Release: 2023-4 (45)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-7-15
Keywords: academic procrastination, motivation, cognitive process, personal characteristics, student environment
Annotation: The article is devoted to the consideration of the socio-psychological characteristics of the phenomenon of procrastination in the student environment. The socio-cultural and psychological causes of the emergence and spread of academic procrastination among students are analyzed, as well as the relationship of procrastination with the motivational sphere of students, which, first of all, manifests itself in the delay in performing necessary educational activities. The study focuses not only on the cognitive components of procrastination, but also on the emotional and behavioral ones. Special attention is paid to the consideration of such a reason for academic procrastination as perfectionism, which manifests itself when a student does not accept the imperfect result of his academic work and continues to refine the smallest details, postponing deadlines. Scientific approaches are considered in which procrastination is interpreted as one of the forms of coping behavior (coping), which is a special mechanism for adapting a person to various life situations and overcoming psychological stress. The results obtained in the course of an empirical study conducted among students of the Faculty of Management of the Witte Moscow University are presented.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-16-24
Keywords: emotional intelligence, students in secondary vocational education programs, N. Hall’s methodology, diagnostics of the level of emotional intelligence
Annotation: The article is devoted to the development of emotional intelligence of students as an important component of vocational education. Emotional stability, self-regulation, the ability to understand others, and empathy become important not only for personal growth, building interpersonal relationships, but also for solving professional tasks and professional self-development. An empirical study was conducted based on a survey of students enrolled in secondary vocational education programs from various educational organizations and groups. N. Hall’s methodology (Hall Emotional Intel- ligence Test) is used as a diagnostic tool for determining the level of emotional intelligence. The method of comparative analysis of the obtained empirical data was also used. The assessment of students’ emotional intelligence was carried out according to five components of EQ: emotional awareness; management of their emotions; self-motivation; empa- thy; recognition of other people’s emotions. According to the results of the study, factors affecting both the overall level of emotional intelligence and the development of its individual components in different groups of students have been identified. The results obtained can be used in the development of educational technologies, pedagogical methods and techniques for the development of emotional intelligence of students of secondary and higher professional education.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-25-30
Keywords: China, digitalization, digital educational resources, educational environment, information technology
Annotation: Currently, China is one of the flagships of e-education, which arouses special research interest in the process of forming digital educational resources. The article analyzes and summarizes the experience of using digital educational resources using the example of higher educational institutions in China. Based on the methods of studying available scientific sources in Russian and foreign languages, systematization and analysis of official documents and media materials, the stages of digitalization of the education system and the development of the digital educational environment are highlighted. Using the example of national projects in China, it is shown that digitalization of education contributes to the implementation of innovative educational solutions, as well as its positive impact on the development of the national higher education system. A brief description of the most popular digital platforms used in higher education institutions in China is provided. The results of the analysis of China’s positive experience in the field of digitalization of education can contribute to an effective search for ways to solve systemic problems of e-learning in other countries.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-31-37
Keywords: stress, adaptation, body systems, load, working capacity, blood circulation, physical activity
Annotation: The issues of adaptation of students to the educational environment of the university deserve great interest. The relevance of the problem is due to the need to study and understand the processes of active adaptation and adaptive mechanisms of the body, due to both physical and psychological factors. Physical activity, stress, fatigue of a physical and psychological nature affect the adaptive capabilities of the body. Overstrain of regulatory systems can cause disruption of adaptation with the appearance and development of all kinds of pathological processes and diseases. It was found that adequate reactions of all body systems to various types of loads have a positive effect on the adaptive capabilities of the body, protecting it from the likelihood of an adaptive breakdown. The purpose of the study was the possibility of using functional state con- trol technologies to determine the adaptive capabilities of the students’ body in relation to loads during the educational process. The study involved students of 1–3 courses of the medical University aged 17 to 20 years. The obtained results make it possible to design loads competently and carry out their individual correction in order to plan adequate load regimes during physical education classes and in sports sections for the active forming of adaptive capabilities of the body.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-38-43
Keywords: pedagogy, history, historical science, pedagogical science, science, scientific research, higher education, second- ary vocational education
