Release: 2019-2 (27)

2019-2 (27)
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Machine learning models of information recommendation system on individualization of education


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-7-14

Annotation: Training model information recommendation system is associated with the study of applied mathematical and information methods and models, their combinations in order to ensure the necessary accuracy of the forecasts and conclusions. The article deals machine learning of model recommendation system using statistical methods and analysis of big data, aimed at addressing the issues of individualization of education. In this case, the accuracy of the machine learning model depends on the type of statistical model used to predict the probability of some event from the values of the set of features, as well as the training sample used to select the parameters, and the regularization function used to improve the generalizing ability of the resulting model. The study tested models based on logistic regression, methods of naive Bayesian classifier (Naïve Bayes), lasso-type regression. Experimentally confirmed the theoretical assumption about the possibility of creating a recommendation system on the individualization of education on the basis of an array of educational data, including the results of educational and extracurricular activities of students. Conclusions about the presence of correlation dependencies in the data, which can be used to improve the accuracy of the model of the recommendation system, are formulated.

Shaping the entrepreneurial competences of students and young scientists as the basis of transition to institute a «responsible customer» in science


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-15-21

Annotation: The relevance of the research topic is justified by the importance of the problem of formation of entrepreneurial competencies of students and young scientists in demand in the field of innovative economy. The paper highlights the system-forming factors hindering the development of project activities of students and young scientists. The mechanisms of integration of education, science and production, allowing educational and scientific organizations to transform the internal environment for the development of project activities on the basis of initiative research are considered. The principles of functioning of an innovative platform and step-by-step formation of an educational trajectory of students taking into account their individual preferences of self-realization in the sphere of science, production or business are stated. The technological approach to the formation of entrepreneurial competencies of students and young scientists through the implementation of research projects as a responsible performer and bringing research using the mechanisms of the innovation platform to a specific result or object of intellectual property prepared for commercialization is proposed.

Description method in training of health and safety


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-22-26

Annotation: The purpose of the present article consists in a research of scientific and pedagogical aspects of a descriptive method of use in training of health and safety. The relevance of consideration of scientific bases of the description and its application as a scientific method strengthens methodological bases of the course «Basics of life safety». The developed technique of use of a descriptive method in training of health and safety provides success of formation at the studying informative and communicative universal modalities of action connected with speech communication. On the basis of methods of the theoretical analysis, information search, modeling the results of a research consisting in definition of scientific approaches to classifications of descriptions are received; the system of descriptions characteristics in studying of maintenance of health and safety where constant and steady signs of dangerous process or emergency situation are distinguished is offered. The main function of descriptions consisting in creation at the possible threats and also procedures providing its performance studying a complete evident image is defined. Descriptions, being an initial step of informative process, are a part of the innovative technologies of training of safe activity based on dialogue and communicative intersubject interaction.

Kouching as innovative educational technology


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-27-32

Annotation: The article deals with the topical issue of application of innovative educational technologies. The modernization of Russian education has changed the views on the goals, content and style of interaction between teachers and students. In modern society, the role of the teacher, the teacher is transformed, which, of course, requires a review of its competencies. The authors analyze the technology of coaching in the aspect of its successful application in the teaching of various disciplines of undergraduate. They believe that the use of coaching opens up new opportunities for improving the learning process of students. Attention is focused on such types of coaching as individual, team, organizational coaching. The author substantiates the thesis that when using coaching technology in the learning process, the role of the teacher is significantly enriched both in traditional and in e-learning. The authors conclude that coaching in education is an innovative technology that can direct the internal resources of the teacher and the student to achieve the desired result and can be considered as a tool to improve the efficiency of interaction of all elements of the education system: teacher-student, teacher-administration, teacher-teacher.

