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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2014-2 (5)
Keywords: threshold function, balanced function, regular system, substitution
Annotation: The article deals with the geometric method for constructing balanced threshold k-valued functions. A new method of synthesis of bijective mappings on their basis is considered.
Using object-oriented metrics for software analysis
Release: 2014-1 (4)
Keywords: metrics, information system, project, class, method, encapsulation, inheritance, instance variables. set of metrics Chidamber and Kemerer
Annotation: In this paper discusses the use of object-oriented metricsfor аnalysis and quantification soft-ware.Quantitative evaluation complexity of the information system is made using metrics. Metrics are usually subdivided into seven classes. The most detailed description of the class of object-oriented metrics. Particular attention is paid to the set of metrics Chidamber and Kemerer.
Studying geological structures of different genesis by means of geographic information system ENDDB
Release: 2014-5 (8)
Keywords: Geomorphology, typical morphological elements, impact crater, seismicity, catalog, gravity anomaly
Annotation: Using the shady relief model of ENDDB-program (the Earth’s Natural Disasters Database) and data of “Global marine gravity”, V18.1 for constructing relief maps and a shaded gravity anomaly allows us to visually reveal new morpho-structural elements of astroblems or to confirm the founded earlier morpho-structural regularities for a lot of astroblemes. In addition, the ENDDB tool can help to confirm a seismic morphological structures identified by special methods for grouping related earthquakes offered in it.
Ideological orientations of the teacher of the humanities in the educational process
Release: 2014-4 (7)
Keywords: philosophy, philosophic position, teaching practice, pedagogical process, Humanities, skepticism
Annotation: A teacher of Humanities as a rule sticks to a certain philosophic position. To some extent he is an adherent of a certain conception. Needless to say his philosophic position influences his activity in a high degree. This influence spreads both on what the teacher tells the students and on the way it is done. In its turn this has an influence on forming students’ philosophic orientation. What role does teacher’s philosophic orientation play in the pedagogical process? What could and should it be like?
Education as a global object of interest in educational program «South Ukrainian Jewish University «Chabad-Odessa»
Release: 2014-3 (6)
Keywords: education, personally-oriented education, socialization, the value of education, value ori-entation
Annotation: The article considers the peculiarities of educational program «South-Ukrainian Jewish University Chabad-Odessa». The value of the scheme and its educational aim are analyzed. With this the formation is studied as a diverse sociocultural process.