Release: 2021-3 (36)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-5-12
Keywords: testing algorithms, education, algorithm cognition, systematics, information field, formal object of cognition
Annotation: The article explores the algorithms that are used in the field of education when testing students. It is shown that special algorithms are used for testing systems, which can represent a cognition tool and a knowledge assessment tool. It is shown that the algorithm can serve to describe the patterns of the surrounding world. The general description of algorithms is an information structure. The relationship between the algorithm and the information field is shown. The systematics of algorithms in relation to testing tasks is given. The aspects of complexity, resource use, structure and sequence of actions are considered. Schemes of algorithms of different types are given. The article describes a trinitarian model of the algorithm, which can serve as the basis for describing the algorithm as an object of cognition. The properties of the cognitive model of the algorithm are considered. The article introduces a new characteristic of the algorithm – “algorithm cognitiveness”, which is important and necessary when creating testing algorithms. The cognitiveness of the testing algorithm is characterized by a number of factors: test perception, reception, perception and apperception by students of the testing task. The obtained research results can be used to create a model of an intelligent testing system for students.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-13-24
Keywords: education quality, perceived quality, satisfaction with education, educational quality criteria
Annotation: The purpose of the article is to present the results of a pilot study of the issue of perceived education quality. Higher education quality is one of the most discussed matters throughout the university history. Under market competition the quality issue is not solved and grows in significance since it is not always the main university competitive factor. According to the findings the study concludes about the need of renovating the questionnaire according to the selected quality criteria and clarify the goals namely the interdependence of the perceived education quality and satisfaction with education. In general the study shows that students of both state and nonstate universities put forward similar requirements of education quality. The perceived quality is based on such criteria as the quality of teaching staff professional training, practice organization, modern teaching methods and the taught processes and technologies relevant to present-day realities.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-25-31
Keywords: self-upbringing, ways of upbringing, educational technologies, methods of upbringing, electronic educational environment
Annotation: Self-upbringing as a university education method seems to be the most relevant in the age of rapid IT and distant learning development. The study aims at working out a conceptual approach to students’ self-upbringing under modern educational realities. The article reveals the necessary psychological basis on which self- upbringing as professional’s psychological quality is based. The article highlights principles and tasks of self-upbringing technology on DIY example (by G.K. Selevko). It can be used by distant learning students. The article points out the need for this implementation with help of algorithmic and mathematical models of distant learning parameters and assessing the student’s competencies at a given level and other formalized methods of increasing the creative students’ potential as well. The article highlights the criteria of successful development of self-upbringing as a psychological quality. The obtained research results can be applied in solving the issue of achieving a synergistic effect in distant learning.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-32-36
Keywords: RAFT-technology, educational independence, educational action, critical thinking, distance learning
Annotation: Learning independence is one of social requirements for university graduates. Its essence is students’ personal learning interest, mastering educational activities and striving for self-education. At the same time traditional teaching methods and means in the context of modern higher education realities are insufficient to meet this requirement. The author proposes RAFT technology as an innovative means of forming learning independence. Its main emphasis is increasing the proportion of students’ independence and their personal meanings formation. This technology is analyzed on the example of Pedagogy classes held at Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul). The author comes to conclusion about increasing students’ motivation, their involvement in educational activities and development of cognitive processes necessary for further self-improvement and self-organization by means of creation of texts supposed in this technology.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-37-44
Keywords: human potential, youth, smart-education, smart-technologies, smart-competence
Annotation: Human potential is a significant factor affecting economy competitiveness. It’s especially important to focus on forming youth’s human potential as an innovative resource of social development. The purpose of this article is to analyze the opportunities of youth’s human potential development in the context of SMART-education concept. We present the key aspects of this approach in particular related to the development of SMART-competencies. The research is based on the findings of the experiment conducted by VRC of RAS in 2020. It shoes that on average the SMART-competencies in the experimental and control groups are at an autonomous level with prospects of a strategic one. The author proposes a list of the basic directions that would help to develop individual components of SMART-competencies and indicates their possible contribution to human potential formation. The paper concludes with the need to create a favorable environment that promotes the development of students’ abilities and outlines the areas for further studies.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-45-52
Keywords: linguo-education, communicative education, interactive education, edutainment, non-formal education, private teaching
Annotation: The article bears methodological character and aims at critical description of non-formal educational practice. The matter of research is linguo-educational process. The article views contemporary approach of teaching a foreign language without a textbook that is suggested by a number of practicing teachers for bringing into practice due to developing international online-communications in education (including online-trainings). It also reveals the peculiarities of doing without a textbook as the main didactic means in teaching foreign languages. The relevance and appropriateness of such an approach are estimated. Particular attention is paid to pros-andcons analysis. It comes to the conclusion that such practice can be applied only for local pedagogical goals.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-53-59
Keywords: recommendations, video, video scene properties, hierarchical RNN, video-sequence continuation