Coping behavior of teenagers


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-33-39

Annotation: The article deals with the complex of the main causes and factors of the problem of coping behavior in adolescence. Different approaches to definition of coping behavior and features of its manifestation are analyzed. Based on the mass of various behavioral manifestations that characterize the features of coping behavior or coping strategies, escape from the problem situation in adolescence is always associated with the manifestation of subconscious internal unmotivated fear associated with the problem situation. In order to identify the prevailing level of situational and personal anxiety as the main factor in the emergence of a variety of coping strategies in adolescence, the article presents the data of an experimental study using the method of diagnosis of the level of situational and personal anxiety CH. D. spielberger - Yu. L. Hanina. During the analysis of the results, three levels of severity of both situational and personal anxiety were revealed. The paper gives recommendations for leveling the negative features of coping behavior in adolescence.

Analysis of the use of video games in the educational process from the perspective of activity theory


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-40-46

Annotation: The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural changes that occur in learning from the point of view of its participants, when classic video games are used as an educational resource. An attempt is also made to study how activity theory can explain and interpret these changes. Based on this conceptual framework, the activities of students and teachers are seen as a system focused on a group goal, mediated by culture and characterized by contradictions that represent a path of development and lead to innovation and change. The results of this study showed that activity theory is a powerful tool for analyzing the process of change when a new technological tool is used as an intermediary in learning.

Prototyping of case bases on the basis of model transformations


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-47-58

Annotation: The paper describes a specialization of a model-driven development approach for transformation of subject domain conceptual models to the structures of a case base, their subsequent refinement and execution. The basic principles of the model-driven development approach are highlighted, the implementation of model transformations in the process of creating intelligent systems and knowledge base is stated. The formalized statement of the problem of prototyping of case bases is presented. The architecture of the author’s software that implements the methodology of the model-driven approach, taking into account the specifics of the case bases of the subject domain is considered. The technology for knowledge bases engineering on the basis of consecutive transformations of models with various degree of abstraction is presented. Experience of development of case-based expert systems and case bases with application of model-driven approach and developments in the field of model transformations is stated.

Development trends of blockchain systems


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-59-63

Annotation: The article analyzes the development of blockchain systems, it is noted that blockchain systems are developing in the direction of increasing user convenience, including in terms of user interfaces and increasing speed of work. There are achievements in the development of more sophisticated consensus algorithms, in the creation of proprietary networked protocols adapted to blockchain systems. It justifies the thesis that the flexibility of the blockchain technology contributes to the rapid expansion of the areas of application of the blockchain systems. For example, there is a tendency to expand the use of distributed registry cryptosystems by modern banks. Along with the Ripple and Stellar systems, specially designed for banking, there are steaklokoiny, cryptocurrency, tied to assets. IBM professional software products play a significant role in expanding the use of distributed registry cryptosystems in the management of enterprises and organizations in all spheres of life. A comparative analysis of the cryptosystem of the Ripple and Stellar distributed registry with the existing system of interbank SWIFT channels has been carried out. The essential advantage of cryptosystems of the distributed registry in speed of execution of transactions and in convenience of user interfaces is shown.

Modeling of combinator sequences


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-64-73

Annotation: The method of modeling combinatorial sequences using special sequences of tables consisting of positive integers is considered. These sequences are called T-models and are constructed recursively using special mappings. For T-models, q-analogues are introduced, which allow modeling the q-analogs of combinatorial sequences corresponding to them. Partially ordered sets and the corresponding T-diagrams are also defined. With the help of these partially ordered sets and T-diagrams, numerous additional properties of the simulated combinatorial sequences are considered. Examples of T-models of sequences of generalized factorials, Catalan numbers and Bell numbers are given. Their q-analogues and T-diagrams are constructed. This makes it possible to investigate also the properties of balloting numbers, Stirling numbers of the second kind and their q-analogues. The structure of T-models of combinatorial sequences makes it possible to use the well-known analytical calculation packages Mathematica and Maple in their modeling. Therefore, T-models can be used in teaching students to separate sections of discrete mathematics and computer science, as well as to obtain with their help combinatorial results.

