Headings of the journal
"Educational Resources and Technologies"

Educational environmentMethods and technologies of training and educationInformation technologyMathematical cyberneticsMethodological researchManagement in social and economic systemsApplied GeoinformaticsEducation for sustainable developmentAll rubrics

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Release: 2020-3 (32)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-3-28-36

Annotation: The article analyzes the state of information asymmetry in education and educational technologies. The article reveals the causes and types of information asymmetry presented in the form of relations between objects and subjects of the educational system. Categorical and inter-categorical information asymmetry are considered. The concept of information asymmetric situation is introduced. Emerging situations in the education system are classified into static and dynamic, which provides a basis for their analysis and evaluation on certain grounds. It is shown that information asymmetry in education can be eliminated in the learning process. The rules of formalized representation of various types of information asymmetry are described. The article reveals the principle of algorithmization of the learning quality assessment process, based on information asymmetry, on the part of both teachers and students. The article shows the possibility of information support for making managerial decisions on the organization of the educational process in the direction of its improvement.

Socio-psychological aspects of the development of the student group


Release: 2020-2 (31)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-2-23-28

Annotation: The purpose of this article is to consider the socio-psychological aspects of the development of a student group. To achieve this goal, the authors reveal the main socio-psychological phenomena (social facilitation, inhibition, and others); factors that affect the effectiveness of educational activities in a student group: its size, composition, group norms, values, and motives. The stages of development of the group that are typical for each course of study at the University are described. The following research methods are used: theoretical research methods-analysis of primary sources and generalization of experience; empirical – questionnaires, testing, and interviewing. The results of the study of the index of group cohesion, resilience and the degree of satisfaction with educational activities in student groups are presented. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of satisfaction motives, which from the point of view of students are the most attractive and contribute to the achievement of educational goals.

Information technology in the educational space of a higher educational institution


Release: 2020-1 (30)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-1-17-23

Annotation: The increased importance of modern information and network technologies in all areas of our life involves the informatization of various processes in a university, including the new organization of the educational process. The interconnection of the processes of upbringing and the formation of an information culture often remains outside the scope of research, and computerization is considered only in the instrumental and technological aspect, not taking into account that through the educational space it is possible to carry out the necessary informational influence, forming motivation, a value-semantic cultural basis of youth, and a mechanism protection from information impacts on the human psyche – a property of “information stability”. Therefore, along with the traditional directions of upbringing, another direction of upbringing activity appears – the creation, maintenance and regulation of informational upbringing space. An important issue is the preservation of a harmonious combination of traditional means of education, direct forms of communication and new forms and methods associated with the use of information and telecommunication technologies.



Release: 2020-4 (33)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-33-39

Annotation: The article analyzes the concept of resilience as an integrative characteristic of a person who is responsible for success in overcoming life’s difficulties. The results of a study of the characteristics of the resilience of psychology students are presented, according to which the average level of resilience prevails among students according to the diagnostic scales of the S Maddy method: “involvement”, “control” and “risk taking”. Empirically proved the statistical relationship of the above indicators of vitality with the scales of the technique used to diagnose the self-attitude of the subject: the purpose and process of life, life, the effectiveness of life, internal and external loci of control (scales of LSS, D.A. Leontiev), openness, self-confidence, self-leadership, self-attitude , self-worth, self-acceptance, internal conflict and self-accusation (MIS scales, S.R. Pantileev), moral normativity, neuropsychic stability and communicative features (MLO-AM scales, A.G. Maklakov, S.V. Chermyanin). Based on the analysis of empirical relationships between the indicators of resilience and self diagnostic variables subject is shown that the indicators of resilience have a meaningful connection with handling their own lives and personal characteristics of the respondents.



Release: 2020-3 (32)

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-3-37-43

Annotation: The widespread use of electronic educational resources and the increase in the value of an individualized approach in teaching have led to the interest in the application of the method of peer assessment in higher education. Peer assessment allows you to effectively involve students in checking work, develop their argumentation skills, critical thinking, independent decision-making, and also allows you to reduce the load on the teacher with a large number of educational works. This article describes the results of applying the method of peer assessment in training future managers within the discipline of Project Management. The results of a survey of students about the features, advantages and disadvantages of the method of peer assessment are described and interpreted. Conclusions are made about the significant didactic possibilities of the peer-to-peer assessment method in higher education, provided that the assessed tasks are of a heuristic or creative nature, the assessment procedures and criteria are worked out in advance and presented to the students.