Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Computer modeling of the effect of microwave discharge streamer structures on shock wave propagation


Release: 2019-3 (28)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-3-45-56

Annotation: The presented research is devoted to computer modeling of interaction between shock waves (SW) and streamers of the high-frequency discharge in connection with the problem of sonic boom. Currently, there are a number of works relating to the use of plasma to attenuate the sonic boom. The authors of the article consider the creation of hot filaments (filaments) by different plasma sources. In the approaches associated with the use of microwave discharge, the propagation of SW through hot filaments is assumed, causing their explosion and affecting the SW itself. This work is devoted to the study of the propagation of SW through the microwave discharge strands in order to determine the parameters of filaments, at which the influence of microwave discharges on SW can be exerted. Lengths and temperatures of microwave streamers were obtained at which the interaction of microwave filaments with SW occurs: they usually corresponded to filaments with a width of 0.1-0.5 mm, a length of more than 0.5-1 cm, with an internal gas temperature of more than 2500 K. The filaments should be directed at some angle to the SW. In the course of the study, no significant effect was obtained when the cross-section of the filament is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the SW. According to experimental data, electric fields in streamers (our hot filaments) can be in the range of 25-75 kV / cm at atmospheric pressure, the authors made calculations at 25 and 40 kV / cm. The plasma created in filaments by electric discharges with an electric field value equal to the critical breakdown field of 25 kV/cm and the supercritical electric field of 40 kV/cm was considered. Electrons are initiated by a background atmospheric source of electrons 4 and 10 (cm3*s)-1 corresponding to atmospheric conditions.

Prototyping of case bases on the basis of model transformations


Release: 2019-2 (27)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-47-58

Annotation: The paper describes a specialization of a model-driven development approach for transformation of subject domain conceptual models to the structures of a case base, their subsequent refinement and execution. The basic principles of the model-driven development approach are highlighted, the implementation of model transformations in the process of creating intelligent systems and knowledge base is stated. The formalized statement of the problem of prototyping of case bases is presented. The architecture of the author’s software that implements the methodology of the model-driven approach, taking into account the specifics of the case bases of the subject domain is considered. The technology for knowledge bases engineering on the basis of consecutive transformations of models with various degree of abstraction is presented. Experience of development of case-based expert systems and case bases with application of model-driven approach and developments in the field of model transformations is stated.

Hackathon as a way to implement project-based learning in high school


Release: 2019-1 (26)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-1-41-47

Annotation: The article considers the hackathon as a new way of project training. The analysis of the hackathon as an interactive method of learning based on the relevant academic literature and generalization of experience in the education system. Project activities are aimed at acquiring the necessary competencies of students, their motivation to learn modern information and communication technologies, the formation of teamwork skills. The article presents the rules and principles of the organization of project activities of students, the characteristic of the method of projects in terms of the development of modern specialist. The possibilities of organization of project activity of students with the use of hackathon are demonstrated. The conditions of using the hackathon as a pedagogical method, which allows students to improve the efficiency of self-education and the formation of knowledge about specific professional tasks and at the same time acquire the necessary skills for practical activities. In conclusion, the recommendations on the necessary pedagogical conditions for a more stable institutionalization of the project method in higher education institutions are presented.



Release: 2019-4 (29)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-4-77-88

Annotation: From the standpoint of psychology, author revisits the conclusion made by leading linguists, including N. Chomsky, in 2014 about the impossibility of knowing how language was created. Comparison intellectual abilities language creators and modern Homo sapiens was proposed. The author discovered a system of four laws helping to study the process of evolution as a multi-level mutual adaptation between man and the environment. Given the known data on the loss from a human embryo to 70% of neurons from the neocortex by birth, it is concluded that the creators of the language with 100% of the neurons were supergeniuses. Children are geniuses; they with their 30% of neurons in the neocortex independently master the language, or even two-three, and the laws by Newton, Pascal, and other laws of nature including the laws of mutual adaptation by Venda. Further, with the rest of the neurons, adult person can only become a talent by chance and thus get an unconscious creative thinking but is never a genius. Most adults go through initiation and have only a routine conscience thinking. Now society needs more talents that are creative. The results of a 70-year experiment to cultivate artificial talent in initially ordinary schoolboy are presented. The experiment began L.N. Venda in 1948 with the author, her son, as a subject.

Mathematical model of management of the educational system of the university using the approach of dissymmetry and the apparatus of chain fractions


Release: 2019-3 (28)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-3-57-64

Annotation: Management of educational system in dynamically changing external and internal conditions is connected with systematic assessment and analysis of its stability and competitiveness, necessity of improvement of management mechanisms taking into account modern requirements. The paper solves the scientific problem of improvement of mathematical support of the processes of management of the educational system of the University. Within the framework of solving the scientific problem, it is proposed to apply the approach of dissymmetry to management, which is manifested in the relationship of the selected static and dynamic parts, and the creation of a mathematical model that reflects the mutual influence of static and dynamic parts on the effectiveness of educational activities of the University. A mathematical model based on the apparatus of chain fractions and discrete-continuous transformations, which allows at the system level to identify deviations in the implementation of educational activities of the University and detail them at the levels of management, is proposed. Numerical examples of application of mathematical model for the analysis of the ratio of potentials of static and dynamic parts on levels of decomposition in the form of the normalized integral indicators presented in the form of suitable fractions and transformed into space of images are considered.