Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Information resources geoinformatics


Release: 2015-1 (9)

Annotation: The article analyzes the content of information resources in geoinformatics. Article shows the importance of digital resources. Article shows three types of information resources, which are formed in geoinformatics. This informatics resources, resources, networking and special GIS resources. The article reveals the essence of the Web – GIS technology. Article shows the importance of spatial data infrastructure as a basis for the storage of information resources in geoinformatics.

Information fields in space research


Release: 2015-2 (10)

Annotation: This article describes the application of information fields in space research. This article describes the difference between the information space and information field. It described as a functional field variable value which is a mandatory attribute of the field. Shown. that mandatory attribute information space are information relations. Attributes of the information field is the relationship and communication. This article describes the features of the information field.

Methodology temporal analysis of information systems


Release: 2015-1 (9)

Annotation: This article describes the temporal analysis of information systems using information models. Article offers procedural information models that describe the processes. The technique is based on the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge from the field of artificial intelligence in the field of information systems. For the construction of information models used temporal logic. This approach allows us not only to describe the processes, but also to calculate the area of truth for the temporal characteristics. Information system changes its status as a set of situations and scenarios. Therefore, the technique uses a simple matching algorithm limits for the issuance of more complex tasks. This task involves finding the matching script behavior information system

Development of information control


Release: 2015-2 (10)

Annotation: The article analyzes the development of information control. Article shows the difference between information control and information management. This article describes an information approach to information control. Article shows cyclical informational control. Article argues that the cyclical control is his property is required. Article shows the versatility of information control. The article reveals the content of the information control tasks.

Multi-agent control distributed information flows


Release: 2015-1 (9)

Annotation: This article describes the multiagent management of distributed information flows as a new universal control method. This article describes the features of distributed information systems. Article explains the features of agent-based systems. Article introduces the concept of an infor-mation agent. Article shows that the multi-agent system is constructed as a system of agents engaged in information interaction. Article shows syntagmatic, paradigmatic, hierarchical and subsidiarity in connection multiagent system. Article provides a formalized expression of the multi-technology modeling of information flows. Article shows the advantages arising from the development and application of systems multagent.