Release: 2014-5 (8)

2014-5 (8)
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Arctic geopolitics and Russia's interests


Annotation: The article discusses the evolution of approaches of the Arctic states to the definition of the international legal status of the Arctic. For a long time the parties' positions were determined by technical and technological possibilities of development of hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic and the development of navigation. Because of opening up new opportunities for access to the Arctic Ocean the geopolitical situation in the Arctic Region has changed, which attracts attention of many countries. Under these conditions Russia is forced to change its policy in the Arctic, the situation in which the long-term interests directly affects

Study northern territories by methods of geoinformatics


Annotation: This article describes a study of the northern territories methods of geoinformatics. It caracterizehe features of Geoinformatics as a scientific direction, integrating the different scientific disciplines. It describes a global monitoring framework studies of polar areas. Media described imaging equipment, the features of the orbits of the shooting. It describes the objects of study

Organizational and technological aspects of the consolidation of information resources to support the forecasting hazardous natural, technological and social processes


Annotation: In the article from the perspective of the consolidated activities of organizational systems, departments and enterprises, discusses the organizational and technological issues to provide information support to make predictions about the threats arising from the adverse and dangerous natural and man-made processes and phenomena

Visualization methods and tools of decision-making process in the situation center


Annotation: Situation centers provide information receipt, analysis and visual presentation in real time with use of new methods of information analysis and evaluation as well as support of experts team work directly in the process of problem solution. The most important specific of the situation center – visualization of the process of preparation and decision-making and initiation of intuitive and creative activities of users by information technology means.

Geomarketing research


Annotation: The article analyzes geomarketing and geomarketing research. This article describes the use of geomarketing research in solving a number of problems: decision support, for the formation of information resources, for applications. Article shows that in Geomarketing of the research is related to monitoring as a method of permanent observation sites. Article shows the close relationship between Geomarketing and Geomonitoring. Article shows, that geomarketing research contrast to conventional market research. This difference is the need to integrate and use spatial relationships. Geomarketing research reduces uncertainty. Article shows three main groups geomarketing research: operational, tactical and strategic.

Geoinformatics: theory of bioinspired search for optimal solutions and its application for the processing of problem-oriented data and knowledge


Annotation: The paper discusses the main elements of the theory of bioinspired search for optimal solutions. An original memetic algorithms combining local search, cooperation and competition. Experiments for NP-hard optimization problems have shown that using the developed theory, these problems are solved quickly, reliably and accurately

The use of global navigation satellite systems to support intelligent transportation systems


Annotation: The article describes the global navigation satellite system as a basis of support for intelligent transportation systems. The article describes the use of intelligent transportation systems for the management of all types of transport, including sea and river. The article describes the difference between intelligent systems and automated control systems. The article describes the conditions for the application of intelligent transport systems. The paper highlights the role of the Russian government decree No. 641 for the development of traffic management and for the development of intelligent systems. The article highlights features of the current state of the development of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of activity of the Ministry of Maritime and River Transport of Russia. In the article the problem of the use of ITS in the field of marine and inland water transport

Calculation of thermodynamic parameters of ocean surface on satellite imagery


Annotation: Technologies of monitoring of physical parameters of sea surface (temperature, currents velocities, synoptic eddies parameters) on satellite imagery are described. The main goal of research is to increase accuracy and reliability of calculations for operational monitoring of ocean hydrodynamic parameters. These technologies were developed and are used in Satellite Center of FEB RAS

Software package for the analysis of the technological parameters of the processes purifying waters sorption-microbiological method


Annotation: The article discusses the mathematical model for the study of the process of oil spills in the aquatic environment. It describes based on this model and designed by the authors-tion software package. The possibilities of complex simulation mo-cleaning processes of the oil slick in the coastal zone using Biaudet-struktorov hydrocarbons. Gives a graphical representation of the results of modeling, propagation and purification of coastal zones of hydrocarbon pollutants

Monitoring and mapping of flood situation in the Siberian Federal District


Annotation: The article describes the importance of the problem of flood situation and digital processing technology of multispectral data, used in the operational work in State Research Center «Planetaݒ. The flood maps are informative enough to serve as one of the main sources of information for the regional services of the Ministry for Emergency Situation

Stability of automation systems. The concept of sustainable interaction


Annotation: The first prerequisite for the interaction of two (or more) systems is their simultaneous existence. Under the simultaneous existence we mean a period of time of functioning of systems for which the effect of at least one of them will affect the effectiveness of the other in the performance of a specific task. Stability property is a fundamental property of any information system. This property can be intuitively defined as a certain constancy, immutability of certain structures and system behavior.

