Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Complex technical systems


Release: 2017-3 (20)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-86-92

Annotation: The article analyzes a complex technical system. Paper examines the concept of a complex technical system. Paper shows that in the modern understanding, a complex technical system is an information technology system. The article compares a complex system and network. Paper describes the similarity and difference between a complex technical system and a network. Paper describes the autopoiesis of a complex technical system. Paper describes aspects of the theory of social systems of Luhmann in relation to a complex technical system. Paper describes the acceptability of Luhmann’s theory to describe a complex technical system. Paper describes the principles and properties of a complex technical system. The article proves that the general theory of systems is not suitable for a complete description of complex systems. The article proves that a new theory of complex systems is needed to describe complex technical systems.

Network-centric control and cyber-physical systems


Release: 2017-2 (19)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-2-86-92

Annotation: The article describes cyberphysical systems and cyber physics. The article describes the relationship between cyber physics and network-centric management. The article describes the evolution of technical systems, which led to the emergence of cyberphysical systems. The article describes the technologies of hierarchical and matrix management, as prototypes of cyberphysical management. The article reveals the content of the principles of cyber physics. The article introduces the concept of a harmonizing information flow. The article reveals the content of the intellectual node. The article discloses the content of cyber physics management technology

Negentropy and informative


Release: 2017-1 (18)

DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2017-1-55-63

Annotation: The article explores the evaluation of information content of the digital image, and relates to the field of radiation diagnosis. Informative digital X-ray image is regarded as the basis of diagnosis. The article shows the feasibility of the method of estimation of negentropy for informative assessment. Assessment is based on a comparison of the standard and the analyzed image. This article describes methods of filtering a digital image to improve it. This article describes an approach to the use of entropy and showing his shortcomings. The article introduces the concept of information content of the digital image

Information units in complex systems


Release: 2017-3 (20)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-93-99

Annotation: The article describes the method of representing a complex system using an information approach. The article describes the languages of computer science. Paper describes topological models of information units. Paper describes the structure of a complex system. The article compares the structures of complex information units and complex systems. On the basis of comparison, the article suggests an analogy between these structures. The article formulates a conclusion about the possibility of decomposition of a complex system into informational units of this system. The article explores three situations of interpretation of complex systems using information units.

Information interaction in Applied Geoinformatics


Release: 2017-2 (19)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-2-92-97

Annotation: The article analyzes the information interaction in Applied Geoinformatics. The article shows the difference between awareness and information exposure. The article shows the difference between the impact of information and information interaction. This article describes three types of information exchange. The article describes the content requirements for the information interaction. These requirements include the following characteristics: Target certainty, temporary alignment, structural correspondence, communications line, the cyclical