Annotation: The article raises the problem of the need for scientific research in the work of a teacher within the framework of a taught discipline. This topic, poorly reflected in pedagogical science, is considered on the basis of teaching history in the system of higher and secondary vocational education. The author provides options for controversial historical issues that are unsatisfactorily presented in the educational literature, as well as issues that are not reflected at all in the educational literature or are reflected on the basis of outdated data. Based on the experi- ence of his own teaching, the author introduces the reader to specific examples of research work, the results of which he applies in the classroom, as well as some historical sources that a history teacher can use in scientific activities. At the end of the article, an attempt is made to classify the research activities of a history teacher. The results obtained can be used in the work of a history teacher in the system of higher and secondary vocational education.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-44-51
Keywords: podcast, podcasting technology, professional contest, universal competencies, development of competencies, assessment tool, teaching a foreign language at the university
Annotation: The article is devoted to the relevant problem of choice of the assessment tool of the competencies forming among university students. The authors of the article describe a study related to the use of a professional podcast contest conducted in a foreign language as an assessment tool to determine the level of development of foreign language communicative competence among students of non-linguistic areas studying the discipline “Foreign (English) language in the professional area.” The choice of this assessment tool is dictated by the need to search for alternative forms of control when traditional forms lose their relevance and do not always correspond to new requirements of the educational process. The authors come to the conclusion that the use of podcasting technology in the educational process is effective, since it ensures professional orientation of tasks for control, increases motivation to learn a foreign language and contributes to the realization of the creative potential of students. The practical significance of the study lies in the critical assessment of teaching experience, as well as the possibility of using the presented task in the practice of teaching a foreign language.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-52-61
Keywords: digital services, chatbot, scientific publications, teachers, students, analysis of descriptive statistics
Annotation: This study is devoted to the analysis of deficits of teachers and students of the university in the preparation of scientific publications. A statistical study was conducted to identify factors that reduce the effectiveness of their research activities. The experimental data were processed using methods of frequency analysis, descriptive sta- tistics, and comparative analysis. Based on the results of statistical data processing, conclusions are formulated about typical difficulties in the preparation of scientific publications by students and teachers. A comparison of the views of students and teachers revealed differences in the assessment of the degree of complexity of the preparation of individual structural components of scientific articles. The most effective forms of educational and methodological complexes for the creation of scientific projects and the preparation of publications have been identified. The results obtained indicate the relevance of the introduction of chatbots as virtual assistants. An experimental version of a chatbot based on the Telegram platform has been developed and tested to implement support functions in the preparation of scientific publications. The directions of development of the technical functionality of the virtual assistant are noted.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-62-69
Keywords: cascade modeling, information cascade, information diffusion, communication processes, content
Annotation: The article investigates the features of information cascade modeling of information transmission processes in communication systems. The key and distinctive features of the design cascade model and the information cascade model of network processes are highlighted. It is shown that information cascade modeling reflects the integrative process of data transmission as a commutation of information and communication processes. The information cascade in the network environment is considered as a result of the synergistic action of information flows. The dif- ference between the information cascade of the social environment and the technical communication environment is shown. It is noted that the cascade in the social environment is an effort of information influence of agents on consumers. The information cascade in the technical communication environment is considered as a dynamic hier- archy of transmitted content, which has the property of emergence. It is shown that the information cascade model makes it possible to create a tool for studying such factors as information diffusion and the forming of an informa- tion cascade in communication systems. The highlighted features of information cascade modeling of information transmission processes in communication systems provide an expanded understanding of the subject of research in the creation of network systems and technologies and lead to a clarification of the concept of their development.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-70-78
Keywords: information field, information figurative models, morphological modeling, semantic modeling
