Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Release: 2020-3 (32)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-3-98-104

Annotation: A novel approach for automatic calculation of sea level variation is proposed. It uses displacement velocities of sea markers obtained from infrared satellite imagery. Sea marker on satellite image is a brightness heterogeneity which remains during certain time interval. Sea markers displacement velocities are calculated on the base of modified function of similarity of two same fragments of satellite images for certain time interval. Considering sea markers displacement velocities as sea surface currents velocities and solving inverse problem it is possible to calculate sea level variations of synoptic eddies. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that calculation of sea level variation by displacement velocities of sea markers on satellite infrared imagery allows to precise data of satellite altimetry and to raise accuracy of calculated sea level.



Release: 2020-4 (33)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-99-107

Annotation: The article reveals the main approaches to the interpretation and implementation of the digitalization of higher education – reductionist, technocratic and anti-reductionist, anthropopractical. The digitalization of higher education is considered by the author within the framework of the anthropopractical approach – as a multidimensional process (not reducible to the introduction of distant educational technologies), where the center and end in itself is the transformation of a person and human relations in educational environments, and digital technologies play only an instrumental role. At the same time, if techno-optimism or progressivism believes that digitalization meets the interests of a person and responds to requests for self-development, then techno-pessimism or conservatism, on the contrary, considers digitalization as a dehumanizing process. Comparing polar approaches to assessing anthropological risks and prospects for digitalization of higher education, the author substantiates the significance of technorealism as a worldview and methodological basis for the development and implementation of constructive practices of “slow science” and “slow learning”, “peer-to-peer” education, crowdsourcing, DIY and collaboration, edutainment and gamification of higher education.

The real estate appraisal information situation as a cybernetic model


Release: 2020-2 (31)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-77-86

Annotation: The article describes the application of methods of social cybernetics to solve the problems of real estate valuation. The article shows that the model of social cybernetics is a model of the information situation. The article shows the difference between a cybernetic model and a descriptive non-cybernetic model. The conditions under which the information situation is a cybernetic or non-cybernetic model are shown. The concept of the core of the situation is described and the content of this concept is revealed. The article gives a comparison of the training of specialists in the field of real estate valuation in Russia and abroad. The article introduces a new concept and a new information model - a model of situational assessment. The content of this model is revealed. The article describes the content of the situational approach in assessment. The article explores the temporal model of the assessment situation and the spatial model of situational assessment. The difference between the temporal estimation model and the spatio-temporal estimation model is shown. The difference between the additive valuation model and the multiplicative model for valuing real estate objects is shown

Simulation modeling transport and technological complex


Release: 2020-1 (30)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-1-69-74

Annotation: The article deals with the optimization of the transport logistics system, investigated by statistical modeling methods. The purpose of the research conducted on the proposed simulation model was to obtain “output” quantitative characteristics of the process when changing the “input” parameters. As a result of model experiments provided information on the behavior of the system, particularly important at the design stage: estimation of efficiency of algorithms of the control system and the nature of the impact of changes in different input parameters on the output parameters of the system. Algorithms and models are proposed that use estimates of the performance of the transport and technological complex to estimate the total losses from transport downtime in queues for service when changing the input parameters of the transport logistics system. The application of the dynamic programming method to develop a computational method for optimal distribution of vehicles by loading points is considered. Using a specific example, we consider the effectiveness of the proposed simulation approach for managing the transport logistics system.

French pedagogical idea and educational initiatives of the catherine ii


Release: 2020-2 (31)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-87-95

Annotation: The article deals with the issue of educational reforms carried out during the reign of Catherine II, by the beginning of whose reign the Russian educational system did not have a clearly defined pedagogical model, the number of open educational institutions was limited and did not meet the needs of the state. In this regard, the pedagogical ideas of French educators became the basis of the first legislative documents of the reign of Catherine II. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that, despite the extensive historiography, there are no works defining the full range of sources that influenced the development of educational initiatives of the era of Catherine II. The article analyzes the influence of the French writer and religious figure Francois Fenelon, whose ideas were used by the Marquise de Maintenon in the preparation of the educational program of the Royal Orphanage of Saint-Louis in Saint-Cyr. A comparative analysis of the programs of the Foundling home and the “Charter for the education of noble maidens” by I. I. Betsky is presented. The authors pay special attention to the French model of women’s education and its impact on the Russian educational reform. The article analyzes translated pedagogical works (J.-M. Leprens de Beaumont, L.-F.-P. d’Epinay), which allow us to get the most complete picture of the development of educational initiatives.