Release: 2024-4 (49)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-7-13
Keywords: socio-educational environment, patriotic education, information and educational activities, critical thinking, value orientations
Annotation: The article examines the specificities of education in the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Af- fairs of the Russian Federation. The main characteristics of the socio-educational environment of an educational organization are highlighted: value orientations, interaction of environmental subjects, realization of personal needs. The conditions influencing the formation of the socio-educational environment of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are considered: the inclusion of students in educational and professional activities with the realization of the educational potential of academic disciplines and the subject environment of faculties; identification of interests and abilities of cadets, organization of creative activities, cultural, educational and sports activities; information support of educational work. The necessity of information and educational activi- ties of course supervisors, officers of departments and teachers in the development of critical thinking, as well as on countering the negative influence of the media on students, is substantiated. The scientific novelty of the study is to substantiate the need for organizational and methodological filling of the socio-educational environment of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with interactive forms of educational work involving interpersonal communication, cooperation and interaction. The results of the study have practical value for the command and teaching staff of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and can be applied to improve the quality of professional education of police officers.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-14-25
Keywords: general aviation, multi-level personnel training system, mentoring, the principle of continuity, levels of profes- sional development
Annotation: The article discusses the problem of the shortage of qualified specialists in the field of general aviation. The analysis of the reasons for the need to improve the system of professional forming and development of general aviation specialists is carried out. The basic principles of an integrated multi-level system of training qualified specialists are defined and substantiated, and a variant of its implementation is proposed. The authors pay special attention to the importance of career guidance for students at the stage of education in a general education organization, as well as to the provision of practical work opportunities for students at higher educational insti- tutions and industries. The mentoring method is considered as a mechanism for transferring unique experience to a new generation of general aviation specialists. The need for continuous training and advanced training of specialists to meet the rapidly changing requirements of the industry is noted. In general, the article offers a comprehensive approach to solving the problem of training qualified personnel in the field of small aircraft, covering all key stages of education and professional activity of specialists in the current area.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-26-31
Keywords: student’s network personality, virtual reality, hybrid practices, network thinking, network identity, network mobility, digital addiction, symbolism
Annotation: The article explores the concept and problems of the student’s network personality. The focus is on the fact that this phenomenon has multiple meanings and can have different effects. The socio-cultural and psychological characteristics inherent in the network personality are revealed. The necessity of the study of the learner’s net- work personality due to the digital changes in the sphere of education is emphasized. It is noted that existence in a hybrid – real and virtual – world has a contradictory effect on the forming of the network personality of the student, on the processes of functioning of individual consciousness and thinking, the development of behav- ioural strategies. Attention is drawn to the phenomenon of network identity. The possibilities of social networks in the realization of various forms of identity, including alternative ones, are considered. The role of symbols and simulacra in the forming of worldview, social and educational attitudes of students is traced. The inherent illusory nature of virtuality is considered, the negative consequences of illusory representations for the existence of an individual and a student is revealed. The influence of virtual social mobility on social actions of network individuals is studied, its advantages in terms of opportunities for self-realization are revealed.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-32-39
Keywords: in-company training, in-company teachers, teaching competencies, pedagogical technology, individual educational trajectories, lean manufacturing, lean manufacturing in education
Annotation: The article describes the problem of lean technology for teacher training projecting for in-company education. The relevance of this issue in the context of a market economy and competitive environment is determined by the need for enterprises to continuously train their staff in order to fulfil government orders in a timely and high-quality manner, optimize production processes, and master new machinery and equipment. In addition, the current shortage of personnel forces enterprises to seek new effective ways to train or retrain staff, including in related professions or processes. A lean manufacturing tool, which can also be called mapping, is proposed to assess the current state and improve the training process of in-house teachers, as well as their organizational and methodological support. It allows eliminating the losses and problems that can occur during the training process by providing a clear sequence and structure for its procedures, as well as by the optimal use of exist- ing technical and human resources within the organization. The author’s technology, designed on the basis of mapping, is lean as it allows us to organize a low-cost training process for in-company teachers in a short term, taking into account their individual characteristics, as well as the educational needs of an enterprise focused on federal and regional productivity enhancement policies.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-40-45
