Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Development trends of blockchain systems


Release: 2019-2 (27)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-59-63

Annotation: The article analyzes the development of blockchain systems, it is noted that blockchain systems are developing in the direction of increasing user convenience, including in terms of user interfaces and increasing speed of work. There are achievements in the development of more sophisticated consensus algorithms, in the creation of proprietary networked protocols adapted to blockchain systems. It justifies the thesis that the flexibility of the blockchain technology contributes to the rapid expansion of the areas of application of the blockchain systems. For example, there is a tendency to expand the use of distributed registry cryptosystems by modern banks. Along with the Ripple and Stellar systems, specially designed for banking, there are steaklokoiny, cryptocurrency, tied to assets. IBM professional software products play a significant role in expanding the use of distributed registry cryptosystems in the management of enterprises and organizations in all spheres of life. A comparative analysis of the cryptosystem of the Ripple and Stellar distributed registry with the existing system of interbank SWIFT channels has been carried out. The essential advantage of cryptosystems of the distributed registry in speed of execution of transactions and in convenience of user interfaces is shown.

Accompaniment of self-development and actualization of students’ life-creation potential: reflepractika experience


Release: 2019-1 (26)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-1-48-54

Annotation: The article presents the experience of reflekraktika in order to activate the potential of life-creation and the self-development of students. It justifies and describes the program of reflekratik “Actualization of the potential of life-twister.” The content and logic of building a program opens up the possibility for group participants to conduct their own reflection on their life path in a time perspective “past – present – future”. The reflexodrama procedure included in the program suggests psychodramatic improvisation using artistic images, allows for artistic self-actualization: a special psychological space of being is created - a reflexive “other world” in which participants immerse themselves in the world of images, the world of their imagination, in order to carry out a reflexive analysis of life situations. In the course of group work, the following stages of work are assumed: reflexive diagnostics, psychodramatization stage, including: “immersion” – “assigning an image” – “playing an image” – “exiting an image” and subsequent reflexive analysis. Reflektika is designed to encourage participants to self-analyze the life path and determine their ability to reach the active stage of life-creation.



Release: 2019-4 (29)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-4-89-100

Annotation: The purpose of this article is to analyze the military and political aspects of European integration. The current geopolitical process of forming a multipolar world determines the relevance of the topic. The European Union, which has sufficient economic and technological potential, may well claim to be a global center of power in the future. The prospects of turning the European Union from a primarily economic organization into a full-fledged military-political bloc are an urgent scientific problem. The article deals with issues related to the formation of military structures of the European Union. Cooperation between EU countries in the field of foreign policy, security and defense is characterized. The EU’s capabilities in these areas are being evaluated. The issue of the EU’s security relations with NATO is touched. The source base of the work is the fundamental EU treaties and decisions of key summits that touched on security and defense issues. The results of the work include a description of the main projects related to the formation of the military dimension of the European community and the European Union from the post-war period to the present. It is stated that the structures created at different times are not effective enough and that the prospects for implementing the “European army” concept in the near future are uncertain. The article deals with issues related to the formation of military structures of the European Union. The cooperation of the EU countries in the field of foreign policy, security and defense is characterized. The possibilities of the European Union in these areas are evaluated. The aspects of EU with NATO security relations are touched upon.

Forecast of changes in personnel training for the digital economy


Release: 2019-3 (28)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-3-65-73

Annotation: The article discusses relevant issues of training for the digital economy, namely: the main directions of digital transformation, what the future companies will be, the necessary competencies, training technologies, overcoming resistance to change in the era of the digital revolution. Based on the content of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030”, ideas about the requirements for the ecosystem of the digital economy are specified. The issues of changing the main direction of HR management and the impact of these changes on the assessment of staff performance are considered. It is shown that the focus of attention is shifting to the sphere of intangible motivation and ethical problems. As the main means of increasing the flexibility of the companies of the future, the development of horizontal interaction of employees is proposed, which allows you to quickly adapt to changing external conditions. Expansion of the necessary competencies is forecasted up to the demand for universal specialists. The need for retraining a large number of employees and the consequent need for the development of innovative training technologies are noted.

Modeling of combinator sequences


Release: 2019-2 (27)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-64-73

Annotation: The method of modeling combinatorial sequences using special sequences of tables consisting of positive integers is considered. These sequences are called T-models and are constructed recursively using special mappings. For T-models, q-analogues are introduced, which allow modeling the q-analogs of combinatorial sequences corresponding to them. Partially ordered sets and the corresponding T-diagrams are also defined. With the help of these partially ordered sets and T-diagrams, numerous additional properties of the simulated combinatorial sequences are considered. Examples of T-models of sequences of generalized factorials, Catalan numbers and Bell numbers are given. Their q-analogues and T-diagrams are constructed. This makes it possible to investigate also the properties of balloting numbers, Stirling numbers of the second kind and their q-analogues. The structure of T-models of combinatorial sequences makes it possible to use the well-known analytical calculation packages Mathematica and Maple in their modeling. Therefore, T-models can be used in teaching students to separate sections of discrete mathematics and computer science, as well as to obtain with their help combinatorial results.