Release: 2016-1 (13)

2016-1 (13)
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Use in educational process mental map


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-3-8

Annotation: In this paper, the technique used in the training process of mental maps, the technology development which is based on the information model of thinking. Using this technique significantly affects the intensification of training and intensifying training activities due to higher than traditional teaching methods, the degree of visualization of the material presented.

Methods of the quick education to programming on base of the study of the classes of the problems (11–15)


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-8-20

Annotation: Is offered methods of the quick education to programming on base of the study of the classes of the problems, designed and using in practice in process of the education to programming student high school

Practical discrete mathematics and mathematics of logic (practical occupations 4–6)


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-21-33

Annotation: The technique of solving problems on a practical training on discipline «Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic» developed and applied in practice in the universities of the Perm region

Cognitive methods for educational quality assessmen


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-34-39

Annotation: The article examines the quality of education depends on cognitive factors. The article describes the new characteristics of the information – cognitive entropy. The article describes a model: information, communication and cognitive interaction. The article suggests that cognitive factors are taken into account with the introduction of cognitive filter. Cognitive entropy is described as a statistical characteristic. Cognitive entropy is a universal characteristic, which, depending on the set of statistics allows to evaluate cognitive measure: the file object, the teacher, the group of students. Evaluation of cognitive entropy allows to characterize and improve the quality of education

Use of personal balanced scorecard for university managemen of staff


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-39-45

Annotation: The article contains the results of studies on the use of personal Balanced Scorecard (PBSC) as a tool for personnel management institution of higher education. This article describes the relationship of these parameters with the system performance of the organization. The article argues that the use of PBSC helps unite the team and creates a synergistic effect of increasing the creativity of high school

Technology portfolio as a method of learning and consolidation of educational material


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-45-51

Annotation: This article is dedicated to solving the problem of the existence scientific schools in the state scientific and technical universities, assessing their level and their impact on the development and implementation of research activities. There is the description feature of the structure of the organization of science on the principle of hierarchy of scientific schools. The system information card of the scientific school allowing make a self-analysis of opportunities and perspective development scientific school and evaluation the place of scientific school in the world system of scientific schools this profile (area) is described. The authors conclude that there is no qualitative education without scientific school as a result of research

The advantage of using interactive teaching methods of Psychiatry


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-51-60

Annotation: The article analyzes the ways to improve the educational level of students of the medical school and the acquisition of competency expertise through the use of psychiatry in the classroom for interactive teaching methods, significantly increase the interest of students to the subject

Application of computer-aided design and numerical simulation for design of high-temperature equimment and technological proceses for production and annealing of materials


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-60-63

Annotation: The report describes the application of computer-aided design and numerical simulation for design of the high-temperature furnaces and thermal units for shaped sapphire growing process and annealing of SiC epitaxial wafers. The use of these systems significantly shortens time of equipment design and allows making of a complex technological equipment with minimal breadboarding and experimental research

Organization Production Management (basing on EZAN experience)


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-63-67

Annotation: Successful activity of an enterprise in the market economy environment is significantly influenced by appropriate management system especially in production processes. EZAN is the bright example of the effective management for a modern knowledge-intensive production company.

Quality management system and IP protection


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-67-71

Annotation: Quality management system is one of the backgrounds of modern enterprises. Correct management of IP plays the key role for R&D companies and appropriate QMS standards are to be developed and implemented

Adaptive control and protection devices for distribution power supply network


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-72-74

Annotation: The different types of adaptive control devices for distribution power supply network are presented. Paper described hardware and software interconnection system structure.

Innovative control systems for railway transport


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-74-77

Annotation: The complex of software and hardware solutions to improve ergonomics work-what is designated driver and on information security management system Loco-motive.

