Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Release: 2021-3 (36)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-72-79

Annotation: The article explores metamodeling and situational metamodeling in the information field. It introduces a new concept of situational metamodeling. It shows the mechanism of object and situations transforming into an information field. It also shows the difference between an object model and an information situation model and between an object metamodel and an information situation metamodel. The author shows similarities and differences between a metamodel and an information structure model in an information field. An information situation metamodel is the most informative in comparison with the listed models and metamodels. Situational metamodeling based on information morphism transforms sets of model parameters into functional dependencies of the metamodel, which is the main benefit of metamodeling. Situational metamodeling allows us to draw the function of latent parameters and on this basis reveals implicit knowledge. The article shows information units as the unifying factor between models and metamodels. Information units are elements of the information field. Situational metamodeling makes it possible to identify the patterns of the information field. The patterns of an information field make it possible to identify patterns of the external environment. Situational metamodeling is a tool for learning and gaining new knowledge.

Information Synergetics


Release: 2021-2 (35)

DOI: DOI 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-72-78

Annotation: The article explores synergetics in the information field as a tool for modeling complex real objects and processes. A new concept of “information synergetics” is given, its theoretical and practical significance for the study of systems is revealed. The analysis of the properties and features of information synergetics in comparison with general synergetics as an interdisciplinary field of science studying dynamics and self-organization in open systems is carried out. Two model representations of synergetic processes are distinguished. The first model representation describes real processes related to the synergetics of real space. The second model representation describes the information processes occurring in the information field. Model representations are considered in the context of a unifying approach – a synergetic approach to assessing the states and properties of the system. The scheme of structural elements of information synergetics, which forms the basis for the systemology of solutions for overcoming information chaos by information methods, is given. The application of information synergetics on the example of mechatronics is considered.



Release: 2021-4 (37)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-78-87

Annotation: The study, aimed at the conduction of a system-information analysis of the management of labour protection training at the enterprise, is presented in the paper. The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the fact that training workers and managers in safe work practices, labour protection requirements, first aid for those injured at work is an effective tool for reducing occupational injuries and occupational diseases. The author used such research methods as dialectical, systemic, comparative-analytical and cognitive modeling. The main results of the study are the information model of labour protection training at the enterprise, which provides a comprehensive and multifunctional management approach; systematization of factors-concepts that influence the organization of the process of labour protection training management at the enterprise; the developed model of personnel training management in labour protection in the form of a fuzzy cognitive map. The information model of the labour protection training system is unified by taking into account relevant factors and unifying the educational process. This model can be used in labour protection training systems at various enterprises.

«The main question of philosophy» for modern students: worldview and didactic aspects


Release: 2021-2 (35)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-79-93

Annotation: The academic discipline «Philosophy», as a rule, is studied in both secondary and higher educational institutions, regardless of the specialty or direction of training.What is the role and significance of philosophy as an academic discipline in the content of secondary and higher education? Why and why do students need or can study it? How philosophical knowledge can be related to the professional and private life of a graduate of a university or college. Can the study of philosophy influence the formation of a person’s worldview position? If it can, then at least the student should understand what the philosophy course is about. If he does not understand anything, or he sees that philosophy is a dry and abstract wisdom that has nothing to do with him and his life, then its study is a completely meaningless occupation, a waste of time and effort. The article attempts to show how the study of philosophy, first, is connected with human problems, questions, desires, expectations, hopes and the formation of a person’s worldview, and, secondly, how to teach philosophy in such a way that students see that it is not at all disconnected from life, but has a very direct relationship to them. The authors try to reveal both the first and the second by the example of studying such an important element, or section of the philosophical field of knowledge, as the «main question of philosophy» and the opposing worldview positions and systems of human life navigation associated with its solutions.



Release: 2021-1 (34)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-1-79-84

Annotation: In the second part of the work, attention is focused on the fundamental differences between the educational process and any other form of social production. The very specifics of the educational process, in which the process of information influence on thinking takes place, is associated with the most complex dialectic of the interaction of information and thinking. The paper considers the qualitative differences between information and knowledge, analyzes their system characteristics. Examples of the features of the work of modern students with digital technologies are presented. The main factors leading to a sharp decline in the quality of education in higher education are analyzed. In conclusion, the conclusions and recommendations on overcoming the identified negative trends in education related to the costs of digitalization of the educational process are presented.