Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Complementary situations


Release: 2020-1 (30)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-1-75-82

Annotation: The article examines complementarity as an important property in the organization of information and educational resources is explored. Complementarity is considered from the position of a polysemic concept and is studied as a means of optimization. A mathematical model of a complementary system is presented in the form of equations and conditions that define the domain of existence of an optimal solution. The concept of “complementary set of indexes”, the essence of which consists in the task computationally tractable logic conditions that determine the solution path. The representation of an information situation in which complementary conditions are equifinal, that is, they allow us to get the correct solution in different ways is proposed. The situations of complementarity and information correspondence that can be used for constructing logical inference in artificial intelligence systems are considered. An example of linear complementarity equations that are used for optimization is presented. The given mathematical apparatus makes it possible to assess the degree of complementarity and information correspondence of the objects under consideration. Applying the complementarity and information correspondence approach in algorithmic models of an information system will increase the efficiency of information processes and object management.

Digitalization of education through the prism of humanitarian approaches and assessments (part 1)


Release: 2020-2 (31)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-96-103

Annotation: Modern problems in the field of education are largely due to the inability of public consciousness, including in the field of educational practice, to skillfully dispose of such a powerful technological resource as “digital”. The triumphant March of digital technologies, the charm of their power, and the effectiveness of their services do not always allow us to take a thoughtful, and therefore critical, approach and evaluate this “magic” tool in the field of educational activities. Despite the widespread use of digital technologies in the educational process, as the accumulated experience reveals the negative aspects of their use. A concentrated conclusion from this difficult situation was the thesis: “there is a lot of information – there is not enough knowledge”. This circumstance requires improvement and development of pedagogical technologies. This leads to an important scientific and practical problem of understanding the digitalization of society in the field of education through the prism of humanitarian approaches, the need to develop humanitarian criteria and assessments of this process

Spatial survey and modeling using unmanned aerial vehicles


Release: 2020-1 (30)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-1-83-91

Annotation: The article deals with the technology of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the implementation of spatial modeling. The problem of spatial modeling arises, in particular, in practical work on monitoring a critical situation and is associated with the need for systematic improvement of methods and technologies for solving it. The article describes the technical features of survey using UAVs. These features create new unique opportunities for obtaining spatial information, but, at the same time, they also have their own limitations. The principal difference between UAV and classical aerial photography is shown. It is noted that shooting using UAVs allows you to collect information to build qualitatively different models: areal models of territories, three-dimensional models of spatial objects and models of fragments of objects and territories. The article describes a complex technology of shooting and spatial modeling. The conclusion is formulated that an integrated approach to the collection, processing and presentation of information obtained using UAVs requires changes in educational programs and the use of new approaches in the educational practice of students of geodesic specialties.



Release: 2019-4 (29)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-4-7-12

Annotation: The article deals with one of the forms of widespread dependence – the dependence of young people on social networks, which is caused by the almost non-stop need to communicate in various social networks. Dependence on social networks is a new problem that has not yet spread much in Russia, but every year the number of people suffering from this dependence increases. The world health organization has recognized Internet addiction as a disease. Staying on the Internet is not limited to games, young people actively communicate in social networks. The article presents statistical data indicating a continuous increase in the number of children who spend at least three hours a day on the Internet, and shows the positive and negative side of using social networks. Based on publicly available statistical data, the authors analyze the dynamics of the use of social networks by modern youth. The article also presents data from our own empirical research aimed at studying the goals and activities of young people in social networks. The results of an empirical study allowed us to draw conclusions about the level of dependence of young people on social networks. To prevent addiction, recommendations for using the Internet and social networks in particular have been developed.

Algorithmic mechanism of electronic educational environment parameters controlling


Release: 2019-3 (28)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-3-7-13

Annotation: E-learning is widely used in the education system. To date, a new task is set to provide methods and means for individualization of training and development of creative abilities of students, which is due to the requirements for the training of specialists of a new format. The solution of this problem is aimed at achieving a qualitatively new level of e-learning, including the use of distance learning technologies. The paper proposes algorithmic mechanism control parameters of the electronic educational environment, allowing you to tailor the training complex modular structure the individual needs of the student depending on his level of training in the previous stages and achievements at the current stage of learning. The method of determination of integral point – rating estimates of students on the basis of fuzzy sets is considered. The system of indicators for the forecast of the integral indicator of progress on the module of the discipline and discipline as a whole is given. Management of the parameters of the electronic educational environment is aimed at reducing the complexity and time for the development of disciplines and the initiation of creative motivation of students.