Mathematical model of control of reliability of a technical system during the development phase with application of the modified method of shortest descent


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-74-84

Annotation: In many practical applications, it is not always possible to solve the problem of optimization of technical system characteristics under dynamic loading at a given degree of reliability, especially for the objective function of a large number of variables. When solving this problem for the created small series technical systems at the design stage, there are no data for a priori statistical analysis and, as a rule, it is not possible to determine the entire set of possible disturbing effects (destabilizing factors or loads) that can lead to abnormal situations. Obtaining approximate solutions makes it necessary to conduct additional tests of the technical system to clarify the limit values of the parameters, which is associated with significant costs. Therefore, improving the accuracy of determining the required values of the characteristics of the technical system at the design stage will reduce the number of tests. In this paper we propose a modified method of sthortest descent on the basis of its interface with the method of accelerated search. The proposed approach allows to reduce the number of iterations and, accordingly, the number of tests while maintaining the required accuracy of the technical system parameters and to increase the stability of the solution to the reliability management problem at the development stage.

Analysis of methods and models of situational management systems


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-85-91

Annotation: Formalized representation of complex non-stationary production processes leads to exponential complication of mathematical methods and models and often the impossibility of solving them, including heuristic methods. The article analyzes mathematical methods and models of situational control systems of the production process. The features of their application for different types of production processes are considered: discrete, discrete – continuous, continuous. An integrative approach is proposed to construct a system-wide model, which combine continuous flow and discrete event flows. This approach makes it easier to formalize the knowledge of specialists in the subject area and use only one form of knowledge representation – flow diagrams. The use of system models based on integrative flowcharts allows to change the type of individual chart elements in the process of system reengineering without changing the topology of links that formalize expert knowledge about the subject area, which significantly reduces the labor costs of changing the model.

Spatial logic in education and science


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-92-102

Annotation: The article investigates spatial logic as a means of analysis and means of obtaining new knowledge. Modern spatial logic is at the stage of development, characterized by wide application in science and education, but the lack of a unified methodological approach to problem solving. Methods of analysis that work with traditional models are often inapplicable when there is a need to represent spatial models based on languages interpreted by certain structures, as is the case in spatial logic. The purpose of this article is to systematize the types of spatial logics and directions of their effective application. Within the framework of the goal, the methodological problem in logical generalization, which is to find expressive spatial and logically is analyzed models, is investigated. The informative difference between mathematical and spatial logic based on logical reasoning and spatial analysis is disclosed. Features of application of geometrical, topological, set-theoretic and figurative logic in various fields of knowledge are allocated. The analysis of figurative logic is carried out, the possibilities of its application on the example of cartographic logic are demonstrated. The factors of efficiency of spatial logic and technologies of figurative reasoning are considered. It is shown that spatial logic is an instrument of artificial intelligence and serves as a basis for obtaining new knowledge.

The dialectic of zen as a life strategy


DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-103-107

Annotation: Science and education are a form of human activity, the basis in the construction of personality. They participate in the continuous development and understanding of various forms and systems of the human world. Today, this area of human activity needs serious rethinking in deep processing and analysis. This social problem is considered in different dimensions and structures. But we are more interested in the knowledge that humanity receives today. The issue of acquisition and quality of knowledge is a priority, especially important area of application of the acquired knowledge. But the task of this work is rather to change the usual view on the subject of solving the problems of education and science. In this regard, the author sees an opportunity to turn to the centuries-old tradition to consider topical issues. Thus, go to the heritage of Buddhist teachings, for example, Zen Buddhist practices. Since the main task of this work is not to reveal the “scholarship” of Buddhist concepts, but the possibility of deep integration of the doctrine into the person. The author’s desire to show something universal, on the example of the teachings of Buddhism expressed in the theory of questioning. And also on the example of koans, as the implementation of the practical part of questioning in Zen Buddhism.