Release: 2018-3 (26)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-7-15
Keywords: foreign direct investment, world Finance, international rating, export, import, technology import
Annotation: Many countries, including Russia, assign to the inflow of foreign direct investment the role of the carrier of new technologies and advanced methods of organization of production, a catalyst for technical and economic progress, as well as a deeper inclusion of its economy in the world economy. One of the indicators of the country’s involvement in the world economy is the export of goods and its structure. The degree and nature of changes in export groups of goods may indicate changes in the structure of the economy under the influence of foreign direct investment, which allows to assess the positive or negative effects of them. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that for countries with economies in transition, which currently include Russia, the attraction of foreign capital is very important. With their help, it is proposed to transform the structure of both the economy and exports of the Russian Federation, reducing the share of the fuel and energy complex in its structure. The article deals with the dynamics of foreign direct investment in the Russian economy. The purpose of this work is to identify the problems of changes in the export structure of the country under the influence of foreign direct investment. The subject of the study is economic relations caused by the relationship of foreign direct investment with the structure of Russian exports. The article analyzes the economic relations caused by the relationship of foreign direct investment with the structure of Russian exports. The problems of changing the export structure of the country under the influence of foreign direct investment. The article reveals the relationship of foreign direct investment with the macroeconomic indicators of the Russian Federation. A number of key macroeconomic indicators of the Russian Federation are closely related to the value of import or export of foreign direct investment.
Role of the russian federation on the world grain market
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-16-21
Keywords: market, grain, Russian Federation, balance, wheat, production, consumption, export
Annotation: The grain market is an important element of the general market of the Russian Federation. Its development affects not only the nature of the reproductive process of the national economy, but also the macroeconomic indicators. The grain market depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the country as a whole. Since it is a strategically important segment of the economy, the political climate in the state depends on its yield. The aim of the work is to analyze the world grain market, as well as to study the role of the Russian Federation on it. In the course of the research, methods of empirical research were used. In particular, a comparison was made between the main indicators of the world market and the place of the Russian Federation on it. Thanks to the application of theoretical research methods, analysis and synthesis, the main features of the grain market were identified and characterized. Also, the main factors influencing the development of the world grain market were revealed. According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that over the past 3 years, despite the crisis trends, the Russian Federation has strengthened its positions and has taken a leading position in the production and export of grain crops. Over the past 10 years, the dynamics of changes in the volume of grain production in the world and in Russia completely coincide. Thus, the diversity of natural conditions in Russia neutralizes the impact of local factors affecting yields. The main factors and patterns that determine the productivity in the world will also act for the Russian Federation.
Institutional system of the counteraction to money laundering in russian federation
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-22-28
Keywords: institutional system; counteraction; money laundering; institutional factor; financial monitoring; supervision; corruption
Annotation: The article deals with the current state of the institutions that form the system of combating money laundering in Russia, including a clear confrontation between the existing formal and informal institutions in this sphere of economic cooperation. In order to identify ways to address the issues of improving the structure of the abovementioned institutional system, formed in the national economy at the present time, and the direction of development of the tools used by economic entities to combat money laundering, the main task of the analysis was to assess the effectiveness of such institutions by studying their composition, the degree of implementation of their functional powers and determining the quality of existing measures and procedures aimed at combating money laundering. In carrying out this assessment, statistical data officially published by the authorized Supervisory bodies of the relevant sectors of the economy, as well as information on national regulations governing the activities of economic units in order to combat money-laundering, were used. According to the results of the study, the existing shortcomings of the existing institutional system of combating money laundering in the Russian Federation are identified, the priority directions of development of this system and the implemented ways of development of a number of institutions in order to improve its efficiency are proposed.