Annotation: This article suggests a continuation method for a video-sequence by means of hierarchical recurrent neural networks. The method is based on the information about the visual and semantic properties of video-scenes obtained fr om the video and its previously known data. The article presents algorithms for identifying the visual and semantic properties of video- scenes and an algorithm for extending the video sequence as well. It describes the result of the method and demonstrates its worth. It also describes possible scenarios its usage. The method can be used for recommending short video clips and films. As a result a set of videos is obtained wh ere each element is close to the initial selection in terms of the selected properties.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-60-71
Keywords: managerial registers, semantics of managerial registers, registers predicate, compatibility registers, connectivity registers, linguistic variable
Annotation: The purpose of this article is build a theoretical model of automatic connection of various departmental managerial lists. The topic of the article is relevant for organizing interagency cooperation in terms of data exchange. Basing on the framework (common part) of management lists the article provides formal definitions of atomic and structured management lists with atomic and linguistic attributes. The latter are an extension of the relations introduced by Edgar Codd. The article also views the compatibility signs of such lists. It uses such a research method as logical categorization of management lists from simple to complex ones. The formal definitions of homogeneous and structured lists considered in the article containing atomic and linguistic attributes as well as signs of their compatibility can form the basis for the development of standards for automated data exchange between information systems. In particular the definitions of homogeneous and structured lists can be used in the development of exchange formats and for data exchange services between various information systems as well.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-72-79
Keywords: situational metamodeling, information field, information model, information situation
Annotation: The article explores metamodeling and situational metamodeling in the information field. It introduces a new concept of situational metamodeling. It shows the mechanism of object and situations transforming into an information field. It also shows the difference between an object model and an information situation model and between an object metamodel and an information situation metamodel. The author shows similarities and differences between a metamodel and an information structure model in an information field. An information situation metamodel is the most informative in comparison with the listed models and metamodels. Situational metamodeling based on information morphism transforms sets of model parameters into functional dependencies of the metamodel, which is the main benefit of metamodeling. Situational metamodeling allows us to draw the function of latent parameters and on this basis reveals implicit knowledge. The article shows information units as the unifying factor between models and metamodels. Information units are elements of the information field. Situational metamodeling makes it possible to identify the patterns of the information field. The patterns of an information field make it possible to identify patterns of the external environment. Situational metamodeling is a tool for learning and gaining new knowledge.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-80-87
Keywords: system, complex system, system analysis, system signs, special signs, general signs
Annotation: The article explores “complex system” concept evolution in the aspect of systems theory development. The article shows that like cybernetics the modern systems theory has developed significantly. It requires a new approach to considering complex system concept. The article shows that while the original complex system concept posed the task of its formal description the modern one does a number of additional tasks. Basing on the signature of systems conceptual representation the article shows a consistent change in properties and expansion of functionality as the elements of cognition are applied. It is shown that at present the complex system concept from an abstract or technical form gets a complex aspect taking into account many factors including the cognitive one. It is noted that a simplified description of a complex system may have limited use so it is necessary to describe special features that reveal cognitive, organizational, resource and other factors that affect the result of the system’s activity and allow one to find causal relations between the system composition and the result.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-88-96
Keywords: information interaction, information, man-machine system, information models, information situation
Annotation: The article describes the features of information interaction in a human-machine system. The structure and features of the human-machine system are described. It is shown that a significant difference between a man-machine system and other systems is the inclusion of human resources in its composition. Human participation and abilities affect the outcome of a human-machine system. The human-machine system is interpreted as an organizational technological information complex. The article shows the importance of information models and information technologies for human-machine systems. Two system models of a man-machine system are described: weakly formalized and formalized. The models complement each other. The article describes the significance of visual models for a human-machine system. Different types of information interactions are shown. The visual model allows information interaction in a human-machine system for a real situation. The importance of information units in the formation of information and visual models is described. The article describes the basic principles of information interaction in a human-machine system. The article compares the algorithmic information processing system and the man-machine system.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-97-105
Keywords: sequence interpolation, T-models, Lehmer codes, generalized Catalan numbers, generalized Bell numbers, qanalogue
Annotation: The article proposes a new technique for interpolating integer sequences. It is demonstrated on classes interpolating sequences between Catalan numbers and factorials and between Bell numbers and factorials as well. This technique is based on T-models and Lehmer permutations codes. T-models are specified recursively by sequences of special type numerical tables. It allows us to obtain algorithms for solving a number of emerging problems. Integer sequences correspond to T-models whereas sets of numbers (codes) of their elements are also constructed for the latter. Using this technique the article introduces the classes of generalized Catalan and Bell numbers, as well as their q-analogues. Their extension leads to the sequence interpolation problem solution. We also find the permutation classes corresponding to sequences and given by sets of Lehmer codes. This approach greatly simplifies the construction of permutation classes that were previously obtained in computer science articles by means of removing the permutations with given patterns.