Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Release: 2022-4 (41)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-4-72-79

Annotation: As a rule, enlightenment means scientific enlightenment. However, it is quite possible to talk about other types of enlightenment, including philosophical and religious enlightenment. After the revolution of 1917–1921 in Russia, the Church was separated from the state, and religious education and education – from the school, education and enlightenment in which began to have a purely scientific character. As a result, over several decades of the existence of the Soviet secularist or secular state and education, a certain skew has formed in the ratio of scientific and religious public education: if in the field of scientific education there is a real acquaintance of a person with the basic scientific concepts, ideas, theories and pictures of the world, then in the field of religious education – instead of acquaintance with real religious ideas – a person is offered, as a rule, caricature interpretations of them. This leads to an unjustified representation of the correlation and interaction of science and religion as hostile and contradictory views on the world and man, which becomes one of the destabilizing factors in the development of modern Russian society. The object of the study is the correlation and interaction of scientific and religious public enlightenment and education. The subject of the study is a distorted view of the antagonism of scientific and religious ideas about the world and man. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the position not only about the absence of this antagonism and the peaceful coexistence of science and religion, but also about their complementarity. The research methods are empirical generalization, deductively and inductively organized conclusions, conclusions by analogy, abstraction, idealization, thought experiment and comparative analysis. The result of the work and one of its conclusions is the position according to which science and religion, by their nature, not only do not oppose each other and can peacefully coexist, but also complement each other, being equally necessary for both man and society; and the balance and harmonization of their relationships may fully be one of the essential factors of sustainable social development. The scope of application of the research results is educational multidimensional interactions in both secondary and higher education.



Release: 2022-2 (39)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-2-76-82

Annotation: The article reveals the main properties and features of spatial information. These features define the specifics of its processing. The systematics of spatial information models is given. The content of the spatial information model is revealed. The process of constructing a spatial model is presented as a reflection of a real object, which is located in a certain external environment and in a certain information situation. The mechanism of transition from one spatial model to another according to the principle of complication is shown. The types of auxiliary models that are used in the construction of a spatial model are described. Spatial metamodeling is described as a tool for generalizing and extracting knowledge. The principles of spatial modeling are outlined: the principle of “reflection of reality”, the methodological principle of isomorphism, the principle of complication of the spatial model. The systematics of the types of spatial modeling is given. The value of coordinate support in spatial modeling is shown. Modeling of the spatial information situation is described. It is noted that, taking into account the growing importance and expansion of the scope of spatial information, the development and modernization of methods of its processing is an urgent scientific direction and requires further research.



Release: 2022-1 (38)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-1-76-82

Annotation: This paper proposes a machine learning technique using game theory in the form of a hierarchical differencedifferential game of N+1 persons in a two-level decision-making system. The issues of machine learning based on nonlinear kernels are considered in relation to differential or difference-differential two-level cooperative games. It is proposed to use kernel proximity functions like Mercer kernels as potential learning functions at both levels of the differential hierarchical game. Due to the existence of a fixed point for this type of kernels, the learning algorithm will always converge to the solution of a differential hierarchical two-level game at the Nash equilibrium point. This makes it possible to obtain a sustainable learning algorithm. The paper shows that with the help of some nonlinear transformations of Mercer kernel functions of the radial basis type, it is possible to solve the classification problem for two classes using the method of potential functions. An example of applying the machine learning technique using the kernel approach and non-linear utility (preference functions) is shown. The results obtained can be used in the construction of mathematical models of hierarchical multilevel dynamical systems in order to study their properties.



Release: 2022-4 (41)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-4-80-86

Annotation: The article is devoted to the consideration of reforming the education system in the context of the concept of sustainable development. The applied aspects of the application and the possibility of implementing the postulates of sustainable development in educational practice are considered. It is noted that education is the foundation of the concept of sustainable development. The author applied a broad approach to the interpretation of education implemented within the framework of the concept of sustainable development. According to this approach, sustainability in education affects not only specialists in environmental areas, but all areas of university training, since the concept of sustainable development itself is much broader than the spectrum of nature protection issues and includes social, cultural, economic and other aspects of social development. It is noted that many countries of the world have been able to make significant progress in terms of the implementation of educational initiatives, while in Russia the idea of the sustainability of education remains on the periphery of the attention of researchers, politicians and the public. The ways of implementing the concept of sustainable development in the educational industry are considered.



Release: 2022-3 (40)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-3-82-86

Annotation: The issue of managing the IT architecture of an organization in the context of digital transformation is considererd in the paper. Digital transformation is a complex task that is associated with changing the information processes of an organization. In terms of complexity, digital transformation can be compared to continuous system restructuring. When developing a strategic information technology profile of an organization (IT profile), the task arises of assessing the effectiveness of its heterogeneous components and the profile as a whole. Based on the assessment results, the task of choosing the most preferred IT profile option from a variety of alternatives is solved. Due to the complexity of the formalized representation of a holistic model of the effectiveness of a strategic IT profile, it is often impossible to solve this problem using formal mathematical methods based on an accurate and adequate description of heterogeneous objects. To solve the problem under consideration, an approach is proposed using the apparatus of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic and a system of unified IT profile indicators. The proposed approach makes it possible to carry out quantitative and qualitative assessments of components and to obtain an integrated assessment of the alternatives being formed for the strategic IT profile of the organization and is aimed at reducing the risk of making inefficient project decisions.