Geoinformationаl approach for monitoring of pollution of the sea according to remote sensing of the earth from space


Annotation: The paper deals with application of geoinformatics and remote sensing in monitoring marine pollution. In particular, solved the problem of determining the specific surface of marine vessels. Reveals the specificity of geo-information approach for monitoring pollution of the sea. As a basis for monitoring use radar images (SAR images) are shown and disclosed in the basic problems that arise in the recognition slikoobrazuyuschih phenomena. To solve the problematic issues of basis sets developed by the author (direct) and casual (causal) evidence of contamination. In the aspect of a situation analysis “vessel-pollution” scenario approach was used. Examples of the use of the method. The efficiency of the proposed technology to solve practical problems.

Web-application for 3d-visualization in research and validation of energy solutions


Annotation: Article is devoted to the development of web-application for 3D-visualization of objects, processes and values which are the result of energy research. The new approach to work with geospatial data which has been called Situational awareness or Neogeography used for 3D-visualization. The possibility of web-applications for 3D-visualization is illustrated by two specific energy problems

Studying geological structures of different genesis by means of geographic information system ENDDB


Annotation: Using the shady relief model of ENDDB-program (the Earth’s Natural Disasters Database) and data of “Global marine gravity”, V18.1 for constructing relief maps and a shaded gravity anomaly allows us to visually reveal new morpho-structural elements of astroblems or to confirm the founded earlier morpho-structural regularities for a lot of astroblemes. In addition, the ENDDB tool can help to confirm a seismic morphological structures identified by special methods for grouping related earthquakes offered in it.

Information Infrastructure supporting Scientific Investigations in Earth Science in Russian Far East: current state and prospects of development


Annotation: In article is described information infrastructure for support supporting scientific geological investigations in the Far East of Russia. Infrastructure represents a block platform for integration of non-uniform sources of geological information and services of their processing. The system provides access to geographically-distributed scientific data on geology of the Russian Far East, such as: scientific publications, maps, satellite data, quantitative data, photo and video information, information about scientific conferences and so on

Analisis of the methods of semantic search of information resources


Annotation: This article describes the technique of semantic pertinence selection of information resources on the basis bionic approach and ontologies. It is based on the method of semantic analysis of lexical units, methods of statistical analysis and data mining technology. This article describes the biological characteristics of mental activity of the human brain. The article focused on the implementation problems of automation process of improving the competence of an expert in a subject-oriented field of knowledge.

Assessment of the statistical characteristics of cloudiness at insolation of solarbatteries


Annotation: The article describes some results of comparative studying of cloudiness-index relative to insolation of solar PV-batteries. Some recommendations for cloudiness absorption analytical model are proposed. Those recommendations take into consideration the statistical nature of cloudiness

Green wave


Annotation: They are analysed main purposes, directions and technologies «green», energy saving calculations, under investigation in International educational project TEMPUS. In a short time with big share of probability «green» discipline will be taught in university not only for graduate students and masters, but also for specialists and bachelors.

Convergent technologies and transformation of the structure of cognition


Annotation: The introduction of the advanced countries in a society based on knowledge, the development of converging technologies (nano-, bio-, informational, cognitive, and social technologies) indicate the formation of a qualitatively different level design and engineering of human activity and the growing role of the subject.The article analyses the problem of the unity of the individual, collective (micro) and social (macro-social) subjects in the aspect of the growing information society and the automation of human intellectual activity.

New Russia – a new liberal education


Annotation: The subject of this work is the analysis emerged a deep contradiction – the essence of which, a deep conflict between culture and civilization in force for various purposes (functions) of the two components of the activity of social man and misalignment of these components of human activity on the stage of industrial and post-industrial development of modern society. Modern society due to the lack of defining the impact of cultural meanings and projects, increasingly becomes a «megamachine» that not having a cultural, humanitarian projects, because of its instrumental nature reproduces itself. People in this system has increasingly become a cog. He no longer produces itself within celovekoboga space of culture, but rather provides the framework of their professional activities this aimless running industrial community. About this dangerous trend recently has stated unequivocally in his speech, Pope Francisco I.