Annotation: The article explores the morphology and semantics of information figurative models. A new interpretation is introduced into the concepts of “morphology” and “semantics” by establishing a connection between them for a certain type of models. The difference between the morphology of information figurative models and the morphological box and F. Zwicke’s approach is considered. The article develops the idea that morphology and semantics complement each other in figurative information models. The analysis of content and form as the ba- sis of semantics and morphology is carried out. From the standpoint of morphology, the content of uncertainty and fuzziness of information figurative models is revealed. The idea is developing that morphology is a formal characteristic, and semantics is an actual characteristic. It is shown that the structure of the model for abstract situations is formally a morphological indicator. It is noted that there are other situations for which the structure characterizes related semantics and morphology. In these cases, morphological modeling changes the semantics. A figurative analysis of certainty and uncertainty and the concept of “polysemy” is given. Conceptual mixing is considered, a number of procedures for this type of semantic modeling are given. It is noted that semantic and morphological modeling are related for figurative information models. The results of the methodological research are aimed at developing a systematic approach to the development of semantic figurative models in the information field.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-79-85
Keywords: recurrent neural networks, transfer learning, limited data set, natural language processing
Annotation: Currently, transformer-based transfer learning methods are used to solve natural language processing problems, but they can be demanding on computing resources and memory. An alternative approach proposed in this article is related to the use of a pre-trained language model based on the recurrent neural network LSTM (Long Short- Term Memory), which allows natural language processing (tonality analysis) to be performed on a set containing text data. As a reference test of the proposed model for solving the problem of recognizing the “hate speech” in the text, other models based on transformers are considered. The degradation test, which evaluates the resilience of models to performance degradation with a decrease in the amount of training data, confirms the effectiveness of the model for a limited training dataset. The proposed LSTM model based on a recurrent neural network allows us to use a pre-trained language model from scratch and provide faster pre-learning in transformer-based models.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-86-95
Keywords: eaching philosophy, teaching logic, logical paradoxes, Zeno’s paradoxes, sensory and rational cognition
Annotation: The relevance of the topic is determined by the need to find effective methods for teaching philosophical disciplines aimed at overcoming educational demotivation and skepticism of students regarding humanitarian knowledge. Modern students are characterized by a pragmatic approach, evaluating information from the point of view of usefulness and applied significance, which is why it is important for a teacher to have a set of tools that allow them to reveal the vital, existential meaning of abstract problems of philosophy and logic, which are not actually divorced from human needs and demands of everyday life. The object of the research is the didactic features of familiarizing students (non-philosophical areas of education) with the main content of the university disciplines “Philosophy” and “Logic” as general education courses. The subject of the study is the didactic specificity of the study of the famous paradoxes of Zeno of Elea, which as a teaching material are in the semantic field of both philosophical and logical problems. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the heuristic and educational potential of the chosen topic and the practical significance of its study at a university from the point of view of the forming of positive cognitive motivation, the development of critical, multidimensional and creative thinking of students, self-actualization and self-knowledge. The research methods are empirical generalization, conclusions by analogy, deductively and inductively constructed conclusions, idealization, abstraction, thought experiment and comparative analysis. The result of the work and one of its conclusions is the substantiation of the position that virtually any material from general university courses of philosophy and logic, with appropriate didactic construction, design and presentation, can be a factor in increasing the level of cognitive interest of students and a stimulus for self-actualization of personality. The scope of application of the research results is world outlook and philosophical heuristics, logical paradoxology, effective didactic strategies and diverse educational interactions not only in higher but also in secondary school.
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-96-107
Keywords: digital culture, digital environment, informational competence, informational behavior, digitalization, informa- tion consumption
Annotation: The purpose of research consists in substantiation of interconnection of digital culture and informational com- petence as didactic objects in 2020s. The main research method is descriptive and differential analysis touching upon social, communicative and educational aspects of digital-epoch personality development. Basing on this the authors highlight digital culture components taking into account the specificities of the present-day informa- tion environment outlining thus their interconnection with competence-related qualities. The novelty of research consists in viewing comparatively poorly analyzed phenomenon counterbalancing informational competence. It also consists in revealing axiological and worldviewing vectors of personality’s digital behavior. The basic nature of digital culture in relation to information competence as a local didactic unit is demonstrated. As a result, the essential and meaningful similarities and differences of the studied phenomena are highlighted and promising information and pedagogical directions for the study of this problem are proposed. The authors come to conclusions about the possibility of effective development of information competence based on understand- ing and actualizing the more complex essence of digital culture, the components of which lie beyond the purely functional qualities realized by a modern person in everyday information activities.