The business model analysis in the integrated reporting of russian companies
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-29-35
Keywords: business model, stakeholders, business processes, International Standard for Integrated Reporting, Sustainable Business Development
Annotation: The article examines the specifics and reveals the main elements and interrelations of business models of Russian companies based on the data of integrated reporting, within the framework of the problem of an insufficiently coordinated approach to what the company’s business model is, as well as to the information disclosure requirements for satisfying the wide range of requests interested parties. Elements of business models are considered using the example of integrated reporting of several Russian companies, such JSC «UEIP», JSC «Atomenergomash », Polymetal International plc, JSCo “RZD”, JSC “FPC”. The main goal of the article was to study the shortcomings of existing business models of Russian companies based on integrated reporting data, as well as to identify possible ways for their further development and optimization. The article shows the shortcomings of existing business models, including their focus on internal business processes rather than stakeholder values. The final part of the article contains several author’s recommendations, which contribute to the further improvement of the business model, which will ensure the necessary level of disclosure of information about the activities of Russian companies and, ultimately, lead to an increase in their value.
Policy of import substitution as a main principle of growth of international competitiveness in the economy of the region of rostov
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-36-46
Keywords: import substitution policy, sanctions, import substitution, strategy of import substitution, competitiveness of the region, investment projects, international competitiveness
Annotation: The article gives an assessment of the effectiveness of implementing investment projects for import substitution in the territory of the region in 2018 with a view to increasing the international competitiveness of the Rostov region’s economy. For a long time, the so-called “restorative model” of economic development was functioning in Russia, based on the involvement of unused capacities and labor in production, as well as on the fast-growing external demand for Russian raw materials. In the aggregate, this determined the raw material orientation of Russian exports, high import dependence, technological backwardness and other problematic aspects of the country’s socioeconomic development. As a matter of fact the situation determines high relevance of the survey dedicated to find the ways to invest into import substitution projects on the territory of the region of Rostov, and to help to identify the elements able to impact on the development of the area, rather to increase international competitiveness of its economy. External geoeconomic and geopolitical challenges have a significant effect on bisiness activities of companies. At the same time the rapid increase of geoeconomic competition and geopolitical discrepancies transform not only the business traditions of the region, but seriously reduce the volume of international participation in it. Moreover, the facts mentioned above are extremely significant also out of inmediate context of export activity on world markets, especially if the region is already a subject of economic policy aimed to increase the competitiveness of local enterprises, science inrensity and fabrication of the products. Thus, the analysis of import substitution of economic, social, spatial imperatives of the development of the region is characterised by considerable relevance mostly under the circumstances of global uncertainty, and is a reason of application of various methods for assessing of the present and future of the area.
Yamalo-nenets autonomous district economic development and its influence to social sphere
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-47-53
Keywords: Social sphere, Yamal-Nenets autonomous district, unemployment, income inequality, regional economy
Annotation: The article shows the influence of the specifics of the regional economy on the features of the social sphere of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous district through such indicators as unemployment, welfare, income distribution between households. The evaluation of the regional government policy on the development of the strategy of socio-economic development of the region. It is proposed to Supplement the policy of diversification of the regional economy with measures aimed at a gradual transition to a new economic structure that allows adapting to a rapidly changing market.
Water policy of afghanistan in central asia
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-54-66
Keywords: Afghanistan, water resources, irrigation
Annotation: The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is one of the coastal states of the largest transboundary Central Asian river Amu Darya. From here she starts her run, forming a border with Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Almost 14% of the catchment area of the Aral Sea (1,771.5 thousand km2) is in Afghanistan (246 km2), home to about 20% of the country’s population. In the conditions of still regional instability, the tasks set by Afghanistan for the exploitation of water resources should be implemented using the water potential of the Amu Darya River, which in turn is used by Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Over the past 30 years, Afghanistan’s interests in the water sector have been ignored. Because of the military conflict, Afghanistan is not involved in transboundary water management agreements, although it is their potential participant. With the stabilization of the domestic political situation in Afghanistan, the main economic development will be aimed at ensuring food security through the growth of irrigated agricultural land, which in turn will increase the amount of water already used by the already over-exploited Amu Darya runoff. This will entail a decrease in the water supply in Central Asia, which will become a worrying sign and will have serious consequences for Afghanistan’s interstate relations with the Central Asian states. The joint use of the waters of Afghan rivers entering the territory of neighboring Central Asian states will in the future become one of the most complex problems of interstate and, above all, economic relations.
