Release: 2024-1 (46)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-7-16
Keywords: rigidity of the higher education system, digital transformation, shortage of IT specialists
Annotation: The most important strategic task of the Russian higher education system is to train personnel for the needs of the digital stage of development. Despite the popularity of information professions and the growing demand for IT education, Russia is experiencing a significant shortage of IT specialists of various levels of training. The study identified the main institutional and competent imbalances in the IT training system, which made it possible to identify a set of factors that have a cumulative effect that has accumulated over a number of previous years and prove the inflexibility and low responsiveness of Russian academic educational institutions to the urgent re- quirements of systemic digitalization. It is concluded that the non-use of the potential of Russian universities, the inability of the education system to adapt as quickly as possible to the new digital reality in terms of increasing the training of demanded IT specialists, the separation from the needs of real practice leads to a deceleration in the processes of information transformation and objectively casts doubt on the achievement of Russia’s digital maturity in the medium term.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-17-22
Keywords: digitalization of education, risks of digitalization, cognitive security, digital didactics, information culture, academic culture
Annotation: The use of digital tools, as practice shows, brings significant diversity to teaching methods and can significantly increase students’ interest in all types of classes. Nevertheless, expectations of the adverse effects of digitaliza- tion of education have been formed in the teaching environment. The article reveals the advantages and risks associated with the digital transformation of the educational environment. The most important are cognitive and ethical risks, as well as risks associated with competition from educational platforms with online courses. The authors differentiate the risks of students, teachers and universities as the main subjects of educational activity. Such important social problems in the development of education as social inequality and the “digital divide”, the “manageralization” of the university structure to the detriment of creative self-organization, and the strengthening of ethical issues of compliance with standards of academic integrity in education are highlighted. The article formulates some proposals to neutralize risks, including the need to develop digital didactics, update the qualification requirements for a higher school teacher, and develop an information culture among students. The implementation of these proposals can be useful for improving the effectiveness of educational activities in the digital environment.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-23-30
Keywords: digital technologies, corpora, lexicon, translation methods, foreign language, culture, genre, foreign language skills
Annotation: The article describes the use of corpora as promising translation methods in the context of foreign language education. Corpus-driven approaches is known to have become popular in lexicography following digital tech- nological advances. This method have made it possible for computer programs to process vast amounts of data very rapidly. The purpose of the study: to identify the main role of corpora in teaching a foreign language. The following research methods are: content analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, interpretation, systematization, structuring. The following results are obtained: currently the problem of corpus approach use as digital means to solve foreign language education issues are relevant due to Foreign language study enhances human’s opportunities in technologies. It is necessary to create a link between the digital society and humanitar- ian education, that is, digital culture. The use of corpus technologies can provide significant assistance in the professional activities of a foreign language teacher. The corpus approach is an important tool in organizing the learning process, finding the necessary content of educational tools, and its application can ensure the quality of teaching a foreign language. In conclusion it is noted that expanding the corpus capacity to translate texts contributes to the diversification of learning processes through digital technologies.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-31-40
Keywords: professional tourism education, tourism and hospitality industry, principles of practical training
Annotation: The article is devoted to the study of the principles of practical training in professional tourism education. The presented results of the methodological research are an overview of the experience obtained as a result of practi- cal pedagogical activity in the system of tourist education in the context of a competence-based approach. The local elements of novelty in the work are contained in an attempt to summarize the empirical and pedagogical experience of approbation of the principles of practical training of students in professional competencies: the axiological principle; the recreational principle; the principle of individualization; the principle of integrity; the principle of communication; dialectical principle; the principle of continuity; structural and substantive princi- ple; the principle of hierarchy; the principle of market orientation of practical training. The authors conclude that professional tourism education in higher school should be based on a system of links between the main components of the content, the organization of various forms, principles and methods of teaching, which are implemented and assimilated in the course of practical activities of students.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-41-47
Keywords: patriotism, patriotic education, military-patriotic education, student youth, historical consciousness, all-Russian civil identity
