Release: 2017-3 (20)

2017-3 (20)
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Intercultural communication and teaching in xx century works


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-7-12

Annotation: The article deals with approaches and interpretations of intercultural communication in XX works. It is the epoch when the latter started branching out as an independent sphere of knowledge under accelerating informational and globalization processes, which led to increasing intercultural contacts. It reviews the theories of G. Hofstede, E. Hirsch and E. Hall. Particularly important is interconnection of intercultural communication and intercultural competence that is revealed basing on aforementioned ideas.

Psycho-pedagogical paradigm of intercultural communication as a vector of multipolar world


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-13-17

Annotation: The article reveals psychological and pedagogical aspects of intercultural communication as knowledge. Particular attention is paid to their interconnection in the context of issues of forming personality in contemporary multi-ethnic society. It also reveals intercultural communication influencing theory and practice of teaching foreign languages. Intercultural communication is presented as a paradigm of this process that touches on its theoretical basis and practical aspects.

Interlingual interference in russians learning bulgarian


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-18-22

Annotation: The article provides comparative analysis of Russian and Bulgarian languages for differences in alphabet, lexis and grammar. The author estimates correlation between Bulgarian language aspects and their Russian analogues. The conclusion is that despite visible similarity Bulgarian language structure is considerably different from Russian. As a result there is considerable language interference in the process of learning it.

Stratified method of constructing complex i system


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-23-32

Annotation: The article offers an approach to constructing a complex system based on a stratified method. The article describes the architecture of a complex technical system. The article provides a formal model for describing a complex system. Paper describes the concept of multi-layered interaction. Paper describes the formal mechanism of stratification. Paper introduces the concept of sustainable stratification of a complex system. The article shows the difference between full and stable stratification. Paper introduces rules for finding a compromise between the simplicity of the description and the preservation of the complexity of the system. Paper introduces a formal criterion for determining the quality of stratification. Paper describes a three-layer system architecture as a result of stratification.

Oriented graphs in complexs organizational and technical fiscal systems


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-33-40

Annotation: Paper examines complex organizational and technical fiscal systems that solve problem-oriented tasks. The article defines the place of a complex fiscal system among other complex systems. The article provides a formal description of the model of a complex organizational and technical fiscal system. Paper examines the concept of an oriented acyclic graph. The article describes various approaches to storing and processing oriented acyclic graphs in modern DBMS using the SQL language. Paper describes the approach of materializing the way in a complex organizational and technical fiscal system using the example of the state address register. Paper proves that the use of acyclic graphs for a technological organization increases the efficiency of fiscal information systems.

Communication closed information model


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-41-47

Annotation: The article reveals the content of a complex information model related to communication processes in the field of management. The article describes the structural composition of a closed communication information model. Paper describes the reasons for the fact that this model is closed. The article describes the information need as a motivation for the functioning of the communication model. The article describes three models of information needs. Paper describes the structure of a communication closed information model.

Synthesis of recurrent algorithms for parametric identification based on variational principles


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-48-54

Annotation: Proposals are algorithms for parametric identification, which differ from solutions for using the variational principle in the synthesis procedure. Their effectiveness is confirmed by the results of mathematical modeling of accelerometer parameters determination tasks.

Transformation of ideal in information modeling


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-55-61

Annotation: The article explores the mechanisms for transforming implicit knowledge as an ideal phenomenon into formal and material models. The article explores the processes of transforming implicit knowledge. The article introduces the concepts of formalized and unformalized implicit knowledge. The article analyzes SECI’s information model as a four-stage model of knowledge transformation. The article considers the model of an information message. The information message model is considered as a complex model in which different information models change their shape while maintaining the content.

Information, reducing uncertainty and information, increasing content


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-62-68

Annotation: The article analyzes two types of information. The first kind of information is related to entropy and the work of K. E. Shannon. This information reduces uncertainty. The second type of information is associated with negentropy and the works of N. Winner and L. Floridi. The article describes the difference between the concepts of “ignorance” and “knowledge”. Paper describes an example showing the difference between the amount of information for KE Shannon and N. Winner. The article describes a method for estimating negentropy based on “non-Gaussian”.

Information situation as complex system


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-69-77

Annotation: The article describes a new approach to the information situation model. The article describes the types of information situations. The article analyzes structural models of complex systems. The article analyzes structural models of information situations. Paper shows the similarity and difference between structural models of a complex system and information situation. Paper compares models of information situations and models of complex systems. Paper concludes that it is possible to use a model of a complex system to describe the information situation. Paper concludes that it is possible to apply the theory of systems to study the information situation model.

To the question of the role of carbon dioxide and its influence on the biosphere


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-78-85

Annotation: The process of formation and transformation of dominant emissions in the case of energy generation – carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered. The effect of CO2 on climatic thermal vibrations is shown. The use of anthropogenic CO2 emissions as a tool for market manipulation is disclosed. The irrelevance of the reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the Russian Federation is shown. The proposal to collect payments of «carbon rent» from the emitter countries is substantiated.

Complex technical systems


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-86-92

Annotation: The article analyzes a complex technical system. Paper examines the concept of a complex technical system. Paper shows that in the modern understanding, a complex technical system is an information technology system. The article compares a complex system and network. Paper describes the similarity and difference between a complex technical system and a network. Paper describes the autopoiesis of a complex technical system. Paper describes aspects of the theory of social systems of Luhmann in relation to a complex technical system. Paper describes the acceptability of Luhmann’s theory to describe a complex technical system. Paper describes the principles and properties of a complex technical system. The article proves that the general theory of systems is not suitable for a complete description of complex systems. The article proves that a new theory of complex systems is needed to describe complex technical systems.

Information units in complex systems


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-93-99

Annotation: The article describes the method of representing a complex system using an information approach. The article describes the languages of computer science. Paper describes topological models of information units. Paper describes the structure of a complex system. The article compares the structures of complex information units and complex systems. On the basis of comparison, the article suggests an analogy between these structures. The article formulates a conclusion about the possibility of decomposition of a complex system into informational units of this system. The article explores three situations of interpretation of complex systems using information units.



DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-100-108

Annotation: The article explores a new type of database – the geodatabase. The article reveals the content of the geodatabase with the use of different aspects of the review. The article explores the principles of building a geodatabase. The article reveals the geodata content as the basis of the geodatabase. The article analyzes the types of geodatabases in terms of connecting to an external information system. The article describes the integration schemes for geodatabases based on server and cloud technologies.

Geoinformation modeling in space researches


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-109-117

Annotation: The article describes geoinformation modeling used in the study of outer space. The article describes the integration of terrestrial sciences with cosmic research. The article describes the features of geoinformation modeling, which can be used in space research. The article compares information modeling and geoinformation modeling in space research. The article shows the advantage of geoinformation modeling in terms of more systematic and detailed spatial information. The article reveals the content of situational spatial modeling. The article describes visual geoinformation modeling as an obligatory function in space research.