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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2020-2 (31)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-42-47
Keywords: Chinese language, listening, listening competency, difficulty, Russian-speaking students, classification, native speaker, audio text
Annotation: The article is devoted to the problems of forming listening skills in a foreign language as the most complex type of speech activity. The purpose of this study is to analyze and classify the difficulties of listening, which can form the basis for developing a system for the formation of the listening competence of students, who learning Chinese. The relevance of this work lies in the interest that Russian students show in studying the language of PRC and the difficulties that they have to face in their learning. Achieving this goal involves solving the following problems: 1) a generalization of factors that adversely affect the perception of foreign language speech; 2) a description of the specifics of listening, characteristic of learning exactly the Chinese language; 3) classification of the identified difficulties according to their characteristic features. These tasks identified analysis, synthesis and classification as the main research methods. As the main result of the study, a classification of the difficulties characteristic of teaching Russian-speaking students is given for the further development of a system of exercises that allows to form an listening competency to a greater extent.
Polyfunctional model of teaching the use of color metaphors in professionally oriented (economic) english
Release: 2020-1 (30)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-1-37-42
Keywords: cognitive potential, receptive and productive use of metaphor, metaphorical model of professional communication, pragmatic characteristics of a metaphor
Annotation: The objective of the work is to track how conscious receptive and productive use of metaphor as a methodological method of language and culture knowledge contributes to the development of metaphorical competence of Russian-speaking students-economists of B2-C1 English language proficiency levels. The relevance of the study rests upon the fact that metaphorical competence is an essential component of professionally-communicative and sociolinguistic competencies, and the cognitive potential of metaphorical thinking visibly contributes to increasing effectiveness of teaching university students vocabulary of a professionally oriented foreign language. The author analyzes the model of teaching the use of metaphors to develop students’ metaphorical thinking and enhance their motivation to learn. A set of exercises to develop metaphorical thinking and effective when working with materials of a professional economic orientation is designed (texts of the Cambridge Corps and TED.com video conferences); examples of tasks of a multifunctional nature are given. The article concludes that students occasionally consider metaphorical expressions sheer manifestation of the author’s style, which deprives them of makes them of understanding the philosophical and artistic nature of metaphors.
Release: 2020-4 (33)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-62-72
Keywords: information resources, high-load applications, macromedia systems, reengineering, databases, quality of information resources
Annotation: The article deals with the issues related to the study and ordering of modern methods and means of working with information educational resources. These resources are databases and knowledge bases combined with highly loaded applications and intensified macromedia systems. The article reveals the content of high-load applications and the reasons for the appearance of high load in database and information system applications. The issues of intensifying work with databases in integrated systems are investigated. The causal relationships and relationships in these systems are investigated. Suggestions for improving the efficiency of high-load applications due to their scalability and interoperability are given. For integrated application load reduction, we offer a comprehensive solution based on a systematic approach and accounting for data quality, software quality, and technology quality in a single system. The results obtained are of interest for the engineering and reengineering of databases and information systems, in particular, in the implementation of database regeneration and software regeneration of information systems.
Release: 2020-3 (32)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-3-65-70
Keywords: independent work, creative independence, professional and personal competence, creative activity
Annotation: The article examines the role and importance of independent work of students for the preparation of future specialists with both professional and personal competencies. The aim of the work is to determine the directions for improving the forms and methods of organizing independent work of students, contributing to the development of the student’s ability to learn, to form the ability for self-development and creative activity. A review of the types, criteria and technologies for organizing independent work of students is carried out, the features and factors that affect the development of their independence are highlighted. The important role of independent work of students in the context of the implementation of the competence-based approach is noted. An important feature of the organization of independent work, depending on the degree of participation of the teacher, has been investigated, the application of the approach of facilitation with the gradual transfer of the control function to the student himself has been substantiated. The conditions for organizing independent work of students are highlighted, the use of which contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process and the formation of professional and personal competencies of a modern specialist.
Method for masking a vm from being detected by malicious software
Release: 2020-2 (31)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-48-57
Keywords: information security, masking, QEMU, KVM, virtual machine, malware
Annotation: The article a method of masking for a virtual machine, which is launched utilizing virtualization systems QEMU and KVM are proposed. The aim of the work is to create a method for masking a virtual machine, using which the detection of a virtual machine will be complicated. It is shown that the cost of CPU time to exit and return to the virtualization system is the most characteristic feature that allows malware to detect the use of a VM. A method for masking a VM is proposed based on counting the number of actually passed ticks of the host processor and replacing it when returning to the VM. Algorithms of evading tests for virtual environment presence are described. The result of the masking method are presented. The relevance of the proposed method implementation is given. Possible application scenarios for the method are also described. The proposed method of masking the virtual environment can be used to analyze the behavior of malware. As a result of applying the developed masking method, programs could not detect the presence of a virtual environment. The obtained research results will be useful for developers of malware analysis tools.