Annotation: The article analyzes the current problems of the theory and practice of patriotic education of university students. The interrelation of the scientific understanding of patriotic education of university students with the require- ments of regulatory legal documents, the practice of its organization in universities is revealed. The issues of the development of historical consciousness, the forming of the all-Russian civil identity, military-patriotic educa- tion of university students are being updated. The development of personal patriotism of students in universities within the framework of the universal competence “systemic and critical thinking” is substantiated. The author substantiates such ways to increase the effectiveness of patriotic education of university students as: qualitative updating of the content and methods of teaching academic disciplines in universities, especially humanities and socio-economic disciplines in terms of patriotic education; the development of students personal patriotically driven activity in socially significant matters in academic and extracurricular work with them, etc. The thesis about the need for problematic differentiation of scientific knowledge on scientific and pedagogical issues of patriotic education of students in the higher education system is proposed.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-48-53
Keywords: foreign language, non-linguistic profile, educational dialogue, special terminology, subjectivity of student learning
Annotation: The article is devoted to the specifics of using dialogue as a form of teaching a foreign language to students of technical universities. The relevance of the article is determined by the urgent need to develop effective approaches to teaching a foreign language to students of technical specialties in order to develop students’ competence in written and oral communication in a foreign language in the professional field. Currently, the level of “read- ing and translating with a dictionary” can no longer be considered an independent didactic task, which has traditionally been central in the training of engineers, taking into account the saturation of technical texts with professional terminology, which dictates the development of not only new approaches, but also didactic values. The scientific significance of the work lies in the justification of the need to actively include dialog forms in the training of engineers based on the analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience, both local author’s and presented in a number of reviewed scientific publications. As an advantage of using dialogue techniques in language teaching, the subjectivity of teaching a student a foreign language is put forward as opposed to its objectivity as it is in other approaches, when the student remains a passive recipient of information received in a ready-made form. The understanding of the use of dialogue as a method of teaching a foreign language is car- ried out in relation to the specific features of the areas of training, which determines the practical significance of the study, which consists in the possibility of applying the presented task in the practice of teaching a foreign language.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-54-62
Keywords: M. Şerif, D. Campbell, socio-psychological aspects, ethnocultural identity, behavioristic direction, intercultural interaction, ethnic community
Annotation: The study of issues of theoretical perception of ethnocultural identity problems contributes to the effective solution of harmonious intercultural interaction formation in a multiethnic society. The article examines the socio-psychological aspects of young people’s ethnocultural identity development from the perspective of M. Sherif and D. Campbell’s research, representatives of the behaviorist direction. The applied study concept provides focusing on behavioral models of human life, since ethnocultural identity is realized in social actions. Based on the results of the study, the conclusion is formulated that the use of technological techniques implemented in the educational process and cultural and leisure activities aimed at maintaining the culture and traditions of an ethnic group makes it possible to update such areas of young people’s mental life as cognitive, affective and behavioral. These areas activation is fundamental for young people’s ethnocultural identity formation. The studied views and assessments of ethnocultural identity are qualified on their qualitative reasons by means of the conceptual analysis method. Based on the synthesis of the considered particular concepts, elements of the general concept of building harmonious intercultural interaction in a multi-ethnic society are highlighted.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-63-71
Keywords: phonetic skills, English as a lingua franca, peer-to-peer teaching (P2P), feedback, individual educational trajectory
Annotation: The rapidly changing world directly affects the educational sphere. The university teaching staff constantly has to solve new psychological, pedagogical and methodological issues. Undoubtedly, teaching approaches must take into account the needs of modern students and adapt to the specificities of socio-economic and political reality. Presently, from the point of view of teaching methods, the pronunciation of native English speakers is no longer perceived as an absolute norm and a standard to follow. When teaching English as a language of international communication (lingua franca), the goal of developing phonetic skills is to achieve intelligibility of speech in professional communication and the ability to understand a wide range of accents. As practice shows, working on improving pronunciation skills of university students has a number of issues. Students should not feel uncomfort- able during pronunciation training. Today, personalization of the learning process is becoming a current trend in higher education. The article proposes the authors’ model of teaching pronunciation based on P2P method and development of an individual trajectory. The practical significance of the study is observed in the critical analysis of the experimental training conducted, and in the possibility of using the described technique when teaching a foreign language at a university.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-72-79