Problems of strategic innovative development of the enterprises of domestic engineering industry and potential ways of their decision
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-67-76
Keywords: problems, strategic innovative development, enterprises of mechanical engineering, solution
Annotation: The known approaches to definition of problems of development of a domestic machine-building complex are considered. The main problems of effective development of domestic engineering industry are systematized. The problem of strategic innovative development of domestic machine-building enterprises is allocated as independent. On the basis of the carried-out retrospective and current analysis the main components of a problem of strategic innovative development of the enterprises of domestic engineering industry are defined, including: insufficient attention to development of branch from the state; high level of the world competition in the sphere of mechanical engineering; toughening of permanent western economic sanctions against Russia; reduction of life cycle of the vast majority of types of products; aiming of the domestic enterprises of mechanical engineering more on service and repair moral the outdated equipment; a problem of assignment of the leading role to the advanced, innovative means of production in the development strategy of manufacturing enterprise; problem of manifestation by domestic machine-building enterprises of high business activity; problem of dynamic compliance between an innovative component of strategic development of the enterprise and the general development strategy of the enterprises of autotractor mechanical engineering; a problem of increase in number of innovative industrial technologies, complicating a problem of the choice of rational administrative decisions when forming strategy of innovative development of the enterprises of mechanical engineering. The scientific novelty of results of the conducted researches consists in development of an algorithm of the solution of problems of strategic innovative development of the enterprises of domestic engineering industry.
Human resources development: an approach based on the principles of quality management system and professional standards requirements
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-77-85
Keywords: knowledge, skills, professional standard, personnel, process, certification, quality management system, functional responsibilities
Annotation: The article highlights in a new way the ways of solving the problems of staffing quality management system-the leading management system in the world, focused on improving the quality of products and services and, as a result, customer satisfaction. A special role in this system, based on interrelated processes, is assigned to staffing as the main resource of any company, since the constant improvement of technological processes and the rapid development of new technologies, as well as changing requirements for the competencies of employees require the development and systematization of requirements for the content and quality of work. That is why human resources activities must meet the modern conditions of development, meet the principles of quality management system, serve as the basis for the effective operation of the organization. The stages of the process of personnel management in the service sector - a set of interrelated and interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs aimed at the formation of human capital, as the most important factor of customer focus of the organization. The description of the implementation actions in the following stages: identification strategy of the organization in the market, the formulation of organizational vision, the identification of the processes of the quality management system, mapping of processes, refinement of organizational structure, job descriptions of employees, the definition of the job profile. The article discusses the approaches to assessment of personnel subject to the provisions of professional standards, the use of which is justified by the necessity of systematization of the requirements to the employment functions and actions of personnel; delineation of work and responsibilities between the qualification levels of employees; creating a basis for improving the system of training, assessment and certification of qualifications of personnel.
Gender features of behavior of men- and female managers in the organizational conflicts
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-86-90
Keywords: gender, conflict, gender stereotypes, female head, male head
Annotation: In modern society the idea of gender equality, including in the sphere of the social and labor relations is relevant. Therefore researches which subject is the behavior of men and women in various production situations are even more often conducted. Results of a research which purpose consists in identification of gender features of behavior of heads in the conflict situations taking place in labor collectives of the modern organizations are presented in this article. Questioning of men - and female heads in the organizations of the city of Penza, the Penza and Saratov regions by results of which the generalizing conclusions concerning behavior models of female heads and men in the conflicts are presented is carried out.
