Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Release: 2021-1 (34)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-1-52-60

Annotation: This article discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the legal consciousness of future lawyers at the university. Legal awareness plays a constructive role as a regulator and analyzer in the formation of personal legal consciousness, and ultimately, the entire legal culture of the individual. Based on the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, the authors reveal the main approaches to the essence of the concepts of “legal awareness” and “professional readiness”. The results of the empirical study reflect the dynamics of the development of legal awareness, which is caused by a change in the attitude to the norms and rules of public life through the development of professional subjectivity and self-awareness in the profession. The process of increasing the subjective position of students is characterized by a creative, actively selective attitude to their chosen profession and their fate. It is established that the process of forming the readiness of future lawyers to work in law enforcement agencies is aimed at creating conditions for high-quality professional training at the university, which is based on the subjective position of students, their personal resource (competence, legal awareness, legal culture). The conditions of students professional training are justified: the personal significance of legal education as a necessary component of their professional competence and its relevance in society; integration, unity and complementarity of state and regional interests in the content and structure of legal education; educational and methodological support of the educational process in relation to the areas of professional activity of subjects of legal practice; monitoring, which allows to diagnose the formation of students’ competencies, model and predict the pedagogical process, make management decisions on its correction, promote the intellectual and moral development of the student’s personality and his professional self-determination.



Release: 2021-4 (37)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-53-60

Annotation: The article explores the semantics of visual models. The process of representation of images in the information and cognitive field in the form of a visual model is considered. The difference between the transformation of the image and its interpretation through informational and cognitive channels is shown. New concepts, such as «semantics of visual models», «visual figurative models», «visual geometric models», are introduced. These concepts allow us to reveal the process of converting images into visual models of different types more fully and accurately. The content of «visual figurative models», «visual geometric models» is revealed. It is shown that the visual geometric model plays the role of a map for visual figurative models and can connect them. This gives reason to use a series of images of different densities in processing for a better study of the details of the investigated object. Examples show that in addition to real images, visual models can reflect something that does not exist in nature in the form of images. The proposed semantic approach to the creation of visual models expands the methods of their analysis not only in diagnostics, but also in the processing of various images.



Release: 2021-3 (36)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-53-59

Annotation: This article suggests a continuation method for a video-sequence by means of hierarchical recurrent neural networks. The method is based on the information about the visual and semantic properties of video-scenes obtained fr om the video and its previously known data. The article presents algorithms for identifying the visual and semantic properties of video- scenes and an algorithm for extending the video sequence as well. It describes the result of the method and demonstrates its worth. It also describes possible scenarios its usage. The method can be used for recommending short video clips and films. As a result a set of videos is obtained wh ere each element is close to the initial selection in terms of the selected properties.

Decision-making by an individual based on their attitude to risk


Release: 2021-2 (35)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-57-64

Annotation: This article is devoted to the problem of decision-making by an individual, taking into account his attitude to risk. It is assumed that the behavior of the individual obeys certain laws. This assumption allows the use of quantitative decision-making methods based on the use of convex programming methods. When solving optimization problems, risk indicators have a decisive influence on the value of the objective function. The properties of the utility function are considered in the neoclassical approximation. The most important property of such functions is their concavity (convexity) over the entire domain of definition. The characteristics of concavity are formulated: through the second derivative, through the chord and through the tangent. The options for measuring risk aversion and the corresponding paths for finding the extremum of the expected utility function are considered. The initial premise of the analysis is the axiom that the individual's actions are always aimed at achieving the maximum of his individual utility function. The conclusion is made about the influence of risk aversion on the choice of an individual.



Release: 2021-3 (36)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-60-71

Annotation: The purpose of this article is build a theoretical model of automatic connection of various departmental managerial lists. The topic of the article is relevant for organizing interagency cooperation in terms of data exchange. Basing on the framework (common part) of management lists the article provides formal definitions of atomic and structured management lists with atomic and linguistic attributes. The latter are an extension of the relations introduced by Edgar Codd. The article also views the compatibility signs of such lists. It uses such a research method as logical categorization of management lists from simple to complex ones. The formal definitions of homogeneous and structured lists considered in the article containing atomic and linguistic attributes as well as signs of their compatibility can form the basis for the development of standards for automated data exchange between information systems. In particular the definitions of homogeneous and structured lists can be used in the development of exchange formats and for data exchange services between various information systems as well.