Keywords: national identity of foreign language teachers, multicultural education, linguistic university
Annotation: The aim of the research is to determine the specifics and pathways of developing national identity of future foreign language teachers in the context of a multicultural environment at a language university, considering the modernization of higher education within the framework of the 3++ standard in the field of “Philology’’. The research is based on the postulate that the study of a foreign language can influence the development of national identity at the individual level, as in some cases it can form a competing national identity and lead to an imbalance in value hierarchy. The authors propose a system for developing national identity in students at a language university within the context of foreign language education and intercultural approach. This system encompasses the following elements: 1) a rational understanding of cultural material and critical thinking, 2) the forming of a sense of involvement in regional and local community issues, 3) the creation of patterns of civic behavior and intercultural communication. The necessity of mobilizing the cultural and linguistic experience of students is emphasized to prepare them for dialogue with representatives of equal cultures and to prevent intercultural conflicts.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-80-87
Keywords: information search, information otological search, set-theoretic models, implicit knowledge, morphological search, semantic search
Annotation: The article explores implicit knowledge in information retrieval. There is a tendency to increase the volume of information, including in information networks. This trend motivates research in the field of information retrieval. An increase in the volume of information leads to an increase in hidden knowledge and information uncertainty. The taxonomy of the reasons for the inadequacy of the search in the information network is given. These reasons are divided into objective and cognitive. The difference between morphological and semantic search is shown. A set-theoretic model for describing the search for information and its results is proposed. Three main types of information retrieval are described. The difference between the search for information and the search for knowledge is shown. The qualitative difference between ontological and traditional information search is shown. The reasons for the appearance of implicit knowledge in practical activities and scientific research are shown. A formal description of the ontological search, including a component of implicit knowledge, is given. The criteria for the presence of implicit knowledge, which can be obtained through an ontological search, are shown. The results of this study contribute to the development of information retrieval methods, ontological search and the identification of implicit knowledge.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-88-94
Keywords: complex systems, component systems, information systems, update, regeneration, emergence
Annotation: The article describes and suggests a mechanism for upgrading complex systems based on regeneration technology. A new concept of “component complex system” is introduced in order to highlight the high level of complexity of systems and the use of special update technologies. The article provides a systematics of component complex systems. The difference between independent component renewal and regeneration of component complex systems is shown. The conditions for the expedient application of the regeneration mechanism for component complex systems are described. When regenerating a complex system, the main criterion is the criterion of the quality of its functioning. The standards GOST R ISO/IEC 25010-2015 and ISO/IEC 25010:2011 were chosen as the basis for compliance with this criterion. These standards are based on the model of a component trinitarian system. The article provides a formal description of the information component of a complex system and a description of the procedure for its regeneration. For comparison, a formal description of the additive system is given. The research results provide an alternative to reengineering technologies. They can find application in the moderni- zation of information systems and information services, implemented on the basis of modern methods and tools.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-95-105
Keywords: information culture, digital culture, digital platform, digital space, informatization, digitalization
Annotation: The purpose of the work is to analyze the evolution of pedagogical ideas of the personality’s information culture concept from information vacuum to the information as an element. The article uses vector analysis that covers both trends in scientific research and socio-informational factors that determine them. In addition, the method of abstraction that allows us to identify the pedagogical essence of the general scientific phenomenon and the method of synthesis as well are used in the work. The latter allows us to identify significant stages in the evolu- tion of understanding information culture as a pedagogically formed quality. Despite the abundance of scientific material dedicated to information culture there is no widespread use of a historical and pedagogical approach to its analysis probably due to the a priori perception of information technology as a contemporary phenom- enon. These considerations determine the relevance and methodological novelty of the work. The author comes to the conclusion that the stages of information culture as pedagogical concept do not completely coincide with the stages of the traditional idea of the four information revolutions, although they correlate with them as for pedagogical knowledge not only the formal availability of a particular technology is important but its mass use on a social level as well.