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"Educational Resources and Technologies"
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Release: 2021-2 (35)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-42-49
Keywords: information field, information space, geoinformation field, categories, morphism, transformations
Annotation: The article examines transformations in the geoinformation field. Morphism in the geoinformation field is considered as a generalization of many transformations. The difference between transformation in the field and information interaction is shown. The concept of “geoinformation field” is introduced as a derivation of the concept of an information field. The article reveals the content of the geoinformation field, which is located in real space and in which the following operations and functions are performed: detection, fixation and measurement of physical and spatial characteristics, as well as the collection of semantic information about the objects of research. The similarity between the information field and the geoinformation field is shown, their fundamental difference in relation to the coordinate space is noted. Morphism in the geoinformation field is considered as a generalization of transformations. The concept of morphism is considered in relation to the theory of categories. It is shown that morphism in the geoinformation field is a means of formal description and generalization of a number of information and geoinformation processes. Examples of morphisms in the geoinformation field and categories in the geoinformation field are given
Release: 2021-4 (37)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-44-52
Keywords: incremental learning, learning algorithm, education, lecture-seminar method, information resource, system principles, learning system
Annotation: Incremental educational technologies and educational algorithms are discussed in the paper. The concept of «education algorithm» is introduced and its content is revealed. From the standpoint of informatics, learning is understood as information impact and interaction. It is shown that the learning algorithm differs significantly from computational algorithms. The analysis of the conceptual schemes of the lecture-seminar and incremental teaching methods was carried out. The system aspects of learning algorithms are considered, the system principles of their construction are highlighted. It is noted that the student’s intellectual abilities affect the result of incremental learning. It is shown that incremental learning can be considered as resource learning, group incremental learning can create an emergence effect. This gives reason to consider such training as synergistic. The paper reveals the content of information educational resources from the point of view of incremental learning. These resources include informational, cognitive and intellectual components. Structural models show the difference between the activities of the teacher in the lecture-seminary and incremental teaching methods, as well as the difference in learning results in terms of the resource approach.
Release: 2021-1 (34)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-1-44-51
Keywords: aggressive behavior, forms of aggression, prevention of aggression, conflict behavior, sports activity, aggression in sports
Annotation: The article describes the main forms of aggression and identifies the means of physical culture and sports that can be used to prevent various manifestations of aggressive behavior of students. The “Bass – Darky” technique allowed the author to identify the level of manifestation of typical forms of aggressive behavior, such as: physical, indirect, verbal aggression, negativism and irritation, as well as to characterize the increasing degree of feelings such as resentment and suspicion. The study was conducted on the basis of the Moscow Witte University. The survey involved 100 full-time students of the Faculty of Law, Economics and the Faculty of Information Technology. Analysis of the results of this survey shows that active physical education and sports have a positive effect on reducing the level of destructiveness and aggression of students. The results of this study can become the basis for the development of recommendations for universities, taking into account the fact that physical education and sports should be aimed not only at improving the health and improvement of the physical body, but also at correcting the personality.
Release: 2021-3 (36)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-3-45-52
Keywords: linguo-education, communicative education, interactive education, edutainment, non-formal education, private teaching
Annotation: The article bears methodological character and aims at critical description of non-formal educational practice. The matter of research is linguo-educational process. The article views contemporary approach of teaching a foreign language without a textbook that is suggested by a number of practicing teachers for bringing into practice due to developing international online-communications in education (including online-trainings). It also reveals the peculiarities of doing without a textbook as the main didactic means in teaching foreign languages. The relevance and appropriateness of such an approach are estimated. Particular attention is paid to pros-andcons analysis. It comes to the conclusion that such practice can be applied only for local pedagogical goals.
Information needs as relations in the information field
Release: 2021-2 (35)
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-2-50-56
Keywords: need, information need, information field, information resources, relations
Annotation: The article examines the properties of information needs of subjects and ways of representing them in the information field. A social system or a person are subjects of the information field and have information needs. The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop scientific and methodological foundations for building information models of the needs of subjects. The article examines various types of needs and highlights their characteristic features. Highlighted the universal mechanisms of the emergence of needs: signal, motivational, implementation, evaluative. The content of these mechanisms is revealed. Three variants of the definition of the concept of "information need" are given, the features of their reflection in the information field are revealed. The presence of the law of increasing information needs is shown. The conditions for satisfying the needs and information needs have been determined. The content of the concept "need for information resources" is revealed. It is shown that the resource is a necessary factor in meeting the demand.