Keywords: patriotic education, sense of patriotism, cadets, informational and psychological impact, mass media
Annotation: The article discusses the problems of forming a sense of patriotism among students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The special role of patriotic education and spiritual and moral values among police cadets in protecting them from the negative informational and psychological effects of the mass media is shown. The most important features of the protection of cadets from negative information impact are highlighted, which include the collectivity of this process, integration into the educational process, subjectivity and individuality of the educational process, innovation, the intensity of information anti-exposure, and feedback from students. It is noted that information culture is one of the most effective and reliable ways to protect students from the negative informational and psychological effects of mass media. The novelty of the work is to actualize the problem of protecting the younger generation from the negative informational and psychologi- cal effects of the media and to identify its features. The author’s recommendations on improving the process of protecting the younger generation from negative information and psychological effects are of practical importance.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-46-55
Keywords: labor potential, professional self-determination, vocational education, career guidance networking, continuing education
Annotation: The article examines theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of “labor potential” and various interpretations of this term. It also characterizes vocational education as a fundamental component of human labor potential. It is shown that the key factor influencing a person’s labor potential is his professional self- determination, formed at the stage of education. Based on the results of sociological research among students of Vologda State University, the features of students’ professional self-determination and their work behavior were determined. The main methods of research on this topic were a questionnaire survey, interviews with experts and focus groups. As a result of the analysis, the problem of insufficient professional self-determination of students was identified, which further affects the state of the labor market due to the undeveloped labor potential of the employee. In conclusion, the implementation of the concept of continuing education and the system of career guidance networking is presented as one of the solutions to the problem of undeveloped human labor potential.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-56-65
Keywords: digital socialization, digital self-presentation, digital self-presentation strategies, nickname, avatar, digital identity
Annotation: The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that in modern society, the diverse and multi-stage pro- cesses of forming an individual’s social and personal identity are increasingly moving from offline to online space. The article examines the purpose, concept, motivation, strategies and tactics of digital self-presentation, as well as the features of the forming of personality socialization in the digital space. The possibility of socialization of an individual in a digital environment with the actualization of virtual self-presentation strategies is substanti- ated. The theoretical methods of research include the analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific material on the research topic. Using the questionnaire, the strategies of virtual self-presentation, which are the basis for the formation of the socialization of a digital personality, are highlighted. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the proposal of a new methodological approach to the forming of digital socialization of the younger generation. The practical application of the results of the work is possible in the process of socializa- tion of young people in the digital space and is especially important for the development of a digital approach in the educational environment.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-66-76
Keywords: professional and personal model of a doctor, teamwork competence, private pedagogical technology, collabora- tive learning, person centered technology
Annotation: The article examines the teamwork skills in medical students and the development of a pedagogical technol- ogy aimed to form the components of teamwork competence. A psychological and pedagogical experiment was conducted at the Altai State Medical University using the method of sociometric analysis in order to assess the relationship structure and the relationships its elves in the group. During the study correctional and developmen- tal work was carried out in the experimental group of students using interactive teaching methods (discussion, project work, creative group work). Short-term, middle-term and long-term perspectives (goals) were realized by specially developed educational tasks which correlated with the aim of teambuilding in the group. The result of the psychological and pedagogical experiment was an increased cohesion of the group and potential to solve group problems in a team. The proposed pedagogical technology based on interactive flexible teaching methods allows removing the limits that are naturally present in medical education: this is mainly an individual learning style when mastering a large volume of medical information. The results obtained make it possible to expand theoretical ideas about the prospects of using the potential of humanities in becoming a specialist in the field of medicine and his/her willingness to work in a team.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-77-83
Keywords: implicative model, implication, information relations, causal analysis, implicative relations
