Release: 2016-4 (16)

DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-3-13
Keywords: algorithm, program, programming language Pascal, array, pointers, dynamic memory, structures of data, debug
Annotation: Is offered methods of the quick education to programming on base of the study of the classes of the problems, designed and using in practice in process of the education to programming student high school
Information asymmetry in educational technology
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-14-20
Keywords: education, information, education, technology, information asymmetry; location information, communication, qualitative analysis
Annotation: The article analyzes the types of information asymmetry in the field of education. The article reveals the contents of the information asymmetry: to inform, on information exchange, on information interaction, information on the situation. This article describes methods of evaluation of asymmetry for different conditions and situations. The article shows examples of occurrence of asymmetry in education and the negative consequences of its occurrence. The article gives recommendations to address the information asymmetry
Creating electronic educational resources
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-21-27
Keywords: education, information resources, information technology, electronic educational resources, information units
Annotation: This article describes the basics of formation of electronic educational resources. This article describes the types of electronic educational resources. This article describes the classification of electronic educational resources in accordance with UNESCO criteria. This article describes the standardization and specification of electronic educational resources. This article describes the difference between information resources and electronic information resources. This article describes the information items as the basis for the formation of electronic educational resources
Practical discrete mathematics and mathematics of logic (practical occupations 12–16)
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-27-40
Keywords: The discrete mathematics, mathematics of logic, the switching function, minimization
Annotation: The technique of solving problems on a practical training on discipline «Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic» developed and applied in practice in the universities of the Perm region
Techniques for automated thesaurus population based on grammatically valid sentence units
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-41-51
Keywords: information resources on bionics; natural language processing; knowledge engineering; thesaurus
Annotation: The former article regards the task of forming the initial thesaurus, based on automated in-scope publication analysis. The proposed method implements primary reduction of irrelevant units guided by heuristics based on the inner structure of natural language grammar
Evolution of approaches to the management of information technology
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-51-58
Keywords: information technology, enterprise architecture, TOGAF, service-oriented architecture, Service Management Methods – SMM
Annotation: Open Joint-Stock Company «Scientific and Research Institute of Super COMPUTER» The article analyzes the approaches to managing information technology company, provides an overview of methods and management techniques. Peculiarities of the existing management methodologies for the transition from the traditional IT architecture for service-oriented architecture. The advantages of standardized solutions for the transfer of information technology organization to a new level of system
The complexity of information constructions
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-58-63
Keywords: complexity, system analysis, information construction, information models, types of complexity, cognitive complexity
Annotation: The article analyzes the example of the complexity of the information structures. The article reveals the concept of design information. The article describes the main types of complexity in the field of computer science and computer engineering. The article argues that the growth of complexity is a natural process of development of society. This conclusion requires a study of the phenomenon of complexity. This finding motivates the search for tools to reduce complexity and reduce the impact on management. The paper describes the taxonomy of different kinds of complexity. The article reveals the contents of the structural and cognitive complexity. We describe the characteristics of cognitive complexity. It shows the difference between a topological and structural complexity. It describes the complexity of semantic information structures. The article defines the scope of the results of research: management, systems analysis, artificial intelligence, modeling and cognitive science. The article shows that the complexity of the phenomenon of well-researched information on the example designs
Structural synthesis profile service-oriented it architecture
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-64-71
Keywords: IT profile, structural synthesis, hypergraph, service-oriented architecture, unification, in-formation services
Annotation: In article are considered the problem of structural synthesis of the strategic profile of service-oriented IT architecture of the organization. To formalize this problem are encouraged to use oriented hypergraph which allows to take into account limitations of the various project's situations. In article are represented the approach for typification and unification of functional modules used to form generalized hypergraph structure and the system of constraints on the implementation of information services. In article are formulated the task of choosing the best option for the realization of the profile of information services on the specified criteria
Transport timetabling problem
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-71-91
Keywords: timetabling, demand, event, transport scheduling, greedy algorithm, ranking methods