Information systems department small businesses


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-77-82

Annotation: The article analyzes a number of information systems of small businesses. The basic characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of software are shown here. The basic features of the programs also are described

Тhe Concept of the Socio-Economic Cycles


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-82-85

Annotation: This paper presents the results of researches of socio-economic system functioning. It is shown that both the cycles of centralization and liberalization of the mechanisms of the socio-economic system functioning and the cycles of atomizing and joining society takes place

Тhe concept of the information management


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-85-88

Annotation: This paper presents the results of researches of adaptive and learning mechanisms of the information management functioning. Scientists and societal leaders increasingly agree that the information management is irretrievably changing the human environment. Action to control human impact on the information management is an imperative prerequisite to achieving social stability. Accelerating information management due to stress have been associated with emerging conflicts. Traditional dogmas, whether ethnic, religious or political, must be re-thought in this changing context if information society is to avoid collapse

The method of information security risk analysisusing fuzzy logic based tools MATLAB


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-88-96

Annotation: Analyzes the problems arising in the analysis of information security risks in organizations small and medium businesses. To improve the efficiency of the currently used methods of analysis and risk assessment is proposed to use fuzzy logic. The proposed method allows to evaluate the information security risks using fuzzy logic based tools MATLAB and allows to visualize the state of the system of information protection, as well as to comprehensively assess potential threats to security and get the information risk assessment

Picture of the world as the cognitive paradigm


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-96-102

Annotation: The article analyzes the formation of a scientific picture of the world as a complex model of cognition. The article shows the cognitive factor as an important component of knowledge and the formation of the world picture. The article reveals the contents of a personalized view of the world. The article reveals the contents of the scientific world. The article shows the relationship between personalized and scientific world. The article argues that cognitive factors have a tool of explicit and implicit knowledge and the formation of the world picture

Cognitive modeling as method elimination semantic gap


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-103-109

Annotation: This article describes the cognitive modeling as a tool of knowledge. This article describes the cognitive modeling as a tool for solving complex problems. This article describes the semantic gap as an information situation in information modeling. The article shows the negative effects of the semantic gap. This article describes the cognitive modeling, used for eliminating the semantic gap. The article reveals the contents of the semantic descriptions and semantic modeling. This article describes the information interaction in the semantic field

Information models by remote sensing of eath


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-109-121

Annotation: This article describes the model used in remote sensing. The article shows the system of the world. The article reveals the importance of information in the field of space research. The article gives a taxonomy of models used in space exploration. This article describes the requirements for the models used in the remote studies. The article reveals the contents of the important properties of models such as interpretability, structural, reflection, following. The article discloses a technique stratification model. This article describes the visual modeling as a mandatory component in space and remote sensing research

Reception of information


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-121-129

Annotation: The article describes a model of the reception of information in the technical and organizational systems. Reception information used in the analysis of complex data structures and information collections. This article describes the features of the reception of information: a cognitive filter, cognitive interaction, cognitive area, Gestalt. The article reveals the cognitive content of the filter as a four-tier model. Cognitive filter forms: cognitive, communication and information model. The article reveals the content of cognitive interaction, which can only be realized with the use of cognitive filter. Information Filter does not implement cognitive interaction. The article reveals the contents of the notion of reception of information. The article reveals the contents of the gestalt phenomenon in terms of models of information management. This article describes the gestalt of its ambiguity and the need for the reception of information for the interpretation of the Gestalt. This article describes the integrity of the gestalt as a mandatory feature, which should end with a reception information

Algorithms and methods for processing of information received nonmetric chambers


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-129-135

Annotation: The article analyzes the state and development of non-metric cameras. The article analyzes the metods processing images obtained with non-metric cameras. The article shows the difference between photogrammetric processing methods and projective methods of image processing. The article shows that projective techniques are the basis of treatment is not metric images. The article shows the emergence of a new scientific direction image processing with unconventional geometry. Processing methods are not metric pictures are included in this area. The article shows the transition from the point of spatial models to the information structures and complex spatial models. The article shows that geodata are the basis of the information processing obtained with no metric pictures.

Use GNSS in aplaid geoinformatics


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-135-144

Annotation: This article describes the features of the use of global navigation satellite systems in applied geoinformatics. The article argues that global navigation satellite systems create an artificial information field. This information field is the basis of measurements of coordinates. The article describes the concept and the technical principles of this system. This article describes a number of factors that influence the positioning accuracy. The article proves the necessity of an experimental study of the influence of factors on the accuracy of positioning. The article describes the results of an experimen.