Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Release: 2020-4 (33)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-81-87

Annotation: The main trends, tasks and prospects of intellectual activity development in the conditions of the modern scientific and technological revolution are considered. Its main result should be the transition of society to a new, sixth technological order, which will radically change all spheres of human life. It is shown that under these conditions, the social significance of new technologies and the humanitarian aspects of their widespread practical use significantly increases. At the same time, the main task of researchers, engineers and other specialists in the field of intellectual activity is to create effective mechanisms for implementing socially significant innovations in practice and to promote free access of the population to new benefits of scientific and technological progress. This is what is becoming the most important tool for solving a number of global problems of our time. Among them, the most acute problems are the increase in poverty and social inequality, which occurs even in the economically developed countries of the world.



Release: 2020-4 (33)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-88-98

Annotation: For the majority of foreign countries, the assessment of research excellence has become an integral part of their policy in the sphere of development of science and technology. A particular focus would be diverted to the research work at universities meanwhile, for those places would often bring new scientific achievements through working out innovations and preparing highly skilled specialists. Despite the importance of the quality-assessment task and quite a long experience, the practice of scientific work evaluation would still betray certain methodological and organizational problems. The article the analysis of various approaches for assessing the quality of scientific research and examines the foreign experience in this field. The features procedure of scientific publications and highlighted subjective and objective factors affecting the quality of the review are noted. The problems of using bibliometric indicators to assess the quality of scientific publications are considered. The article provides a justification for the use of traditional expert assessment of the quality of research in combination with the use of specialized computer software.



Release: 2020-3 (32)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-3-89-97

Annotation: This article continues the discussion of issues related to the modeling, classification and standardization of combinatorial sequences. T-models and T-diagrams are used for this. The T-model is a sequence of tables of a special kind made up of positive integers. It is obtained using a simple algorithm, and easily corresponded to a combinatorial sequence. In some cases, the T-model can be used to build a T-diagram, which is a Hasse diagram of a partially ordered set simply associated with a T-model. For a T-diagram, two two-index sequences are introduced, closely related to the corresponding combinatorial sequence. This makes it possible to study as single-index but double-index sequences. In this paper, using some transformations of combinatorial sequences, classes of T-models are introduced. In some cases, these classes simplify methods of modeling and classification for combinatorial sequences. The problem of using such classes of T-models to obtain new combinatorial results is considered.

Subsidiary and decentralized systems and algorithms


Release: 2020-2 (31)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-69-76

Annotation: The article explores the evolution of systems by the example of the relationship of hierarchical, subsidiary and decentralized systems. The article explores algorithms of the corresponding types. The relationship between the algorithm and system behavior is shown. Hierarchical systems are considered as the starting point of research. The article examines mainly subsidiary and decentralized systems. The article explores subsidiary and decentralized algorithms. Hierarchical and subsidiary systems are connected by the main subsystem - the coordinator of actions. Subsidiary systems are formed from hierarchical ones under the influence of the external environment. The external environment necessitates the interaction of elements of lower levels with the environment. Subsidiary systems characterize the interaction of elements with the environment at lower levels. Subsidiary systems characterize the allocation of individual resources to lower level elements. In subsidiary systems, the executive mechanisms of hierarchical systems are transformed into agents. The intensification of external influences on the subsidiary or on the hierarchical system leads to the decentralization of the system. Under these conditions, the subsidiary system is transformed into a decentralized system. The article is devoted to the study of subsidiary and decentralized systems. The similarities and differences between subsidiary and decentralized systems are shown. Decentralized system agents have the resources and computing power. Agents of decentralized systems form group intelligence. Decentralized systems are governed by an algorithm, not a coordinator. The article introduces the concept of a system algorithm that performs the functions of a coordinator in a decentralized system.

Updating geodatabases based on space information


Release: 2020-1 (30)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-1-58-68

Annotation: This article explores technologies and methods for updating GEODATA databases. The relationship of information in the GEODATA database with the worldview model is shown. The difference between updating a database and regenerating a GEODATA is shown. The rationale for creating and applying the new concept of “data upd ate buffer zone” is given. The content of remote space sensing methods is revealed. It is shown that the basis of space technologies is geoinformation modeling. The main requirements for information stored in a GEODATA database are summarized: informational and structural. The information requirement is formulated as the need to transform data into GEODATA and, accordingly, to allocate three components: spatial, temporal and thematic. A structural requirement has been formulated that consists in the structural consistency of GEODATA describing different objects. A formalized conceptual model of updating the GEODATA database in terms of se t theory and logical schemes is proposed. It represents a mechanism for building a new worldview based on an existing one.