Annotation: In the article basic concepts for transport scheduling problem are presented. The transport scheduling procedure use of two-stage algorithm developed in database system. The solutions obtained by the first stage algorithm with the best resource allocation rule are used as a baseline to compare those obtained by the latter. Each stage consists of two heuristic solution-finding procedures based on greedy ideology. The greedy algorithms use multi-criteria ranking of decision support theory. The algorithm introduces the concept of an adjustable resource allocation factor which can be used to produce schedules. The basic criteria for choice operations are demanded – criterion of vehicle workload and criterion of resource equability. A numerical example of transport scheduling is given. The realizations are used on set of train scheduling tasks
Cognitive information construction
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-92-98
Keywords: information, information technology, analysis, taxonomy, cognitive science, modeling, interpre-tation, cognitive construction, information models, information certainty, information uncertainty, spot parameter values, interval values of parameters
Annotation: The article leads the new concept of cognitive information design. The article reveals the contents of the cognitive information structures. This article describes the relationship and the distinction between information structures and cognitive information structures. This article describes the relationship and differences between cognitive information structures and information models. This article describes the relationship and differences between cognitive information structures and cognitive models. This article describes the properties of cognitive information structures. This article describes the methods of interpretation of cognitive information structure
Digital modeling in monitoring deformation
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-98-106
Keywords: spatial information, applied geoinformatics, modeling, digital simulation, deformation, forecasting, management, dynamic status
Annotation: The article analyzes the methods of digital simulation, using for monitoring deformations. The article shows the difference between digital modeling technology in communications and Earth sciences. This article describes the evolution of monitoring. The article shows that modern spatial monitoring based on geoinformation monitoring. The article shows that modern spatial monitoring integrated into geomonitoring. The article shows that modern geomonitoring includes four functions: monitoring, analysis, forecasting and management. This article describes the deformation and methods of measuring article describes the dynamic digital models, making them an important tool for monitoring deformations
Geoinformatics in the system Sciences
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-106-113
Keywords: geoinformatics, applied geoinformatics, computer science, system science, classification, geoin-formation technology, earth science, communication sciences
Annotation: This article describes the location of geoinformatics in the sciences. The basis of classification of sciences classifier used VAK scientific specialties. This article describes the origins of Geoinformatics. The article compares the Geoinformation Science. The article analyzes the relation of Geoinformatics with other sciences. The article describes the importance of geo-information technologies. This article describes the conflict that exists in Russia in the field of geoinformatics. The assessment of scientific works on geoinformation specialists perform other scientific fields. These areas do not belong to the related sciences of Geoinformatics. The article shows that the geo-information relates primarily to Geoscience
Information models and geoinformation models
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-114-120
Keywords: geoinformatics, applied geoinformatics, simulation, models, information models, geoinformation models
Annotation: This article describes the information and geoinformation models. The paper describes four ap-proaches of learning, which use different types of models. The article shows the features of information models. The article shows that the information model has a computer model. This article describes important features of information models: interpretability and structural. The article shows that the geoinformation model is the development of information model. The article describes the structure and features of geoinformation model. The article shows the importance of spatial relationships that are identified only by means of geoinformation models. The article reveals the important properties of geoinformation models: poly scale and polymorphism. The article reveals the contents of geoinformation models
Geodetic support digital modeling
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-121-130
Keywords: geoinformatics, applied geoinformatics, modeling, digital modeling, digital models, spatial digi-tal models, the technology of spatial information, survey methods, space geodesy
Annotation: This article describes surveying methods, which are used to obtain spatial information. This information is used to build digital models and digital simulations. The article recommends the introduction of a new term "spatial digital model" for differences with digital models used in communication technologies. The article analyzes the main technology of the spatial coordinates, which are used to generate digital models. This article describes the prospects for the development of digital modeling. The article shows that the main task of digital simulation is to obtain new knowledge
Construction of three-dimensional maps
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-130-138
Keywords: Applied geoinformatics, digital simulation, the electronic map, digital model, a three-dimensional map, information units, the information situation, the three-dimensional information units, local information base, virtual map
Annotation: The article describes the methodology and technology to build three-dimensional maps. As the bases used multimedia technology of virtual reality. As an information methodology used method information items and information of the situation. With regard to the method of three-dimensional map information items is transformed into a method of three-dimensional information units. With regard to the three-dimensional map information situation method is transformed into a method of three-dimensional information of the situation. Article introduces new concepts: local information basis, the standard three-dimensional information unit, a virtual card. This article describes the differences between the three-dimensional digital model of the card and, between the digital map and electronic map