systems can lead to the manifestation of emergence properties. The analysis of some points of view on the concept of emergence is given. The approach to the consideration of matter as a stratified entity that generates the emergence effect is analyzed. Intra-ordinary and trans-ordinary laws of the development and evolution of systems are analyzed. The systematization and generalization of scientific positions and points of view in the field of system evolution and emergence of complex systems is aimed at developing a methodological basis in this area of knowledge. This can become a platform for further scientific research.



Release: 2022-4 (41)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-4-92-100

Annotation: The article is devoted to the study of the sources of stress of the modern urban environment in the representation of students and the definition of the main forms of deviant behavior using metaphor. In the modern social conditions of youth, more and more young people exhibit deviant behavior, often without realizing the consequences. Young people can be considered a particularly sensitive social group, subject to the negative impact of urban stress. Modern metropolises are changing rapidly, therefore additional research is required on the impact of their features on human activity and behavior. At the same time, ambiguous situations require the use of methods using ambiguous stimulus material, which does not limit the respondent’s choice with standard formulations, does not predetermine the situation of certainty. The aim of the study is to study the stressors of the modern urban environment in relation to the forms of deviant response to them among students using metaphorical associative maps (MAC). MAC-technique can act as a tool for identifying the susceptibility of representatives of student youth to various stress factors of the urban environment, as well as for subsequent identification of predisposition to a particular type of deviant response as a negative coping with urban stress. The study was conducted based on a qualitative methodology within the framework of the focus group procedure using the MAC tool. The results obtained during the study were processed by methods of frequency analysis and content analysis. As a result, the most typical stressors of the urban environment were identified, projected by representatives of student youth when working with the incentive material of the MAC. The specific negative coping strategies, which are a typical response to the stressful impact of urban environment factors, are also identified and systematized.



Release: 2022-3 (40)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-96-103

Annotation: The article describes the essence of education for sustainable development as a new model of the evolution of human civilization. The need for such a model arose due to the crisis situation in the interaction of nature and society, with the emergence of global problems and especially environmental ones. The article analyzes various approaches to understanding the essence of sustainable development, defines the role of education in this process, the need to improve the educational process based on humanistic values. Ecological ethics and the ethics of non-violence are considered as fundamental axiological foundations of education for sustainable development. It is argued that ethically-oriented education ensures the transition to sustainable development and subsequent new civilizational forms that guarantee the survival and safe existence of mankind. The significance of the new model of education for the forming of a sustainable worldview of future generations of people focused on the harmonious coexistence of nature, society and man is substantiated.



Release: 2021-3 (36)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-5-12

Annotation: The article explores the algorithms that are used in the field of education when testing students. It is shown that special algorithms are used for testing systems, which can represent a cognition tool and a knowledge assessment tool. It is shown that the algorithm can serve to describe the patterns of the surrounding world. The general description of algorithms is an information structure. The relationship between the algorithm and the information field is shown. The systematics of algorithms in relation to testing tasks is given. The aspects of complexity, resource use, structure and sequence of actions are considered. Schemes of algorithms of different types are given. The article describes a trinitarian model of the algorithm, which can serve as the basis for describing the algorithm as an object of cognition. The properties of the cognitive model of the algorithm are considered. The article introduces a new characteristic of the algorithm – “algorithm cognitiveness”, which is important and necessary when creating testing algorithms. The cognitiveness of the testing algorithm is characterized by a number of factors: test perception, reception, perception and apperception by students of the testing task. The obtained research results can be used to create a model of an intelligent testing system for students.



Release: 2021-4 (37)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-7-13

Annotation: A study aimed at the development of scientific and methodological support of the electronic information and educational environment of the universityis presented in the paper, on the basis of which the main professional educational program (MPEP) is implemented. Attention is focused on the forming of universal competencies defined within the framework of federal state educational standards of higher education and characterizing the supra-professional competences of a specialist. The supra-professional competences of a specialist create the basis for his successful activity in the professional and social spheres. An empirical study and pedagogical experiment were conducted on the basis of the electronic information and educational environment of the Minin State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod (Minin University). Digital tools used in the project activities of students are considered in order to identify their didactic capabilities within the framework of the 09.03.02 training program «Information systems and technologies». The results obtained demonstrated that the organization of educational, project, research, extracurricular activities of students with the help of modern digital tools makes it possible to give the educational process a developing character, to form the necessary competencies and to prepare students for future professional activity. The results of the experiment can be used to assess the time of mastering the MPEP modules and to take these assessments into account in the work programs of disciplines, to improve the educational and methodological complexes and the material and technical base of the MPEP, as well as to expand the functional components of the electronic information and educational environment of the university.