Social and economic consequences of spread of digital technologies within the labour market
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-91-97
Keywords: digital economy, labor market, flexible forms of labor organization, robotization, employment
Annotation: The article deals with the study of socio-economic consequences of digital technologies in the activities of economic agents in the context of the Genesis of the digital economy in the Russian Federation. It is shown that in the scientific community there are divergent views that relate to the issue of replacement of labor with capital. Some researchers argue that the diffusion of digital technologies will affect the labor market by displacing the labor force from most areas of economic activity. This process, according to this group of scientists, will contribute to the formation of social instability in society and will create the need to develop comprehensive government measures to ensure the system of retraining of workers, the organization of public works and other measures to support sustainable employment. Another group of scientists who hold optimistic views on the manifestation of the diffusion of digital technologies in the labor market claims that their spread will lead to the emergence of new working specialties, spheres of activity and sectors of the economy. According to their forecasts, digital technologies will contribute to the evolution of the content of existing professions in favor of the use of information and communication tools in the performance of official duties and the complexity of economic operations. It is shown that the diffusion of digital technologies will ensure the transformation of relations in the labor market in favor of increasing the share of flexible forms of employment, remote work, the need for continuous training during life, the development of flexible forms of business organization using outsourcing schemes, the development of flexible forms of time management.
Features of application of analytical procedures during an audit of calculations with the personnel on payment
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-98-102
Keywords: wage fund, rewards, analytical procedure, the risk, distortion
Annotation: In a market economy, the development of technological industries, increasing the number of organizations providing services, increases the importance of labor resources in the organization. Currently, bonuses are one of the items of expenditure in the calculation with the personnel on payment. Accrual of bonuses is one of the ways of material incentives for employees. At the same time, regardless of the industry of the organization, the value of labor resources in the organization is not the last in the list of the importance of types of resources. The importance of qualitative indicators of the workforce is difficult to assess. At the same time, often the determination of the cost evaluation of employees ‘ performance is carried out with the use of bonuses on the results of work for the month, quarter or year. Thus, in those areas of operation of the organization, in which the result of the work of employees of the organization directly depends on the financial result of the organization as a whole, the company uses a premium system of remuneration. It is especially important to use this system of remuneration in sales and industries in which the creative and intellectual potential of employees is directly involved (for example, in the field of design, information technology, advertising agencies) [2]. In this regard, during the audit of settlements with the personnel on remuneration, the auditor pays special attention to the audit of bonus accruals: the process of approval of the calculation method, the method of calculation of premiums, indicators that are the basis for the calculation of premiums, positions for which the accrual of premiums in the organization is provided. To assess these indicators, the auditor may use analytical procedures [1]. The article describes the analytical procedures that the auditor can use when checking the calculation of premiums by the audited entity as additional procedures used in the audit process to assess and identify the risks of material misstatement in the calculations with the personnel on remuneration.
Analisis of the qualitative integrity of the economic agent creativity
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-103-110
Keywords: creativity, creative capital, creative efficiency, creative symptom complex, positive internalities, divergent thinking, economics of implicit knowledge, corporate self-education
Annotation: The article presents an algorithm for analyzing the qualitative integrity of the ability of an economic agent to perform creative activities. The dependence of creativity on the intellect and the level of development of the implicit knowledge of the economy subject are shown. The results of the analysis of specific elements of creativity are offered: a system of categories, types and forms of creativity, factors of creative effectiveness. The main elements of the creative symptom complex providing the increase of the overall efficiency of the economic agent creative activity are considered. The forms of manifestation of creativity as a function of the organic unity of convergent and divergent thinking are analyzed. A definition of creativity in a narrow and broad sense is given. The purpose and scientific novelty of the article is to identify interdisciplinary conditions and factors of increasing the level of the ability of the economic agent to creative activity. The scientific and practical significance of the article is to justify the need for an accelerated development of a system of implicit knowledge as an ontology of creativity of a subject of the any economy level.