Annotation: The article explores the implicative information relations in the information field. The ambiguity of implicative information relations makes it possible to use them to build a universal methodology that can describe processes, transitions or relationships in different contexts. A technique for constructing implicative models for describing relationships and processes based on the formal apparatus of implications is proposed. Examples of the con- struction of implicative information structures are given and their interpretation is given. The difference between binary and trinary implicative constructions is shown. Implicative information constructions applicable for causal analysis are considered. The content of the antecedent, sequence and consequent in the trinitarian implication is revealed. Categorical transitions are described using implicative models. The application of implicative models in qualitative analysis is described. A new concept of “parametric implicative model” has been introduced. The principle of formal interpretability of the parametric implicative model is demonstrated, which allows for a comparative analysis of situations and objects. In this way, it helps to streamline the analysis procedures and substantiate the decisions made.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-84-91
Keywords: geoinformation field, spatial transformations, morphism, geoinformation morphism, categories
Annotation: The article is focused on the study of geoinformation morphism in the geoinformation field. Despite the actual application of this approach and method, theoretical studies in this area have not been conducted. Geoinfor- mation morphism and categorical morphism have similarities and differences. Geoinformation morphism is a morphism of spatial transformations. Geoinformation morphism makes it possible to link logical relations, spatial relations, categorical relations and functional connections into a single analytical complex. The content of geoinformation morphism is revealed. The analogy between the logical square and the commutative diagram from category theory is shown. The relationship of geoinformation morphism with information morphism is shown. The content of three types of geoinformation morphism is revealed: bijective geoinformation morphism, injective geoinformation morphism, surjective geoinformation morphism. The qualitative difference in the tasks solved by these types of morphism is shown. Three types of geoinformation morphism complement each other and allow solving problems of spatial transformations. Recommendations are given for the development of the direction of research of geoinformation morphism.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-92-103
Keywords: sustainable development goals, interdisciplinary approach, content analysis, scientific publications, research potential of the university
Annotation: The article is devoted to the assessment and interpretation of the university’s research potential related to the goals of sustainable development of society. The subject of the study is the content of university scientists’ publications in the context of the Agenda 2030 adopted by the international community. Experimental studies were conducted on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University”. The content analysis of the text of the publications of university scientists using the method of mathematical programming and the Statistica 10.0 statistical package, which includes factor analysis of the data array by the principal component method, was carried out. The application of the principal component analysis based on the pairwise correlation coefficients of the initial and generalized factors is demonstrated. The interpretation of the results of content analysis based on statistical processing of keywords from the text of scientific articles and the creation of an ordination plot of keywords in the space of factors is carried out. On the basis of the conducted content analysis, the possibilities of interdisciplinary research directions are identified. An interdisciplinary approach to conducting scientific research at the university is proposed. This approach is aimed at achieving a synergistic effect in obtaining new knowledge in the field of sustainable development. It is noted that mastering the methodology of interdisciplinary scientific research makes it possible to obtain results in combined fields of knowledge and form universal research competencies.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-104-112
Keywords: consciousness, artificial intelligence, neural networks, a priori knowledge, a posteriori knowledge, existential threats
Annotation: The article examines the epistemological, ethical, philosophical, cultural and ideological aspects of the develop- ment of artificial intelligence (AI). The work introduces readers to current trends in the development of artificial intelligence systems, as well as the authors’ position on the existential challenges and risks that this technology may pose for humanity. Based on the ideas of the classical rationalist tradition about the unity of a priori (pre- experimental) and a posteriori (experienced) types of knowledge, the authors correlate between the process of hu- man cognition and the functioning of artificial intelligence systems based on self-learning programs. This leads to the conclusion that it is fundamentally impossible for artificial intelligence to go beyond the limits of the originally laid algorithmic model (a priori knowledge) and acquire phenomenal consciousness. Reflecting on one of the most discussed issues (both in popular and scientific literature) about whether AI can surpass and even replace humans themselves, the authors emphasize the uniqueness of existential being and the impossibility of both humans and super-powered AI to solve the fundamental issues of human existence. The article demonstrates that ethical and anthropological issues and problems are based on the fundamental idea of having free will and therefore are not comparable to the problems of AI creating and functioning. The scientific novelty lies in the statement proposed by the authors, according to which in the modern era – the predominance of positivism, scientism and technocratism in the intellectual tradition – the future possibilities of artificial intelligence and related anthropological and so- cial expectations will inevitably remain in the area of algorithmized rational coordinates and, essentially, cannot be moved into the sphere of irrational existential issues. This is where the dialectic of the enormous possibilities and insurmountable limitations of the theory and practice of artificial intelligence finds its adequate expression.